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发表于 2003-4-4 18:37:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Before you mange you boss, you must establish trust by being a good fowller.
    One who can produce a personall capital to challege the boss' s ideas in a respectful way is called good follwer. Please do remember one rule. Do not hope to become the boss's back because nobody, especially the boss, like anyone whose intelligence shows better than his or hers.
   One who can produce a spirit of win-win when dearling with the boss will be appreciated by one's boss.
   Here are few techniques:
   Let your boss know what is going on.
   It is a insecure manager who keeps the boss in the dark.( The insecure manger does not report the situations immediately)
Secure manger communicate openly and take resoponsibility for their behaviors
   Respect the boss' s position.
   Like the "office of the presidency" you must respect the position, even though you may not agree with its holder and her way of doing things. Evaluate performance by the results, not technicals,  You can learn much from your boss. even when the tuition is high.
   Ask you boss:"What is that I do or my people do that helps you do your jobs well, and how could we do that better?"  Periodically repeat the same quesion in different ways. Let your boss know that you are always work for him or her.
    Let your boss know what can be expected from you.  Prove that you are not afraid of work  and you will follow through on  whatever assignment you accept.
what do bosses hate or love? They hate surprises and always love five words that is "I will take care of it." (Five words they love to hear)

  To be continued.....

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