
[职场健康] a dile day

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发表于 2006-11-8 18:34:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

today ,i'm also very idle.I don't know what i should do .This morning ,i have found a

good website to learn English. I can use these days to learn my English. i have

some usefull sentences from the website.  i want to study it when i was at home.But

when i stay at home ,when i see the bed ,i want to lie to on the bed.I know i can't

give up these chance to learn my English.

i add  a MSN Qun that chatting in English. From the content of chatting,i know one

person is in seattle, his son is very pretty and handsome. i like this kid very much.

now I the babies that are pretty. in life ,maybe they are very interesting when i play

 with them. From yesterday listenning ,i know that in American the people will adopt

the child from other countries.  I don't know why they do this. Lots of the orphan in

China will be adopted by the American people . The adoption of the orphan from

China is majority.

today , i have learned these sentences.

1. He has  a large income! 2.He paused for a reply! 3.Don't be so childish!4. you

are just in time!!! 4. "Dog_pay_attention_not" Tianjin


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