
[汽车业] [原创]汽车竞争情报10月下-1

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发表于 2007-12-21 09:56:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

BASF set up auto product technology center in Shanghai

Germany’s chemical industry giant, announced the establishment of an auto-related product technology center in Shanghai. The center will aim at global automakers in China and local Chinese vehicle manufacture, to carry out product development and customer interaction.

Yanfeng Visteon Automotive Trim plant built in Shenyang

Construction of the Shenyang Yanfeng Visteon Automotive Trim System Co. Ltd. Has begun in the Shenyang Auto City.

The new plant is backed by the Shanghai Yanfeng Visteon Automotive Trim System Co. Ltd. This project involves a total investment of 200 million RMB and occupies 50,000 sq meters of land. The plant will begin production in September, 2008.

China becomes Shell’s second largest market

Having acquired the Beijing Monarch Petroleum Chemical Co. Ltd, Shell now ranks in the third position on China’s lubricant oil market, next to CNPC and Sinopec.

Caterpillar inks engine project in Wuxi

Caterpillar Co. and the Wuxi New District signed a cooperation letter about building an engine park in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province.

This is Caterpillar’s first investment in the Chinese engine field. Under the agreement, the engine industry park will realize an annual capacity of over 100,000 various engines after being completed in 2012, with sales revenue of about 5 billion RMB to be realized. At the same time, Caterpillar will build a world-class engine R&D center and an engine distribution center facing the Asia Pacific market in the new District.



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