
[志同道合] let me shortly introduce myself

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发表于 2003-5-30 14:10:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
I luckly and excitedly found this very wonderful site.
I think It must be the best Chinese forum about management by far.
It's very happy to learn so much knowledge and experience from all of you, and more important, to strive for my goals together with so many friends here.
I am very regretful to miss the Shanghai meeting. I pledge that I must not miss any festivals any more.

Now, let me shortly introduce myself.

I was graduated from Zhejiang University -- Yuquan Campus in April 2000. The majors I have studies are respectively "Applied Electronics(undergraduate period)", "International Marketing and Management(Minor, undergraduate period)" and "Wireless Communication(graduate period)". After leaving university, I entered Huawei techonologies as a software engineer. Huawei gave me many very good opportunites. I got promotion to project leader just four months after I joined this company. And later, I was responsible for oganizing cooperation with two Indian software companies. One of which is SATAYM, one CMM 5 level company. We sat together to successfully develop our product and as a leader for this on-site joint project, I learned a lot from this cooperation. My excellent work during this period also earned me a postion in company's CMM core group. The work experience in Huawei (and also the work in current company) totally changed my profession goal. It let me give up the offers from USA univeristies for Ph.D. degree even after I got the I-20 table. I strongly don't want to spend another five years in USA in order to only get a Ph.D. degree. I am now planning for a full time MBA abroad or a Ph.D. degree from a Chinese university (to obtain the degree while continue to work, not the fully time).

Now I am working as a senior scientist in a research lab of one famous international company. Besides the research work, I am also responsible for improving the quality of above 20 projects, including strategy and ballanced scorecard definition (help the upper manager), bonus scheme definition and culture building (help human resource specialist), main progamme processes including knowledge management, customer relationship management(these two are very important for research lab), project management and quality assurance.

Wish we can make friends and creat our brilliant future together. / Shy, Hehe.

You can contact with me by using dawnroad-sun@vip.sina.com.

Good luck, Guys!

DawnRoad Sun
发表于 2003-5-30 15:20:00 | 只看该作者
it is important for us to work hard, there is no way to success but wrk hard.
发表于 2003-5-30 14:48:00 | 只看该作者


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