
[其它分类] [下载]《要事第一 First Things First 优先级设定手册》(英文PDF版本)

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发表于 2007-10-30 11:23:23 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

关于《要事第一 First Things First》

简介 ······


作者简介 ······

Priority setting is a process we Extension professionals
must continually use to set and reset our day-to-day and program
priorities. Yet, many times we find ourselves working on
low-priority goals or on activities unrelated to high-priority
concerns. Sometimes we're aware of our busyness with nonpriority
items; but often we're pressured by others to "set our
At this point, we exclaim, "I know ... but how can I set my
priorities when everyone says everything is high priority!" These
moments of frustration seem to be occurring more often.
Increasing pressures by many people, and the growing
complexity of problems and society make the Extension
professional's priority setting more difficult.
This booklet is intended for Extension people who wish to
deal with these problems and who wish to independently study
and think about how a systematic process of setting priorities
relates to their Extension jobs.
The booklet has three sections that provide answers to
these questions:
I. What is priority setting?
II. Why must we set priorities?
III. How do we set priorities?
This booklet stresses priority setting as a personal
commitment made by professional Extension workers. Though
Extension workers cooperate with clientele in developing
programs and related activities, many Extension people don't
implement programs unless they see them as their own personal
priorities. Though many things influence and pressure Extension
people, only an individual can decide whether a goal or activity
is high priority and do something about it.
This booklet discusses priority setting in the context of
program development. This doesn't mean priority setting and
program development are synonymous. They aren't. But the
priority-setting process may register the most impact in a program
development situation and the ideas are transferable to many
short-range situations, such as "what do I do this week?"
Furthermore, once a person has set program priorities, those
priorities, plus the process s/he has mastered, influence the more
immediate and day-to-day priorities.
In Section 3, "How Do We Set Priorities?" a case example (a
county home economist) is presented with each step in the 6-step
process. Further case examples are outlined step by step
following Section 3. If it will help you understand the steps, turn to
the case study most like your own situation as you read.
You may wish to review some sections lightly, others in
more depth. Regardless of how much time you spend
thinking about the ideas, you'll get the most from these pages
by discussing them with others in similar positions, and most
importantly by applying them to your specific Extension job


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-30 11:24:28编辑过]


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