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发表于 2006-5-29 14:14:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

爱讯特Aicent是一家为全球移动运营商提供移动数据解决方案的领先通讯服务提供商。运营着世界上最大的GPRS 漫游交换(GRX) 网络之一。网络直连客户接近40个位于亚洲各个国家、欧洲和美洲的基于2.5/3G网络的移动运营商,总体覆盖移动最终用户达2.5亿。Aicent 承载的漫游数据可通达包括美洲、欧洲、亚太及其他地区的150多个2.5G/3G移动运营商。

截至2006年五月,Aicent GRX网络已经可支持其他的漫游业务和互联业务,包括 CDMA2000数据包漫游、运营商间短信 (SMS)交换。另外Aicent还提供全球对媒体消息 (MMS) 转送、移动数据清算及集合GPRS、UMTS、 CDMA、WLAN 和其他先进技术的全球接入服务。


详细公司业务信息参见公司网站 http://www.aicent.com or http://www.aicent.net.


现诚招职位:Director of Software Development,China Messaging Service


The position is responsible for following key components:

-Team Management
- The Director of Software Development is responsible for setting the direction of the Team, maintaining the cohesion of the team, cultivating individual team members and keeping the team motivated and passionate about technology
-System Architect
-The Director of Software Development is responsible for selecting technology and defining solution to best meeting China Mobile Messaging service requirement and provides a long term technology roadmap. Also work with closely with international team to provide a cohesive team and technology structure.-Business Development
- The Director of Software Development is responsible for helping the Business Development team architect solutions, prepare proposals and participate in sales pitches.

Job Requirement

Must have strong experience in China Mobile Messaging service.
Must have diverse experience at both the hands on level and the management level.
Will manage, motivate, grow and promote innovation within the software team.
Compile resource plans and development schedules in order to direct the day to day priorities of the team.
Lead the software technical direction and make overall architectural and design tradeoffs.
Ensure a high standard of quality for deliverable software working closely with the test department.
Evaluate, select and lead the implementation of configuration management.
Provide inputs to the product roadmap and establish software product development specifications and schedules in accordance with the roadmap.
Provide support to the product development team for product definition, test and integration.

o 10+ years of technology experience preferred
o 5+ years of management experience preferred
o 5+ years of working experience in mobile messaging business preferred
o working experience in foreign enterprises preferred
o Strong team management skills
o Strong interpersonal skills
o Strong written and verbal communication skills
o Strong business development and presentation skills
o Strong software development background, with web experienceo Project management experience
o Fully understand software development cycle
o Strong Knowledge in Client Software Programming, Server programming, Database programming, Webprogramming



[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-29 14:20:48编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-29 14:54:50 | 只看该作者


发表于 2006-5-29 15:08:01 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-29 15:28:05 | 只看该作者

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