
[下载]沟通宝典Dealing with Difficult people

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发表于 2005-8-24 23:02:59 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



Dealing with Difficult people 24 Lessons for Bringing Out the Best in Everyone In the last decade, technology has spawned a whole new breed of annoyances. From cell-phone chatters to email spammers to voice-mail hogs, life is filled with even more difficult people. At best, such people make life stressful and unpleasant. At worst, they can keep you from achieving important goals. But it’s fully within your power to bring out the best behavior in people who are at their worst. With Brinkman and Kirschner’s proven, innovative approach to dealing with difficult people, you’ll learn how t *Identify 10 bothersome behaviors, and deal successfully with each of them *Understand the thoughts and fears of difficult people *use sophisticated “listening techniques” to unlock the doors to people’s deepest needs *Cultivate nine “take-charge” skills to turn conflict into cooperation There’s no reason to let unpleasant people get in the way of your performance-in the workplace, or in your life. With the help of these effective approaches to understanding and circumventing disruptive and annoying behavior, you can overcome the obstacles from the difficult people in your life. Dr. Rick Brinkman and Dr. Rick Kirschner are professional speakers, and the coauthors of the bestselling audio and video tapes How to Deal with Difficult People and the bestselling book Dealing with People You Can’t Stand. Since 1980, they have shared their insights with audiences worldwide through their company, R&R Productions. THE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK FOR ENHANCING CORPORATE PERFORMANCE



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