亲爱的小文: 你在美国看到了多少狗和猫?有一些很有意思的英文,都和狗、猫有关。 下大雨是rain cats and dogs,正是中文"大雨倾盆"的意思。中文描写雨大,说一盆水翻下来;英文则是猫狗都下下来。夫妻两人整天吵架,英文是He and his wife led a cat-and-dog life.(过猫狗一样的生活)。 每个人都有得意的日子,瓦片也有翻身时候,英文是The cat will mew and dog will have his day.(猫会咪咪叫,狗有他的好日子),也可以说Every dog has his day. This is the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.是一句好玩的英文,但翻成中文,却倒过来才行:"杰克盖的房子里有麦芽,麦芽给耗子吃了,耗子给猫咬死了,猫又给狗叼住了,这就是叼住猫的那条狗。"
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-13 13:44:53编辑过] |