企业上ERP的是想通过计算机整合企业内外部资源,最终目的是提高企业的获利能力和提高企业绩效。我的观点是软件、硬件只是ERP成败的一部分,更重要的是企业中的人、管理、业务流程。实施ERP是一个长期的过程,需要实施前的准备工作、实施、实施后三个阶段。而实施后的持续改善是很重要的。 我公司一直专注于ERP持续改善咨询,很想向各位分享我公司的咨询理念:Purpose Driven ERP. Thank you for your time for considering this information with me about Purpose Driven ERP. “Purpose Driven ERP” involves helping companies solve installation problems and improve their daily software use. Ultimately, our customers achieve “A” class implementation status by focusing on business issues, daily operational consistency, and change management to allow business use to keep pace with increased functionality introduced by the software. Manufacturers often start with a good installation, but research proves the period before and afterward is even more critical to the ultimate success. No other ERP company, in China, except GENISYS focuses on this. GENISYS specializes in ERP improvement, helps companies create a corporate culture to support ERP progress, and provides outside Advisory support and tools. GENISYS has well-known consultant/training experts John Carlson, who was the original Fourth Shift architect and product father, and Zhou Yuqing who have been put into the 2004 list of “Fifty Important Contributors to ERP in China (年中国影响企业信息化进程人物”). Zhou Yuqing and VGM Liu Bo Ying have also written and published two ERP textbooks that have been widely used, nationally; and Scott Carlson, President of GENISYS and creator of “Purpose Driven ERP”. FACT: Only 10% of ERP companies receive significant return on investment among over one million companies using ERP. FACT: Among many companies using ERP in Tianjin, only one company has achieved “A” class status Two years critical processes The gap in success using ERP is huge among many manufacturing enterprises. The gap becomes more obvious two years after the initial installation.
The most important factor for the gap is the process and problem resolution technique established in the first two years.
This includes factors such as gap in Employee sophistication and focus on “Initial Benefits” rather than the daily operational management
Purpose Driven ERP will bring the following benefits to you and your company: · Provide APICS content in a “live” practice environment to increase business impact of ERP system · Provide ERP self assessment forms and progress tracking software that can be used forever- every customer needs to measure! · Introduces a change management process so the company can increase performance from new ERP capabilities. · Provides direction for progressing stage-by-stage to “A” class status · Revives hope for ROI from ERP through GENISYS` Advisory support 有兴趣的朋友,可以给我发邮件,中英文资料备索。 |