
标题: 大家认为什么才是最佳的电信市场部的组织架构 [打印本页]

作者: evo    时间: 2004-3-12 19:30
标题: 大家认为什么才是最佳的电信市场部的组织架构
作者: Detecon    时间: 2004-3-16 10:42
哪有什么最佳的,只有适合自己的而已。 研究组织架构最好是做一些Multinational Telecom Company Marketing Organization的benchmark研究。标杆对象其实不需要太多,挑你们行业认为最好的一两家企业市场部门做研究就行了。我可以提供一些组织架构benchmark研究内容给你,剩下的就是你收集情报的工作了。

1.Company milestonefficeffice" />

2.Business strategy (history and current)

3.Organizational culture (mission/vision/organization spirit)

4.Organization development & change

Org. structure developing history

Key driving forces

Future trends

5.Organizational structure

Current org. Chart

Relation among corporate HQ, China HQ and invested companies.

Each business units functions to analyze the organization efficiency

-Roles, responsibilities and work task dividing

-Interrelationship and report chain

-Key consideration of units construction

-Human resources management

Management tier and managed staff of each manager

Decision making system - Main decision makers and their authority

6.Organization rule system – Key influencing rules and incentive system

7.Organization resources and capabilities utilization

Internal and external resources that create main influence on organization set up, e.g.

-Main product

-Sales channel

-Partnership (incl with government)

-Business scope



-IT system

Core competence

8.Key difference between China units and global
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-3-16 10:46:24编辑过]

作者: i8816    时间: 2004-3-16 14:29

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