<div id="articleContentArea"><div id="articleContentFontSize"><span style="COLOR: rgb(0,0,255);">Project Scope Is Not Defined On PowerPoint Slides</span><br/><br/>项目范围不是定义在ppt幻灯片中的(说明项目范围必须得到明确的定义,通过范围说明书,WBS和WBS字典对项目范围进行准确的定义,项目做的任何事情都应该在项目范围内)<br/><br/><span style="COLOR: rgb(0,0,255);">Project Schedules Do Not a Project Plan Make</span><br/><br/>一个项目计划要做的不仅仅是项目进度表<br/><br/><span style="COLOR: rgb(0,0,255);">Projects Are Not Managed From Behind a Spreadsheet</span><br/><br/><span style="COLOR: rgb(0,0,255);">Some project managers secretly want to be statisticians. They love to calculate all of the various metrics pertaining to their project such as the percentages of deliverables completed, tasks currently on schedule, tasks that should have started, of variance from budget, etc. These are all good to know. The problem is that they spend so much time summarizing and restating data in their spreadsheets, they never talk to the team members about how the project is going and what problems they are having. Without that connection with the team, they are not managing so much as they are reporting.</span><br/><br/>项目管理绝不是根据其背后的工作进度表就可以完成<br/><br/>一些项目经理背地里想成为统计学家。他们热衷于计算属于他们项目的所有偏差度量数据,例如交付物的完工百分比,当前正在进展中的任务,应该已经开始的任务以及预算的偏差等等。这些听上去都是如此的美好,但关键的问题在于他们花费如此多的时间来统计和重新统计工作表中的数据,而从不和项目成员沟通项目任务的进展情况,以及任务成员遇到的问题。没有这些和项目成员间必要的沟通和联系,他们是无法管理汇报报表中如此多的内容的。<br/><br/><span style="COLOR: rgb(0,0,255);">No Task Longer Than 80 Hours and Not Shorter Than 40</span><br/><br/>没有任务朝过80小时,也没有任务小于40小时<br/><br/><span style="COLOR: rgb(0,0,255);">No More Than One Person Responsible For a Task</span><br/><br/>对一个任务不能超过一个人对其负责(职责必须明确而且有唯一的责任人)<br/><br/><span style="COLOR: rgb(0,0,255);">Every Task Generates a Deliverable. No Work for Work’s Sake.</span><br/><br/>每个任务都要产生最终的交付物<br/><br/><span style="COLOR: rgb(0,0,255);">Large projects should be broken down into sub-projects (if they have long timeframes)</span><br/><br/>大项目应该拆分为子项目(如果它们有较长的时间窗)<br/><br/><span style="COLOR: rgb(0,0,255);">Plan for the Worst</span><br/><br/><span style="COLOR: rgb(0,0,255);">The old saying is “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry”, and they do. Always think through your risk plans. Even if things are going well, a good PM has to ask “what if?” Remember that for each risk you can think of, come up with a way to reduce the likelihood of it happening (mitigation) and have a Plan B if it does (contingency).</span><br/><br/>做最坏的打算<br/><br/>及时在一切运转正常的情况下,项目经理都需要不断的思考你的风险计划。好的项目经理不得不时刻问自己,如果担心的事情发生了将会怎样?因此对于每一个你能够考虑到的风险,都要考虑如何去减轻风险发生的可能性,或者考虑问题发生时候的应急措施。<br/><br/><span style="COLOR: rgb(0,0,255);">Make it Fun</span><br/><br/><span style="COLOR: rgb(0,0,255);">IT projects can be daunting events. Have you ever noticed that there are some project managers that people just don’t want to work for? The Project Tyrant that is always changing things, asking for things at the last minute and making demands of people is someone that is hard to support over the long haul of a project. There will be tense times on any project, but the lead comes from the top. When things are at their worst, if the PM can laugh at himself it will relieve the tension of the entire team.</span><br/><br/>使一起轻松和愉快<br/><br/>IT项目中总是存在糟糕和令人沮丧的事件。你曾经是否注意到项目成员自己并不想和一些项目经理一起工作。项目暴君总是喜欢改变事情和原有的计划,在最后的几分钟才询问事情的进展。在任何项目中都存在紧张的时期,但是压力确来自于上层。当情况变糟糕的时候,如何项目经理能够自嘲的话将可以缓解整个团队的紧张气氛和压力。<br/><br/><span style="COLOR: rgb(0,0,255);">In the End it is People</span><br/><br/><span style="COLOR: rgb(0,0,255);">In the end, the key point to be mindful of is that all of the previous techniques exist for one purpose: to produce results with a team of people. All of the techniques in the world will not produce anything if they are not constantly tuned, adjusted and calibrated for the individuals on your team. People are different and they all respond differently in various situations. The most successful senior managers I have run across in my experience were the ones with a unique respect, passion, appreciation and understanding for people.</span><br/><br/>最后关键的还是人<br/><br/>最后,我们必须牢记在心的关键问题是,所有前面的技术存在都是为了一个目的-通过一个团队创造一个的产品。如果世界上的所有技术不根据项目团队个体的实际情况进行调整和改变的话,这些技术将不能创造任何东西。每个人都是不同的,而且在不同的情况和环境下他们的反应也是不同的。在我的经历中,我曾经遇到过的最成功的高层经理都是对理解他人,对他人尊重,富有激情和感恩的人。<br/><br/></div></div> <p><strong><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f3f3f3;">最后一点非常认同。</font></strong></p><p>人际关系技能对与项目经理而言,是必须的</p>