148 A place for everything and everything in its place. It still works! Searching for your stapler, calculator, note pad or pen is a time-waster, creating stress and frustration. Oh, by the way, throw away those dead batteries. It is a waste of time – and frustrating – to be searching for the good batteries among the dead batteries. 每一个固定地方都要放固定的东西,每个东西都应该放在固定的位置。这个很有用!花时间去找你的订书机、计算器、笔记本或者笔是很大的浪费,而且会造成压力和挫折感。对了,顺便说一句,把没用的电池都扔掉。在一堆没用的电池里面去找好用的电池也是很大的浪费。 149 Are you a paper shuffler? If so, mark the top of the paper every time you touch it. These tick marks will remind you you’re wasting time every time you touch that paper. 你是一个会随便用纸的人吗?如果是对话,在你每次都要碰到纸的最上面作一个标记。这些标记会在你碰到这些纸的时候提醒你在浪费自己的时间。 150 Create an e-mail address book and distribution list for those with whom you frequently communicate. Not only will you save time looking up addresses, you’ll save a lot of typing time. Ten keystrokes saved on fifty e-mails a day equals 125,000 keystrokes saved a year. You know how long it takes to press “a” 125,000 times? Don’t try it! Just take our word. 创建一个电子邮件地址列表并把它分发给你经常联系的人。这不光会节约你找地址的时间,还会节省你输入的时间。一天50封邮件节约10次击打键盘相当于一年可以少击打125,000次键盘。你知道击打125,000次“a”需要多长时间吗?试一下,仅仅数一下字数。 151 Buy a small tape recorder and put it next to your bed. Now, you can capture all those great ideas that seem to “vanish into thin air” when you wake up. 买一个随身听并且把他放在自己的床边。现在,你就可以在早晨醒来的时候捕捉到任何一个将要“消失在空气中”的想法。 152 General rule: if it takes less than five minutes, get it done now. 一般规则:如果需要的时间少于5分钟,就马上完成。 153 Set specific goals for two weeks and write the goals down. Then, focus your attention on activities that lead to achieving those goals. You will be surprised how much you can accomplish if you put your goals on paper. 设定两周的明确目标并写下来。然后关注于可以带领你达成这些目标的活动。你会惊奇的发现把通过把目标写在纸上你竟然可以完成这么多任务。 154 “Group” similar tasks together. You’ll have all the necessary materials together and can save valuable time not having to refocus for each separate task. Fewer transitions between tasks improve your productivity. 把相似的任务集中起来。你就可以把必须得资料都集中起来,可以避免需要针对每一个单独的活动再次去关注它们。任务间越少的转变可以提供你的工作效率。 155 Develop an “in-today, out-tomorrow” process for all mail coming into your office. 对所有进入你办公室的邮件都采取“今日进,明日出”的措施。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-29 8:12:36编辑过] |