linuzboy 发表于 2007-12-2 23:36:55


<p>罗杰斯: 一个成功的投资者+投机客</p><p>郎咸平:一个忧国忧民的学者</p><p>主持人:<br/>  大家好,欢迎参与头脑风暴,我们中国有句古话,叫做行万里路,读万卷书,有这么一个人呢,他是行万里路,挣万国钱,并且创造一个又一个的奇迹,他就是被人们称为投资大师的杰姆?罗杰斯,究竟创造什么样的奇迹呢,让我们先一起来看一下。<br/>  ――看大屏幕<br/>  主持人:<br/>  好,让我们有请罗杰斯先生。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  i'm delighted to see you. thank you.<br/>  见到你很高兴,谢谢。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  非常高兴,刚才听到我们这个入场的音乐,有没有觉得很亲切?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  i found very much at home and i am very very pleased to be here.<br/>  我感觉就像回家了一样。能来到这里我非常高兴。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  因为那首歌叫做sweet home alabama,就是阿拉巴马,我亲爱的家乡,因为他是阿拉巴马人,所以希望今天我们这个音乐给你创造一个谈话的好的心情。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  i am very very pleased and that is the most hospitable that i can imagine, because i am from alabama.<br/>  我非常高兴,你们太好客了,我是从阿拉巴马来的。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  刚才我们在这个短片里面看到了,你创造了一个又一个的奇迹,哪一段是你最喜欢去炫耀的?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  my favorite experience is china.<br/>  我最喜欢在中国的经历。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  为什么?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  why? because it is the most exciting country in the world right now and it is going to be the most important country in the 21 century.<br/>  为什么?因为这是目前最令人激动的国家。而且将成为21世纪最重要的国家。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  所以这次又回到中国,心情非常地激动。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  i can never get enough of china, i would like move to china, i would like to live in shanghai.<br/>  我永远也不会对中国感到厌烦。我想搬到中国来,我想在上海安家落户。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  那你要先学中文。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  my baby girl, i have a baby girl who is 11 month old, she is learning chinese.<br/>  我11个月大的小女儿现在正在学中文。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  11个月,她的中文一定会非常好,那么我们今天也为你请到了另外一位嘉宾,他是位学者,那么他是以他的非常犀利的观点和非常敏锐的观察著称,而且他这种非常大胆,正直的言行深得很多股民的信赖和喜爱,那么很多人管他叫做郎监管,让我们有请郎咸平先生。<br/>  ――郎咸平进场<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  您好,郎先生。<br/>  郎咸平:<br/>  您好。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  好,让我们坐下来交谈好吗,朗先生,这边请,来,杰姆。杰姆,你在中国做过很多次巡回的演讲,每次都引起一阵,他们叫做罗杰斯风暴啊,在这些观众里面,他们问你最多的一个问题是什么?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  oh the most answered question in china is what's your favorite country.and i always say china, but nobody believes me, but that's my favorite country in the world, and shanghai is my favorite city in the world.<br/>  问我最多的问题就是你最喜欢的国家是哪个。我总是说是中国,但没人相信。但这确实是我最喜欢的国家,上海是我在全世界最喜欢的城市。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  你在纽约也这样说吗?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  no, no,no,no. i live in new york and i love new york. new york is a very exciting city which you have to remember new york was the most exciting city in the 20th century. shanghai is going to be the most exciting city in the 21 century.<br/>  不,不,不,不,我住在纽约,也喜欢纽约。纽约是个令人兴奋的城市,但那是在20世纪。21世纪,上海将成为最令人兴奋的城市。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  那么其实对很多投资者来讲,这个投资的秘诀是从来不外传的,因为你把投资的秘诀都告诉大家了,等于为自己培养了一个又一个的竞争的对手,那么我也阅读了很多你的资料,那么总结最多的是你六条投资的经验,但是这六条经验好像在很多的教科书里也能够读到,所以我想知道你是不是还有些什么绝招,没有拿出来跟大家讲。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  well the most important thing you need to know is the very simple thing is to buy low and sell high, you can do that. that's all you need to know.<br/>  最重要的是,你要知道一个非常简单的道理,低买高卖。你能做到。这就是你应该知道的。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  其实我们今天希望是,我们在座有这么多非常关心你的观众朋友们,我们希望能够通过我们今天的一个交谈,能挖掘到你最真实,最实用的一些投资的秘诀好不好。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  fine, i love making money, let's making some money.<br/>  好的,我喜欢赚钱,让我们一起赚钱吧。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  而且一定要说真话。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  oh, absolutely the truth, why not?<br/>  当然是真话,为什么不呢?<br/>  主持人:<br/>  让我们掌声鼓励一下。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  谢谢。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  那么有人说,这个股市是多数人的游戏,有人说这个股市是少数人的游戏,其实啊,我们最关心的是,在这个股市上什么样的人才能够真正地挣到钱。所以现在在你们桌上都有两块题板,我想我们用一个非常有趣的游戏的形式来开展我们今天的谈话,我请你们两位分别用三个词,来形容一下,在股市上能赚钱,能成功的人,他最重要的三个特征是什么,依重要的顺序排序一二三,好吧。那么在你们写的这个时候呢,我来跟我们的观众交流一下,那么我们场下有一块题板,会记录下我们观众的发言,请这位观众朋友帮我们记录一下,好吗?<br/>  ——写提板<br/>  主持人:<br/>  好,那我看看,我们场下观众,有哪位愿意来回答我这个问题?在股市上真正能挣到钱的那些赢家,最大特征是什么?这位先生来,话筒传一下。来<br/>  男观众1:<br/>  我想在股市上最重要的是四个字,一个是贪婪,一个是恐惧,要做到不贪婪,不恐惧,这就是最佳的秘诀。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  那就是不贪婪,不恐惧?<br/>  男观众1:<br/>  对。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  可以这么理解,不贪婪,不恐惧适可而止,还有没有哪位?这位女士,来。<br/>  女观众:<br/>  特例独行,<br/>  主持人:<br/>  特例独行怎么讲?<br/>  女观众:<br/>  因为我是基金公司的,我们有很多优秀的基金经理,他都有一个特点,他一般都不从众,他比较能够以独特的视角去发现股市里面赚钱的机会。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  特例独行这是最重要的,好,还有没有哪位,来,这位先生。<br/>  男观众2:<br/>  在中国的股市,应该说不要完全相信投资,应该要以投机的手段来进行操作。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  怎么讲?<br/>  男观众2:<br/>  要用这个投资的分析,然后投机的操作。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  投资的分析,投机的操作,好,非常感谢,还有哪位,来,这位先生。<br/>  男观众3:<br/>  我觉得万变不离其中,最终归结为还是智慧两个字,如果你有一定的智慧的话,那么什么恐惧和贪婪全都消失掉了。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  智慧,这个词听起来有点高高在上,不知道该怎么样去捕捉,那边还有一位先生。<br/>  男观众3:mr. rogers, i have 3 choices.the first is trust yourself, the second is trust the information from the market, and the third is trust god.<br/>  我有3个选项。第一个是,自信,第二个是相信市场信息,第三是相信上帝。<br/>  主持人:谢谢,谢谢。我们都记录下来了吗,在这个题板上,好的。来,好,谢谢,我这里面有,再总结一下,第一个是不贪婪,不恐惧,适可而止,第二个是要特例独行,第三个是要用投资的分析,投机的操作,第四个是需要智慧,第五个是要相信自己,好,让我们来看一下杰姆,看一下你的答案是什么?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  my words are sceptic, curious and persistent. be sceptic and be curious<br/>  我写的是怀疑,好奇和坚持。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  我们看一下郎教授的。<br/>  郎咸平:<br/>  我写了三条,你想要赚钱的话,只有这三个原则,第一你要跟各个基金,业界的关系一定要好,第二,你必须要在短时间内能够汇聚大量资金进驻股市,第三,你一定要严格操纵股价,并不是说要低买高卖的问题,而是你必须让它低买,必须让它高卖,你不这样做的话,你赚不了钱的。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  我觉得朗先生形容得像个神不像个人,来,我们看一下杰姆,能不能跟我们讲一下,为什么第一条你选择第一位用的,是用的sceptic(怀疑)这个词。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  because you have to display everything you hear, you have to figure out for yourself what is right and what is wrong. and what's going to make you money. don't listen to other people, don't listen to me, don't listen to you, don't listen to the professor. listen to yourself.<br/>  你要把听到的信息分析一下,判断什么是正确的,什么是错误的,什么信息能令你赚钱。不要听信他人,不要听我怎么说,也不要听你,也不要听郎教授的。要听你自己的。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  给我们举个例子。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  well, i mean many studies have shown over and over again that 80% of professional investors do not do as well as the market averages.<br/>  许多研究已反复证明,80%的职业投资者收益不如市场平均水平。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  为什么?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  it's because mainly they always follow each other. they follow the crowd instead of being willing to go against the crowd. you have to be able to go against the crowd to make money. let me say it again all of the study show that 80% of professional managers do not do as well as the averages do. that's a fact all over the world, china, europe, america, everywhere.<br/>  这主要是因为他们互相跟风。他们总是跟大潮流走,而不是反其道而行之。你要反其道而行才能赚钱。我再重申一遍,80%的职业经济人收益不如市场平均水平。这在世界各地都是个事实。不管是在中国,欧洲,美国,还是其他任何地方。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  那么你怎么样才能够变成那个百分之二十的人呢?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  well that's the key question. there are several good answers here. sb said that you know avoid greed avoid panic, those are very good lessons, it's very hard to do, for me and for anybody else. to go against the crowd, i think this lady here says to go against the crowd, this gentleman said you should speculate. that's (dead no). that's not a way to make money in asia or in anywhere else, someone said you have to have wisdom. god, she is. wisdom is the most important, but not many of us have it. you said trust yourself, yes, that's very important. you said trust market information, that's dead wrong. you are not be very sceptic about what you read in the market. god, i mean, if you, if you, if god would help you invest, you don't need me. you don't need wei, you don't need professor. if you got aligned to god, you know, stay with him.but inside information is a sure way to the poor house. i would never ever use that inside information. most often it is wrong, you will go bankrupt using inside information. and if you try to manipulate the market in the long run, you will go bankrupt too.<br/>  这个问题很关键。有好几个很好的答案。有人说要避免贪婪和恐慌,这都是很好的教训,但对我或其他人来说,很难做到不从众,这好像是这位女士说的。这位先生说要投机,这不对。在亚洲或其他地方,这都不是赚钱的方法。有人说要有智慧,上帝,智慧确实是最重要,但不是人人都有。你说要自信,这很重要,但你说要相信市场信息,这绝对错误。你要对市场信息持怀疑的态度。如果上帝能帮助你投资,你就不需要我了,不需要张蔚,也不需要郎教授,如果上帝站在你一边,你就和他呆在一起吧。但内部消息一定会让你变穷。我从不用内部消息,因为它们常常是错的,它们会让你破产,如果你想长久地操纵市场,你也会破产的。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  郎教授我要给你一个反驳的机会。<br/>  郎咸平:<br/>  好啊,我想说明什么问题呢,我们的股价啊,基本上,不敢讲完全没有,就不太反应基本面,在一个不太反应基本面的情况之下的话,你要赚钱,你只有操纵股价,不然,你无从赚起,因此今天你说我们国内很多庄家,有很多大户,庄家大户的目的就是希望利用人为的力量压低股价,就是低买高卖,是这个意思,<br/>  主持人:<br/>  杰姆。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  well, i'm so glad you invited to this show. this is going to be a lot fun. because the professor is dead wrong.maybe that's why he is a professor instead of a investor. the us makert is no different for me in the other market and the chinese market is no different for me in the other market. go back and read about the market throughout the history all over the world, markets are always the same,we are all the same, all of us people,you like it or not, it doesn't matter whether you are black or yellow or white, markets throughout the history have been the same, people make horrible mistakes, they do stupid things. our market is no different. the professor is said the market doesn't follow the fundamentals. of course, it doesn't. of course, it doesn't.that's why it is so hard to make money. the market is looking ahead, the market and the economy are two entirely different things. so if you just watch the tv or read the newspapers,and try to follow the economy, you will never make money in the have to think far ahead, and that's the success to be a good investor.<br/>  我很高兴你邀请我来这期节目。非常有趣,因为郎教授完全错了,可能这就是为什么他是个教授,而不是投资者。美国市场、中国市场对我而言和其他市场没什么两样。研究历史上世界各地的市场,你会发现市场总是相同的,因为我们人类是有共性的,不管你喜欢与否,不管你是黑人,白人,还是黄种人,历史上各时期的市场都是一样的,人们犯可怕的错误,做愚蠢的事情,在我们的市场也一样,教授说市场并不反映基本面,当然不了,这就是为什么赚钱难,市场是向前看的,市场和经济是完全不同的两码事。如果你看电视或者报纸,想要试图跟上经济,你不会在股市赚到钱,你要有远见,这是好的投资者的成功秘诀。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  那么我们来看第二点,第二点你选的是curious 这个词,好奇,那么我们朗教授选的是资本实力要强,就是要有钱,对吧。杰姆,跟我们说一下,为什么你选择了curious(好奇)就是这个好奇心,作为第二点。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  because the way you make money is to figure out what is going to happen before other people do. you are curious about life, about what's happen, you go out and ask questions,and see what people are doing before other people figure out what people are going to do.<br/>  赚钱的方法是在其他人之前预知将来。你对生活好奇,对发生的事感到好奇,你就会提出问题,在其他人之前弄明白别人在做什么。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  这个听起来,好像像一个魔术,像一个奇迹一样的,人怎么才能掌握这种能力呢,没有一个水晶球。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  i wish it was a magic, that would be easier, if it is just magic.what you have to do is you go out and you see people are doing, i have driven across china several times and i see china is turningotnia great country. not even chinese know how great your country is going to be. because you have driven around your countryside, most people don't understand, you go and see what's happening close to the ground and you will be able to predict the future. not always, i made a lot of mistakes, but that's how you make a lot of money. you figure out before other people do. don't follow the big money, the big money is always wrong. don't try to speculate, don't try to manipulate, figure out before the big money what's going to happen, and you will get very very rich.<br/>  我倒希望这只是魔术,那就简单多了。你要做的是出去转转,了解人们在干什么,我开车穿越中国好几次,发现中国正变成一个伟大的国家。许多中国人甚至都不知道中国将会有多伟大,你要开车到乡下,实地看看,你就能预见到将来。当然不总是预测正确,我也犯过许多错误。但这就是如何赚大钱的办法。要有先见之明,不要跟大户,大户总是错的,不要投机,不要操控,在大户之前弄清走向,你就会变得非常富裕。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  听起来是个很神奇的能力啊,你的第三点写的是一个persistence就是坚持的意思,你能不能跟我们解释一下,为什么这一点对一个成功的投资者来讲是非常重要。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  first of all you have to stay at it. beause you gonna make losses every once a while you have to be persistent in finding out your information. this is not an easy business. you have to figure out things before other people do and that takes a lot of work. you have to be willing to stay home and work while other people are looking around writing artciles about manipuation. you have to figure out things and the answers that's hard.<br/>  首先你必须要坚持。因为你肯定有时会赔钱,你必须坚持去寻找有用的信息。这是件麻烦的工作,你必须比别人先知先觉,这要求你做大量的工作。在有些人写一些关于市场被操纵的文章的时候,你要努力去搞清真相,这确实不容易。<br/>  </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>该贴来自群组:<a href="groupindex.asp?groupid=239" target="_blank"><font color=red><b>投资学园</b></font></a></p>

linuzboy 发表于 2007-12-2 23:41:06

主持人:<br/>  其实我们知道,你在这个股市上,也不是一直都是一帆风顺的,其中之间也有一些比较痛苦的经历,所以也让我们再看一下大屏幕。<br/>  ――观看大屏幕<br/>  主持人:<br/>  这片中提到的你曾经借债度日啊,有一段非常痛苦的经历,给我们讲一下是怎么回事?是怎么倾家荡产的?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  In 1970, i thought the market was going down. i have been invested i thought the market was,i sold short. i triple my money in 6 months than the market rallied i did it again and i lost everything, i almost had sold my motorcycle.<br/>  1970年的时候,我觉得市场在走低。于是我做了卖空的决定,因为我觉得市场要跌。六个月期间我都是这样操作的,后来市场起来了,我还这样操作,于是我赔了个倾家荡产,差点把摩托车也卖了<br/>  主持人:<br/>  那一定是个很痛苦的事情,我知道你有多喜欢你的摩托车,在那个时候怎么样调整自己的心态?有没有想过也许投资这一行不是我该做的?该做点别的事?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  i certainly did then everytime i lose money i would decide i am gonna get out of this business. when i would gootnitelevison, i would become a professor, i would do something else. but it is so much fun and if u do ur work, and u have a resilience, u cannot come back if you persist. it's the best way i know to make a living. i love it. but many times i make mistakes and everytime i make mistake, is because i didn't do my homework. it's not because there were sb manipulating the market is because i didn't do enought work. it was not bad luck, it was not manipulation it was my failure.<br/>  当然有过。当我赔了钱时,我确实想过放弃。我想干点别的事情,比如做电视,或者去当教授,或者其他别的事情。但是投资这一行给了你很多乐趣,而且如果你功课做到家,如果你有韧性,你总能重振雄风。我认为这是最好的工作,我非常热爱这工作。我也会犯许多错误,每次犯错误都是因为我没有把功课做好,不是因为有人在操作市场,是因为我功课做得不到家。不能怪运气不好,也不能怪有人操作市场,只能怪自己<br/>  主持人:<br/>  其实我们很多人都说,这个股市就是一个悲欢离合场,它能把你带到天堂,也能把你带到地狱,所以呢,这个对股民来讲,有的时候一不小心,或者像他说的,没有做足够的功课就容易犯错误,那么还是刚才做法,我还是想请两位,再拿起你们的笔,为我们写一下,在投资过程中最容易犯的三个错误,好吗?好,我还要给我们观众一个参与的机会,在他们写这个的时候,我们观众朋友来发言,来,这位先生。<br/>  男观众1:<br/>  轻信所谓的内部信息。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  轻信内部信息。<br/>  男观众1:<br/>  对。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  最不能信的。<br/>  男观众1:<br/>  最不能信的,因为你听到的消息里面可能一百个里面有一个是对的,但是很多人就会夸大这一个,而把九十九个错误,众多的散户来接手。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  你犯过这样的错误吗?<br/>  男观众1:<br/>  有,很多。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  这是跟自己的一个挣扎。<br/>  男观众1:<br/>  对对,股市里面你要成功的话,第一点你就必须是战胜自己,你要战胜自己你要有铁的纪律,然后你有一套很好的操作系统,然后你才能在股市里生存。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  抗拒诱惑,<br/>  男观众1:<br/>  对 对。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  记下来了吗?好,就是不要轻信内部消息,抗拒诱惑,好,还有哪位?刚才这位先生,来。<br/>  男观众2:<br/>  有时候会发生这样的情况,就是一次成功的投资以后,自己就认为自己掌握了投资的所有真理,然后以后N次投资都是用这种方法,那有的时候会犯错误,还有的时候会发生。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  这是太骄傲了,被一次成功冲昏了头脑。<br/>  男观众2:<br/>  对,然后或者说是在明明可能自己判断是对,但是市场不利的情况下,自己会怀疑自己判断,这点是在很多次的情况下都会发生的。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  不能够坚持自己。这边有没有观众?来这位先生。<br/>  男观众3:<br/>  买卖股票里有的时候要敢于承认错误,很多人,好比是股票赔了钱了,觉着股票不值钱,但是舍不得卖 。最后往往你会血本无回,就是敢于放血。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  及时地纠正自己的错误,改正自己的错误,好那边好像还有一位,来,那位女士。<br/>  女观众:<br/>  我觉得有的时候,尤其是咱们中国人特别喜欢用以历喻今,但有的时候投资的时候,这个以史喻今呢,好像并不存在这个规律,尤其是我看那个报道,或者是投资分析呢,经常是说历史上什么出现过什么什么,然后哪个国家曾经出现什么什么,但实际上真正等过了段时间,再回头看呢,好像跟历史没什么太大关系。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  所以需要与时俱进,<br/>  女观众:我觉得这个是该出手时就出手。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  好还有一位观众这边举手的。来。<br/>  男观众4:<br/>  我刚才比较赞同刚才很多(观众)都提到的,轻信,我有一点,其实是轻信的对立面,就是犹豫,我觉得犹豫不单单会丧失一些机会,同时的话,它会滋生你下一次的一种轻信,可能我觉得犹豫这一块也是我们需要克服的一点。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  要果断一些。好非常感谢,看来在座的,我们真是一群非常热衷投资的观众。都有很多个人经验来跟我们分享,来把这个板给我一下,谢谢!好给大家再总结一下,我们观众的发言,第一是不能听信内部的信息,抗拒诱惑,第二是不要贪婪,第三是不能骄傲自满,被一次成功冲昏头脑,第四要敢于承认错误,第五不能以史喻今,需要与时俱进,第六呢是不能犹豫要果断,好,让我们来看一下,我们两位嘉宾的答案,还是先来看我们从远方来的嘉宾的答案,来杰姆。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  u said mistakeswhich most people make. most people buy when things are high. they sell when things are low and then they invest in things they know nothing about.<br/>  你是说大多数人最容易犯的错误是吧。大多数人总是在高位的时候买进,在低位的时候卖出,还有就是他们对所投资的项目一无所知。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  好,我们等一下再来听你的这些原因,让我们看看郎教授。<br/>  郎咸平:<br/>  我们亚洲股市跟美国是不一样的,你按美国那套分析方法来分析亚洲你不会成功的,所以必须还得有亚洲的特色,你不能不信我们的亚洲各国,或者各地区是监管不力的,所以这也是为什么,那么多外商喜欢来亚洲的原因。好了。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  我要听听罗杰斯先生的观点了。杰姆,先给我们讲一下,为什么你选择这三点。然后我们再来谈谈,你怎么看郎教授选择的这三点,先讲一下你为什么选择这三个?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  the first thing i wanna say is all six of you are exactly right i don't disagree with anything anyone of you said. u r some very good investors at least some very smart professors or something in the audience. the idea that your market is any different from any other market in history is madness i mean the japanese market was undeveloped once but was that all manupilation? the american market was undeveloped once but was that all manipulation? the problem is most investors are not very smart about what they do. i made a lot of mistakes ,i know what goes wrong. people get excited when sth is going up, and they want to buy it. my mother always calls me when stocks are going up to buy, and my mother is always calling me to sell it when things are going down. i keep saying to my mother no , that 's not the way you do do it the other way, and most people invest in things they don't know about. i cannot tell you how many people in this room including me have invested in sth we know nothing about, whether it's dot com , whatever it happens to be. if you invest sth you don't know about. you gonna lose your shirt.<br/>  首先我想说的是前面六位说的非常正确,诸位说的我完全同意。诸位都是投资方面或者在研究方面都非常有建树。要说你们的市场和世界上其他市场有什么不一样的话,有时市场确实会不太理性。纵观历史,日本市场曾经很落后,但是那是因为有人在操纵吗?美国市场曾经很落后,但那是因为有人在操纵吗?问题是,大多数的投资者并不十分清楚他们在做什么。我犯过很多错误,我知道问题在哪里。每当行情起来了,他们就想买进。每次股价上涨,我的母亲就要打电话说她准备买进,每次股价下跌,她就会打电话说要抛出。我总是对她老人家说,不对不对,股票不是这样做的,要反过来做才对。大多数投资者会投资它们并不熟悉的领域。包括我在内,在座一定有不少人犯过这种错误,不管是.com公司还是别的什么。如果你对自己所投资的领域一无所知,那你肯定有一天会输得血本无归。<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;主持人:<br/>  但是要了解所有的也很难。要对你投资的每一项要了解得非常清楚也很难,尤其是在信息不很对等的情况之下,<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  we can never have enough information unless we have the spotlight with god. that's why it's so difficult that why it's such a hard bread to make money. that's why most people do not make money in the stock market.i wish it were easy. God, shall we make it easy?<br/>  确实你永远不可能得到所有的信息,除非上帝特别偏袒你。这就是困难所在,赚钱并不容易。正因为如此,大多数人没能在股市中赚钱。大家都希望能够轻松发财<br/>  主持人:<br/>  给我们讲一下,如果你要选择投资一个股票,你会从哪些方面去了解它,对你来讲最重要的判断的因素是什么?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  Some of the most important things are like to know when everybody's depressed, when everybody is very despondent that makes me intersted in investing in that market. when university graduates all want to go to the stock market i would say i don't want to go to the stock market 22 year olds don't know anything about life or what's good .they just follow the hot trends of the day. so i try to do the opposite or at least explore the opposite of what everybody else is doing. if you going to be successful at anything whether it's tv or professor whatever happens to be you have to do the opposite of what everybody else is doing. you have to be true to yourself. if you're going to be successful whether you're a writer or a singer.whatever you are,that's the way to be successful.that's the way to be a successful investor.<br/>  重要的因素是我要知道人们何时对市场失去信心,我认为这是投资的时机。当所有的大学毕业生涌向股市时,我是不会去跟风的。22岁的年轻人还没有生活的阅历,他们只是盲从。如果你要想成功,不管是做电视,还是当教授,你必须学会反其道而行之。或者你想成为一位成功的作家或者歌手,不管是什么都是如此。投资者也不例外。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  但是这样的人往往很孤独啊,特例独行的人<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  well ok but if you want to be rich and you want to be popular.<br/>  如果你想成功想出名就得这样。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  你的答案我想是很清楚的,郎教授。<br/>  郎咸平:<br/>  该我了吧,我从来没有说过美国的市场是一个你所谓的pure maket(纯洁的市场)美国机构投资人,在1920年代,所做的种种不法行为,当时呢,这个行为已经做得差得不可能想像了以后,最后才有罗斯夫总统,认命了一位,第一任的美国主席,他就是肯尼迪总统的爸爸,经过了罗斯夫总统的整治,与第一任,第二任三位主席的,强力监管以后,通过严刑峻罚,让你不敢犯法,听我讲完,但是你想想看,像美林,像高胜,在前一阵子,还在美国调查之下认罪了,交了罚款,交什么罚款呢,它的经济分析师,有图利自己的嫌疑,那么这个报纸上登了很多大家都知道。那么我请问各位,它在美国他不敢随便发表消息,它到香港敢不敢?它当然敢,因为你没有严刑峻罚,所以你刚刚说,你就开个玩笑说,**妈说,sell low buy high的问题啊,这个理论上是对的,你要 buy low sell high但是在亚洲有什么好处呢?你可以透过一些操作,你可以在低的时候买,你可以在高的时候卖,但是这个机会不是属于你们社会大众的,这个机会不是属于中小股民的,是属于拥有资金,拥有关系,知道如何操纵股价机构投资人的,这是我要讲的话。所以这就是不公平。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  那么郎先生说的这个亚洲监管不力,可能也是一个现实存在的一个现象,我想问一下杰姆,你怎么看待,作为一个普通的股民,你怎么看待这样的监管不力?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  well regulation is good if it helps it's no question about it.i'm all for a level playing field. i'm all for anybody else. because i need as much information as i can get. but the professor seems to ignore the fact that 80% professional investors don't do very well. so who will be these munipulators. the facts are all of the world 80% of the investors do worse than the averages. if they are just out manipulating why are they are making money. and as far as individual investors are concerned , everybody in this room knows a lot about sth. i don't know what it is, football , fashion, cars or sth. you should invest in things you know a lot about. you will be making more money than manipulators, professionals because you know a lot about it. if you want to be a successful investor, look if you only have 20 good ideas in your life and 18 of them work, or even 18, you gonna be stinky rich. all you need to do is investing in things you know about. it may be boring , it may be lonesome ,that's how you get rich.<br/>  有效的监管很有必需,这毫无疑问。我比任何人都希望有个公平的环境。因为我希望能够获得最多的信息,但是教授先生似乎忽略了这样一个事实,那就是 80%的机构投资者并不成功。那么你所说的那些操纵者到底是哪些人呢?事实上,全球80%的机构投资者表现低于平均水平。如果他们只是操纵市场,他们怎么赚钱呢?而讲到散户,在座各位都有自己熟悉的领域。比如足球、时装、汽车等等。你应该投资你所熟悉的领域。你能比市场操纵者,比专业投资者赚得更多,因为你熟悉这一行。如果你想成为一个成功的投资者,比如你有20个金点子,其中18个是可行的,你就会变得非常富有。你所需要做的就是投资你熟悉的领域。也许很枯燥、也许会孤独,但能使你致富。<br/>  郎咸平:<br/>  他说80%的机构投资人就是基金吧,都是赔钱的,这个数字确实是对的,我们在教书的时候这也是我们常常拿出来谈的数据,这是对的,但是我帮你讲,这是在美国的,美国基金为什么它赚不了钱?你知道吗?第一,它有,强而有力的监管,所以它基本上是一个被动的投资人,它不能太主动,它不可能去做内幕交易,它没有这种可能性,更不可能美国基金不可能去操纵股价,2715你在美国做基金,要详细批露你赚多少钱?可在中国做基金,它批露过吗?亚洲基金批露过吗?韩国批露过吗?你发现只有上市了才需要批露,一般小基金你根本就不知道它赚多少钱,因此我们根本就不知道数据,是这个问题。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  那郎先生其实我们更需要得到的是一些建设性的意见。那么在这种环境之下,在亚洲这个环境之下,像您所描述的,如果这些都是真的话,那么作为我们这些投资者,应该怎么去做呢?<br/>  2745郎;我这样讲,我并不是坐在这边教大家如何赚钱的,我只是希望说,我能作为一个学者来讲话,我只希望把自己的理念跟大家作个分享,那么如果说一个学者,来一个人说你应该买at&amp;t或者ibm的股票,那就不是我应该说的话,那应该他说的,不是我说的。那么我在这边我要谈什么问题呢?我谈一个重要理念的问题,我要谈更改大家的观念的问题,什么观念呢,就是今天亚洲的各个市场,为什么中小股民是一定会赔钱,就是因为我刚才假设一个问题,监管不力,操纵太严重的缘故。、<br/>  主持人:<br/>  我想插一句,郎先生您自己炒股吗?<br/>  郎咸平:<br/>  不炒,因为我为什么不炒啊,因为一定会赔钱,我就不会去中,<br/>  主持人:<br/>  那是不是会有一点太纸上谈兵了呢?<br/>  郎咸平:<br/>  那倒不是,他是凭实战出来的,他的经验值得大家重视,可是各位知道吗?那只是他各人经验,但是我有个特色是他没有的,什么特色呢,我可以做大样本的分析,我可以找上万家的股票,我可以做出个结论来,这不是一般人能做得到的,因此我今天讲的话,我是根据上万个样本,我在美国发表多少篇文章所得出这个结论,所以学者可以给你什么贡献,是给你一个大样本,一个科学化的贡献,我不是去炒股的人,所以我不需要通过炒股来了解,我通过一个科学的方法来了解股市,是这个不同。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  但是您觉得您自己本身不在其中,能真正了解真正炒股人的痛苦和喜悦吗?<br/>  郎咸平:<br/>  因为我太了解股市了,我何必像大家一样炒个十年又输钱,我干脆不如不炒呢,对不对?

linuzboy 发表于 2007-12-3 10:31:40

  主持人:<br/>  好,杰姆。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  that is a wonderful question. the last question you asked professor is a brillant question. i was going to ask myself. i am not a scholar, i will tell you. i would rather make money than yelling at what i think is happening in the market and most of the time sholars are wrong. so one of the things you have to understand about being a investor , an individual investor or otherwise is do you have the temperment for being a investor? one of the things i learned early as i lost money and made mistakes is that i had to figure out my own self. you have to learn about yourself. the professor at least has learnt about himself. he knows he does not know how to make money. he has learned that, he has just said he did. so you have to learn that by yourself if you don't have the temperament for being an investor, you should not be an investor, some people are great at building companys or factories i could not do that in a minute. i was hopeless at it. but i do have some time and temperament to be an investor, but if you don't have the temperment to be an investor, go be a singer ,or a football player , or a fashion designer , or a tv hostess, or a professor, do sth else.that's the first thing you 've got to learn about yourself. now i just want to ask the professor one other question. who makes the money in asia? you keep saying that in america, 80 % of the people don't do as well as the average. in asia they don't either. the study shows the same thing. professionals investors do not make money in your market than any more than europe and america,<br/>  你刚才问的这个问题太好了。我也想这样问他。我不是学者,我赚钱靠的是对市场的判断,大多数时候学者的观点是错误的。不管你是散户还是机构投资者,你必须清楚自己的性格是否适合做投资者。我在早年犯错误赔钱时就懂得必须了解你自己。教授自己已经有了自知之明,他说过他不知道如何赚钱。他已经这样说过了。所以你必须了解你自己。如果你的性格不适合做投资者,最好还是改行,有些人办公司或者工厂很有头脑,我这方面没天份。但是我却能够成为一名成功的投资者。如果你不适合做投资者,那就该行当歌星或者是足球运动员、服装设计师、电视主持人什么的。这是你首先应该了解的。现在我想问教授一个问题,在亚洲谁赚钱了?你总是强调说在美国,80%的投资者业绩在平均线以下,那么亚洲同样如此。调查结果是一样的。机构投资者在亚洲和在欧洲或者北美一样不赚钱。<br/>  郎:那谁赚钱,我跟你讲,而且我也跟你讲我的出处在哪里,我讲这句话,是在2000年世界银行的研究报告上写的,谁赚钱了在亚洲?大股东,机构投资人,中小股民都是赔钱的,这就是结果,而且这是无庸辩驳的结论,<br/>  主持人:<br/>  郎先生和杰姆两个人同时都对自己所从事的行业,充满了激情和热爱,这个是我们值得敬佩的对吧,我们还是掌声鼓励一下。满意吗?他的答案?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  sholars and professors are always saying that people cannot make money in the market.<br/>  学者和教授总是说人们在市场上赚不了钱<br/>  郎咸平:<br/>  大股东他会赚钱,我没说他不能赚钱,大股东、机构投资人在亚洲他会赚钱。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  ok ,that's what i said ,professors are always saying that people cannot make money in the market. whoever these instituttions are i don't know about it . i don't that in amecian europe and japan the biggest instituions have lost their shirts in the market in the last few years. you think the world bank makes money? you think the imf makes money? please , and as for your question about my are right, you don't have any numbers. but i will say to you, and this is probably knowledge, i haven't had a job since 1980, this is 2004. somehow or other i still pay my bill, somehow or other i've taken two trips around the world. so if you hear that i've taken a job, you know something went wrong . you don't need my performance figures, but if you said here oh my god, poor jim rogers took a job, then i promised you i did sth wrong, and you will be the first to know.<br/>  这就是我说的。教授总是说大部分人在市场上赚不了钱。这些机构投资者到底是谁呢?我不知道。我知道在美国欧洲和日本过去几年大的机构投资者都赔得倾家荡产。你认为世界银行赚钱吗?你认为国际货币基金组织赚钱吗?至于我本人,也许你拿不出什么数字,但是我可以告诉你,别人可能也知道,我从1980年开始就不再受雇于别人,现在是2004年。然而我仍然付得起帐,我也做了两次环球旅行。如果你听到说我哪天开始去上班了,你就知道我出事。你无需看我的业绩数字,但是如果有一天,可怜的吉姆?罗杰斯去上班了,你可以告诉你,那肯定是我出什么事了,到时我一定第一个告诉你<br/>  郎咸平:<br/>  你刚才说的一句话,你认为机构投资人是没有赚钱的,这个没有赚钱,那个没有赚钱,我根本就不同意,机构投资人不赚钱,谁能赚钱呢?我所谓大部分人赔钱,是以人数来讲,大部分中小股民是赔钱的,这是亚洲的一个现实,<br/>  主持人:<br/>  我们之所以关心罗杰斯先生,也是确实因为他是赚到钱了,而且他在这个过程中,周游列国,有时候让人觉得,唉,怎么一不小心就赚钱了。那么当你游到中国的时候,您这个自己跟中国发生了一个非常有趣的联系,而且刚才在节目开始的时候,您也说,您现在让你一个月的女儿,在学习中文,那是不是意味着,中国在您心目当中,是您将来投资的一个归宿吗?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  yes, i know that china is going be the next great country in the world. most people in china don't understand how powerful and exciting this movement is. this is happning ,i may wind up living in china, i'd like to live in shanghai,i would like for my daughter to live her, and i fully expect to invest a lot of money in china, eventually , not now ,but eventually.<br/>  是的,我知道中国绝对是世界上下一个伟大的国家。大多数中国人并没有看到中国正处在一个多么强有力多么令人振奋的发展阶段。这确实正在发生,我也许最终选择住在中国。我喜欢住在上海,我希望我的女儿能够住在这里。我非常希望最终能在中国进行大笔投资,虽然不是现在,但我希望会。<br/>&nbsp; 主持人:<br/>  我们也给大家准备了一个小的短片让大家看看,他的中国情结是怎么样的。<br/>  ――看大屏幕<br/>  主持人:<br/>  我想知道一下,在那个时候,为什么在那个时候,就选择进入了B股?在中国投资?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  because it was depressed. all the foreigners who were manipulating the market had lost their money, lost their shirts. and everybody said don't buy b share market, they said it's terrible you will never any money, i happned to believe that china was gonna boom. and if all the foreigners were dumping their shares because they've lost 90 % , you 've got to sell it to sb. so i bought. that's what you do, remember, i said you buy low and sell high, that's what i did , it's simple.<br/>  那时市场低迷,在中国操纵市场的那些外国投资者都赔了钱,赔了个精光。每个人都说别去碰中国b股。都说投资b股不可能赚钱。我却相信中国经济会上去。 b股跌了90%,外国投资者纷纷抛售他们手中的股票,他们要找到买家。于是我买下了。这就是你要做的,低买高卖。我就是这样做的,非常简单。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  但这个灵感是从哪儿来的呢?你怎么在那时候就觉得这个已经低到了一个可以值得你去购买的这个点,很多人在那个时候可能还没有意识到到这一点,你是怎么意识到的?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  all of the learned professor were saying it's a horrible market, the brokers are saying it's a horrible market, the foreigners were dumping their shares they would get out of china. but i thought china was goning to be great.<br/>  所有那些饱学之士都说这是个糟糕的市场,经纪人也这样说,外国投资者纷纷撤出中国市场。但是我相信中国一定会振兴。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  但是这个信心从哪儿来的呢?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  i've driven across china serveral times, i've driven around the world, i've see, i can see what you are in china invest 35% of your income. you work from dawn to is very extraordinary what's going on here compared the rest of the world. i knew that , i've driven around the world a couple of times.<br/>  我几次开车游历中国,我也周游了世界。中国人将35%的收入用于储蓄,中国人从早干到晚。同世界上其他地区相比,中国发展速度惊人。我周游全世界看到了这个情况<br/>  主持人:<br/>  所以你自己亲身经历过,那么我手里有你购买的几支股票当时啊,一个是伊煤B股,一个是轮胎B股,一个是宝信B股,陆家B股,ST轻骑B股,我这里有一张是1999年到2004年的B股的一个K线图,我想你能不能帮我划一下,选择你买的其中一支股票,因为不知道你是不是都是一次性购买的,你是在什么时候买进,什么时候卖出的,让我们能够更直接地看一下,这个决策是怎么样进行的。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  i haven't sold anything, i have never sold a share. i bought it in may 1999 , i don't know how do you read may 1999<br/>  我在中国还没有抛出过任何一只股票,我在99年5月买进,99年5月在哪里?<br/>  主持人:<br/>  这个就是99年五月份,基本上是在这个市场已经是最低的时候,你说你到现在为止一个还没有卖掉过是吗,没有抛过一个?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  i have never sold a share in china . i bougth more shares.<br/>  我在中国还没有抛出一只股票。反而买进更多<br/>  主持人:<br/>  什么时候会到一定程度,你觉得是值得脱手的?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  i hope i never sold my chia share if i am right about china, when i die my little girl will get them.gnivahsaid that if i could . i would not be buying shares in china right now, i think it's going to have an effect. and i think shares in china are gonna go down for a while. but i am not gonna sell anything in china<br/>  希望我一辈子都不要抛出中国的股票,如果我对中国市场的判断没错的话,我死后我的女儿将得到这些股票。我要说目前我还不准备买进更多的中国股票,我认为中国股市会有一段时间的萧条,但是不前我不打算卖出手中的股票<br/>  主持人:<br/>  在大屏幕上,有一个我们股市的走向图,来我们来看一下。<br/>  ――看大屏幕<br/>  主持人:<br/>  这是我们股市的一个走向图,那我想知道的是,我看这篇报道里,你是在说要继续等待中国股市的一个萧条,那么我想你看一下,你觉得在什么时候才够萧条,才值得你进入来投资?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  one of the most important thing you can learn as an investor is patience. i should have put patience on this list. most of the time investor should do nothing, should be patient, look out of the window, go to the beach, drink the beer, don't worry about the market. just wait, wait until you find great buying opportunities and then act, it's that simple, it'<br/>  s that hard, it's unbelievablely hard, cause most of us think we've got to do sth all the time, we don't . learn patience, learn to look out of the window.<br/>  作为投资者最重要的一个素质就是耐心,我真的应该把耐心写进刚才的三点中。大部分时间投资者无需做任何事,你应该保持耐心。看看窗外,或者去海滩度假,喝喝啤酒,不要担心市场。等到时机就买进,就这么简单。但是也不容易做到,因为大多数时候我们总是希望做点什么,但事实上大可不必,要学会耐心<br/>&nbsp; 郎咸平:<br/>  主持人,我可不可以问个问题?<br/>  主持人:<br/>  可以。<br/>  郎咸平:<br/>  我今天一直没有提过问题,我都是被问的,我今天想问一个问题,我听罗杰斯先生讲,讲到现在,你们觉得他讲的话,跟教师讲话,有什么本质上的不同啊,这个讲的话,没有操作性。因为一个人的意识,一个人的感觉,是不能够传承的,那如果说我们今天谈话谈到最后,我得到这个结论,凭感觉看一看,看看这个症状怎么样,症状好的话,我就买,症状不好的话,我就不买,那么我请问各位,你们学到什么?<br/>  主持人:<br/>  他要听到一些具体的建议。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  i've explained to you, i am waiting for shares to go down in china, yes when they go down , i will buy。<br/>  我已经解释过了,我等待股指下跌,只要他们下跌我就买。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  但是其实我们很多的股民,尤其看了这张图,已经觉得现在的股市已经是很萧条了,已经觉得已经很低了,你觉得什么时候才是够萧条?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  gonna get worse, i've told you, it's gonna get worse, the professor said the government is not gonna make it worse , i am telling your goverment. i am telling you your government has said we are going to punish speculators. i believe our goverment. i may be the only person in china who believe your government ,but i believe your government. they are going to tighten up, and whenever goverments around the world have tightened up, shares have gone down. it's another simple rule about the markets. it always happens, whether it's aisa, europe or amercia it always happens<br/>  市场还会走低。教授先生说中国政府会采取措施控制股价继续下跌,但是我告诉你,你们政府已经表态要对投机者进行严厉制裁,我相信你们的政府。也许只有我相信这一点,我相信政府会采取紧缩政策,当采取紧缩政策时,股票就下跌。这是市场的简单规律,不管在亚洲、欧洲还是美洲都是如此。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  因为我们在座有这么多的热心的观众,他们今天都特地来参加我们的节目的,所以,我们想现在把这个话语的权力还是交给我们观众,让你们能更多地能跟我们台上的嘉宾有一个直接的交流。哪一位,来这位先生。<br/>  男观众1:<br/>  罗杰斯先生,您在投资中国B股的时候,应该是股市最低迷的时候,然后您到现在应该说还在手上,还没有出来,那我不知道这点,就是在中国B股的投资,对你来讲,仅仅是一个偶然性的,试探性的投资呢,还是比较重要的,谨慎性的价值投资?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  No,it'substantial strategic position,I thought the market was low,I planed all for the rest of my life, I don't ever plan to sell them,I am very confident in China.It isn't test water, it was buy China, a interting question you didn't ask me I don't plan to sell them,I tell you the reasons, but I could also be wrong, they maybe go down,they may go up for you,one reason I don't sell that I made a lot of mistakes, I don't want to sell my B shares in case they go up from you,I might be wrong.<br/>  不,这完全是一个战略性的决定。我认为中国的股票市场还处于低位,我是为我下半生做投资打算的,我不准备卖掉它们,我对中国充满信心,这不是试水,是在中国买股票,问我是不是会卖掉,这个问题很有趣。告诉你理由,也许我的决策是错误的,可能股票会跌,但我相信会涨,我会犯很多错误,但即使暂时上涨了我也不会卖,这可能又是我的一个错误吧。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  尽管错误的也要坚持是吗?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  yes, absolutely,in this case ,I will got my B share for the rest of my life, maybe I am wrong about China, I don't think so.<br/>  是的,绝对坚持。我要一辈子都握着这些B股,也许我的判断有所失误,但我就是这样坚持。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  好,这位先生。<br/>  男观众2:<br/>  罗杰斯先生当你成为一个成功投资者的时候,肯定有一个失败的政策在呼应你,然后才会有一个成功的投资,那么我非常注意到你在北京曾经说过,就是说中国的银行必须向美国的银行学习,要让它倒闭,但是恰恰是中国的银行,和美国的银行,它的所有者,它的政治关系是完全不一样的,那么你是不是在希望中国政府,它在不出错的时候,出错,让你有一个很好的机会进入中国股市呢?谢谢!<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  in 1966,just Japan was about to become to a rich country,all the financial institutions went bankrupt, Japan is about to become the richest country in asia, so you can have financail institutions going bankrupt, and still on the verge of big success. I wanna see some financial institutions to be bankrupt in China,and I hope your government will let it happen,that how markets work,that's had supposed to work.<br/>  在1966年,日本经济起飞的时候,所有的金融机构都遭受破产的命运,那时日本却成为亚洲最富裕的国家,因此你可以让金融机构破产,也许这正是成功的边缘,我希望看到一些中国的金融机构被淘汰,我希望政府会让这种事情发生,这才是市场的运行规则,这是我们希望看到的。<br/>

linuzboy 发表于 2007-12-3 10:31:59

  主持人:<br/>  我知道我们观众中还有一位先生是在B股曾经跟罗杰斯先生交过手的是吗?来<br/>  男观众3:<br/>  我注意到在北京和深圳两次,你都谈到中国的证券市场,还有4个到16个月的萧条期,我非常想知道,你这个数据,用什么理论出来的?请你回答我好吗?谢谢!<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  OK,you are right,again there is a little bit misunderstand, what I said was sometime in the next year or 2,sometime in 2004 or forward 2005,the Chinese market will make a bottom,whether it's 4 or 16 month,I don't know,while may next week, maybe next month, maybe next year, the point I try to make was there was be a bottom sometime,the point is most of the time market make their bottoms in the autumn, that is the way markets work.It does they don't have to the market make their bottom in the spring. sonmetimes later this year or 2005, my view, the Chinese market will make a bottom and I want to buy.When it's 4 days,4 weeks or 4 month I don't konw, sometime in the next year or 2. It's going to happen.look, I make it at autumn because market normally make bottoms in the autumn.<br/>  你说的没错。不过还是有一点误解。我指的是在明年或后年,可能是2004或2005年,中国的证券市场会进入一个阶段性的底部,可能是过4个月,也可能是过16个月,也许是在下周、下个月或者在明年,我想说的是市场终有一天会触底,通常来说市场底部一般在秋季到来,这是市场的一般规律,市场一般不会在春天见底,我的观点是市场触底会在今年年末或明年,在这个时候我再介入。但到底是要等4天、4周还是4个月,到底是明年还是后年,我也无法判断。但肯定会发生,我认为会在秋天,按常理来说都是在秋天。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  我们在座的这一位也是我们很多中国观众非常熟悉的一位投资分析家,来姜先生。<br/>  姜韧:<br/>  罗杰斯先生我有一个问题,我不需要你回答具体的点数位,因为我发现你的投资有个矛盾,你不看好A股不买进,但是,你仍然持有B股,因为你的B股到现在也是获暴利的,如果你不看好A股那么现在你应该也抛出B股。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  explain it to you ,I think you are not selling my B share because A I might be wrong. It might go up, second,I am not a trader, I don't jumping at all, I am not good at that, I am the world worst trader, jumping in and jumping out, I am extremely optimistic about China, I need my little baby girl tell me B share someday,I don't want to sell, I am not jumping in and out,I invest in China for a long term, And I will look like a fool,I was be a fool if I sell the B shares than they went up.I made mistakes.<br/>  让我来和你解释,为什么我不卖出我的B股,第一,我的估计可能是错误的,它可能会升值,第二,我不是个交易员,我不善于在股市里跳进跳出,我是个最差的交易员,但是我非常看好中国,我也许将来会让我的女儿告诉我B股的信息,我不愿意卖掉,我在中国是做长线投资,如果我现在卖掉B股,而B股又涨起来,我看上去就象一个傻瓜。<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;主持人:<br/>  来 这位先生,<br/>  男观众4:<br/>  罗杰斯先生你好,经济全球化的今天,你这种以发掘新兴投资市场机会的方式,是不是面临着淘汰,那么我想否则的话,你用不着要跑一百多个国家,那么是否意味着中国这个国度的投资机会是你最后的一块大蛋糕?那么你的女儿是不是以后将以新的方式,在这个投资市场上获利?谢谢!<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  no, there are lots of opportunities in the world always places on the rise and places on the decline, I suggest you get on the motor cycle and get a new spouse and drive around the world.<br/>  不是这样,世界其他地方也有很多机会,各地市场都有起落,我建议你骑着摩托车带着你新的爱人到世界各地转一转。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  摩托车可以理解,新的爱人,我不知道这点可行不可行。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  You will find a lot of opportunities around the world.And their countries that I invovle year ago are still rise,a plenty of those in some elso there were terrific opportunities.China just happen to be the best for me.<br/>  你会发现各地都有很多机会,我几年前投资的其他国家的股票现在还在升值,还有许多这样的例子,到处都有很多机会,不过在中国的机会对我来说是最棒的。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  好,最后一个问题。<br/>  男观众5:<br/>  99年的时候,您刚刚进入这个市场的时候,我也清楚您当时的一些投资,那么包括从投资的情况来看呢,这个里面您也犯过错误,也有一些股票是实际上投资的并不是非常成功。比方说像那个济南摩托(motorcycle)就不是非常成功,那么作为一个成功的投资者,怎么样我觉得可以更好地避免犯错,尽可能的是成功的投资,或者快乐的投资,那么您觉得您有很好的这种秘诀吗?<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  I hope I have explain to all of you, I have made plenty of mistakes, I know how to lose money, I am good at, I do it all the time, and to be honest, if you don't make mistakes, you are not investor, you are professor, if you don't make mistakes, one of the key is try not to make mistakes to cut your losses,or to invest in thing you know about,I got floppy, I got lazy, I do it all the time, I wish I didn't, but I do.<br/>  我想我已经解释过了,我犯过好多错误,我知道如何输钱,我也总是输钱,老实说,如果你不犯错,你就不是一个投资者,那么你就是象郎教授一样的学者,如果你不想犯太多的错误,最重要的是尽量避免犯错,降低损失,或者投资你非常熟悉的领域。我通常都这样做,我不希望犯错,但是我还是会犯错。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  人无完人,他也是个普通人,那么在我们今天这个节目结束之前呢,我还是想最后把最后发言的机会,还是给我们两位嘉宾,请你们用一句简短的话,能给我们在座的观众,一个非常中肯的一个建议。简短的一句话。<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  buy low and sell high.what you know.<br/>  高抛低吸。众所周知。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  郎教授。<br/>  郎咸平:<br/>  股市要继续加强监管。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  观点非常明确啊,那么这个股市会怎么走,这个罗杰斯先生他的投资理念,包括我们郎教授的这些观点,是否真正是适用,是否在现实生活中会成功,那么这一切都要靠时间来做最后的判定,那么在我们节目结束之前呢,也是我们的老规矩,给两位嘉宾准备了礼物。<br/>  ——送礼物。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  这是我们中国非常古老的算盘啊,我们买了一个古董算盘,据说有一百年历史的红木算盘,那么真正会用算盘的人,其实他的计算速度比计算器还快,所以我们把这个送给您,希望您能在将来的这个投资过程之中呢,能算得更清楚,好吗?<br/>  郎教授我上次已经送过您一本书了,还得再送您一本书,这个呢是罗杰斯写的书,那么把这个送给您呢,您可以更好的了解他好吗?<br/>  郎咸平:<br/>  感谢 感谢<br/>  很高兴与你交流<br/>  罗杰斯:<br/>  I just want to say this is the best television program that I am very be honest, because professor is terrific debator he is dead wrong but he has lot of fun.<br/>  我最后还想说,这是我参与过的最棒的电视节目,真的。因为虽然教授的观点是错误的,但是他很有趣。<br/>  主持人:<br/>  谢谢大家的参与,谢谢你们表现非常精彩,谢谢!

linuzboy 发表于 2007-12-3 10:35:14


ylh813 发表于 2007-12-3 20:13:01


linuzboy 发表于 2007-12-3 21:09:26

<a href=""></a>

zhengli6679 发表于 2007-12-6 16:56:56


狂读书 发表于 2007-12-19 15:29:00


夜雨听风 发表于 2008-6-16 00:27:17

<p>7楼的哥们&nbsp; 你给的地址打不开哦 很想知道那个是什么电视台的节目~名字叫什么啊~</p>
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