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发表于 2003-3-31 18:43:00 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
To overawe other Arabian countries for enough control petroleum, is also a goal while

Ameirca attacks Iraq. Like what Mr.Xu chun said, the war is because of the lack of petroleum.

Nowadays, those who can occupy more limited resources, such as human, natural materials, money

and ect., will reach success. The same is to a company or a country.
   America as the strongest and the most developed country in the world, has to face many

pressures and competitions.  He must attempt to develop himself, otherwise he will face

downfall. After all, he has too many enemies and competitors throughout the world.
   America which has only more than one hundred year history, is so young.Compared with China,

he is a boy . Their diplomatic policies is so hegemonic that other countries in the world

dislike  some of his behaviors. However, sometimes, when we meet a man like a robber, we would

never tell him how to be God, defeating him is the best way to protect us.

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