瑛派儿烫染后受损修复洗发水 成分功效:蕴含蕙兰花提取精华、高效天然保湿成分,能迅速渗透到发根,补充头发所需多种维他命成分,补给毛发水分,防止头发所需要之水分流失,让秀发一整天保持健康、亮丽的光泽;同时可改善头发内在的干枯、开叉等现象,有效补修受损发质。 Enpir repairing shampoo for dyed or premeds hair It contains extract from C.faberi and effective moisturizing elements. It can quickly penetrate hair root and provide many kinds of vitamin for your hair to prevent your hair from losing moisture. Your hair will remain healthy and shiny. It can also repair your damaged, splitting or scorched hair.