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发表于 2004-9-13 19:40:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1 Inventory can be tracked by customer and project
2 Length of inventory quantity fields(999,999,999.9999) - please specify.
3 Negative on hand supported with parameter control
4 Bin location control
5 Lot tracking from material receipt to finished goods shipment
6 Printing of bar code labels for parts and lots
7 Scanning of bar code labels including part no. and quantity on goods receipt, IQC and material issue etc.
8 Handling of consigned materials
9 Printing of stock-take report by warehouse with an option to show stock on hand
10 Stock-take variance (quantity and value) report and approval
11 Cycle count - period to be defined by ABC classification
12 Cycle count variance (quantity and value) report
13 Tag creation for stock take
14 Inventory summary enquiry by item, e.g. on order, on hand, WIP, allocated, shortage
15 Inventory on hand, in transit and at receiving, IQC, reject, and scrap locations
16 Inventory ledger (summary and detailed) by selected period range (with opening, in, out and closing, and related amount printing option)
17 Monthly total inventory values by warehouse,Location
18 Warehouse inventory valuation report by item with selection of month (Div. 6: Inventory Listing by Location)
19 Inventory enquiry by manufacturer part no.
20 ABC analysis based on user defined criteria like usage value, unit
21 Reporting of inventory turn
22 Inventory Aging Report

Exception report showing materials to be expired


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