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发表于 2003-4-7 15:33:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The mechanics of locating qualified people is a snap, and the Internet has made it even easier.With more than 100,000 employment-related sites on web posting more than 30 million jobs, help is only a click away. I think that computers now only conduct many of the initial job interviews.
   What could we do after finding anyone is suitable on web?
   Hire people smarter than you.
   As a rule, one manger's  obvious alternative is to choose(hire) people dumber than him. You must ask me who wants to do that?  Nevertheless, insecurities come to surface when one manger starts to consider bright people. If one manager turned down what I thought was a expectional prospect, but nobody does.
   I was puzzled and asked why. "I did not need anybody that good" one manager answered. He or she will feel more comfortable because of the dynamite person.
The sense of security? Funny!    One manager could have had a dynamite person at the same price as a lesser prospect.They will feel better because they will not become the bottom fishiing.
   But in my judgement, you should fire the best and brightest person you can afford and then try to lead them to be even better and brighter.
发表于 2004-5-23 16:01:00 | 只看该作者

for hire employe , the cost is very important for a most of the bosses ; but many boss pass by

the benifit of the rightest clerk , but the boss of mircosoft company Bill do the best i think ;

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