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发表于 2006-4-14 10:38:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


薪水在目前薪水基础上增加25% 或面谈

Core Java Assistant Systems Manager Core Java 系统副经理
Job Description:
To build up and manage a software development team, which will work on the most advanced e-trading platform , and ensure the team to run with high quality and efficiency.
To be the Technical Leader on all current and future regional projects
Cooperate and communicate with developers, production supporters and overseas managers to identify product features, prioritize tasks, track schedules and deliver results

Good command of speaking and writing English,
BS/MS degree in Computer Science or equivalent
Above 5 years working experience in software development and include at least 2 years in team management. Banking / finance industry background is an added value
Have rich J2EE project experience (Be good at Swing or Thread or RMI or CORBA etc. DB as well)
Be good at Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Design Patterns, familiar with UML
Be familiar with Unix environment and command
Good understanding of software development process
Strong responsibility and flexibility under work pressure

Java/J2EE Assistant Systems Manager Java/J2EE 系统副经理
Job Description:
To build up and manage a software development team, ensure the team to run with high quality and efficiency
To be the Technical Leader on all current and future regional projects
Cooperate and communicate with developers, production supporters and overseas managers to identify product features, prioritize tasks, track schedules and deliver results

Good command of speaking and writing English,
BS/MS degree in Computer Science or equivalent
Above 5 years working experience in software development and include at least 2 years in project management. Banking / finance industry background is an added value
Have rich Java/J2EE web project experience
Be good at J2EE knowledge (All Common J2EE Components, Front End: JSP, Servlet; Server End: /EJB, /JMS/JDBC/RMI…. Framework: Struts, Spring, Hibernate etc, DB as well)
Be at Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Design Patterns, familiar with UML
Good understanding of software development process
Be familiar with Unix environment and command
Strong responsibility and flexibility under work pressure
TOEIC - Certificate holders highly preferred

Java Senior Software Engineer Java 高级软件工程师
Job Duties:
To analyze requirements, write design or program specifications
To code Java/J2EE applications to implement product features
Communicate and work closely with peer developers
Guide and support junior developers

BS/MS degree in Computer Science or equivalent
About 2 ? 5 years experience of software development, experience in supervising a development team is an advantage
Good command of speaking and writing English
Be skilled at Core Java or J2EE technologies (Be good at EJB or JMS or RMI or JSP&Servlet. etc. Framework: Struts, Spring, Hibernate etc)
Be good at Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Design Patterns, familiar with UML
Be skilled at Oracle/Sybase DBMS development is required
Be familiar with Unix environment and command
Experience in Struts and Tiles is a plus
Experience in software test is a plus
Strong responsibility and flexibility under work pressure
TOEIC - Certificate holders highly preferred


电话:021-62851927 李先生

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