成功女人的下列十个习惯实用,简单,有效。这些成功小贴士从告诉你要保持激素平衡到教你放下过去,可运用于我们的意识、身体和灵魂。首先,让我们看看来自作家Anais Nin的一段话: These 10 habits of highly successful women are practical, easy, and effective.These tips for success range from maintaining your hormonal balance to letting go of the past - and they affect your mind, body, and soul. First, a quotation from writer Anais Nin:
“梦想转化为现实,现实又催生梦想,这种互生关系成就了生存的最高境界” “Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the action stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.”
采取行动是成功女人最重要的习惯之一,另外,还要有梦想。 Taking action is one of the most important habits of successful women…and so is dreaming.
成功女人的十大习惯 10 Habits of Highly Successful Women
1.保持荷尔蒙平衡——你是否极度情绪化、精疲力尽、暴躁易怒?请检查你的激素水平。假如激素水品紊乱,你是很难成功的!要保证汲取足够的蛋白质和维生素,减少精制糖及碳水化合物的摄入。 1. Maintain your hormonal balance——Are you moody, exhausted, irritable, or sad? Check your hormones. If they’re out of whack, then you’ll struggle to be successful! Make sure you’re getting enough protein and vitamins, and decrease your refined sugars and carbohydrates.
2.原谅自己的错误——成功的女性不会为过去的选择、失败感到困扰或愧疚。他们犯错后继续前进,将经验教训运用到新的情景当中。 2. Forgive yourself for your mistakes——Highly successful women don’t obsess or feel guilty about past choices or failures. They make mistakes, move on, and apply what they’ve learned to new situations.