每周发现(Jan2007 1st)
Can you make money in the Long Tail?Well, it depends who "you" are. If you're an aggregator, sure. But if you're like the majority of Long Tail microproducers, direct revenues can be harder to come by.<BR><BR><BR>A) if you can dramatically lower the cost of production and distribution, you can offe* **r more variety. B) given more variety and the tools to easily organize it for individual taste, people will increasingly revel in their differences, rather than settling for their commonalities as in traditional blockbuster culture. <BR><BR><BR>通过IP向网页发送定点广告.平台根据广告被点击次数向广告主收费,根据点击次数及点击率综-合情况向作者付费,由于点击率高的广告能为平台带来更多收入,所以优先投放(价格*点击率)高的广告<BR><BR><BR>未来的焦点将不在内容,而在于内容的利用方式,那将是一个草根英雄的时代.<BR><BR><BR>(5 reasons why youtube and flickr are successful)<BR>1. Do Something Better: Find a way or a better way for people to do something they want to do.<BR>2. Believe in What You Do: It's not about a money ******/get rich quick scheme. You believe there's a better way and you are going to work it out. Success is a by-product of doing good.<BR>3. Community is Everything: Listen to your community. This is not a one way conversation- there's on-going dialog relating to "policing", standards and ideas<BR>Be Soulful: Even if you sell, like Flickr, don't sell your soul. The honest, no frills approach is right. <BR>5. Be Authentic: These companies look like they have banned or never even heard of the phrases "brand strategy" and "marketing plan?. The lack of corporate polish adds to the feeling that there are real people behind the idea. <BR><BR><BR>(google/microsoft)<BR>Features,not products(特性,而非产品)一个少人问津的产品,远不如一个被更多人使用的特性,更能激发创造者的满足感。<BR><BR><BR>“丰饶”带来一个大的恐慌是游戏规则的改变。“丰饶”带来另外一大恐慌就是:过剩以及同质化。有两种组织正在面临“死亡”的威胁。一类组织仍旧没有领会和掌握“与众不同”实质,仍在借助“更高质量”、“优良价值”在市场上应战;另一类组织意识到了与众不同的必要性,但是,经过一阵突破后,他们就会承认自己根本不知道怎么去做,选择了放弃。<BR><BR><BR>“在竞争对手毁灭你之前,先自行毁灭”。大多数沉迷于过去的人,都很难这么做,但在疯狂的世界中,除了以激烈手段采取配合市场的策略外,别无他法。企业必须自行拆解组织,在别人攻击你之前,先攻击自己。从公司内部的改革、重组做起,大量引进各式各样的“外人”。消除垂直整合,外包大部分工作。<BR><BR><BR><BR>恐慌一:丰饶带来的威胁<BR>恐慌二:短命的商业<BR>恐慌三:来自个人的革命<BR><BR><BR><BR>速度瓶颈<BR><BR><BR><BR>即便您真是有一个开天辟地的、革命性的、令人惊艳的商业模式,也请您上来先说清楚你要做的是什么事、这件事能为用户创造什么样的体验和价值,而不是上来就先用一个硕大无比的概念忽悠全体地球人。<BR>(1st week)