
[电信业] 语音通讯成为软件应用——解读Skype CEO的演讲稿(1)

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发表于 2006-7-12 23:46:13 | 显示全部楼层

Thx for your materials. I'm very interested in the trend of telecom over IP & first start to try Skype since early last year. I'm supporting most of the ideas in this talk.

1st. On the terminals, network transaction is becomming to involve in a Integration enviorment, & this enviorment is basically setted up by IP;

2nd. Low limited on telecom policy will encourage the increasing speed of new service & stimulate more of applications.

But on the other hand,

1st. Imaginal IP intergration network is suffered of Qos, chargeable measurement. And this is very critical for most of business customers.

2nd. Public customers taking PSTN phone as a convience, especailly for old peoples. What Computer-to-regular attractting them is only happened on Long distance phone calls. But computers, internet access & add-on payment to skypeout seems make this too much of trouble.

so, I think such VOIP will have a much bright improvement on radio communication. With the rapid development of termials' Intellegent & packets-based wireless connection.

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