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发表于 2008-3-4 11:01:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Principle Software Engineer----这个是和PM一个级别的

The Principle Software Engineer will be responsible for opportunity capture, architecture, design and development for multiple prototypes or proof-of-concept projects and act as the architect for significant portions of applied research projects. The successful candidate should be able to identify the architecture and technologies rapidly and build prototypes and PoCs using that technologies.The candidate will be a recognized resource for other team members, identity and address complex problems and provide solutions that are highly innovative, and have a recognized expertise in all areas of the product.



?Responsible for the opportunity capture, architecture, design of prototypes and PoC projects

?Provides overall functional and technical leadership in certain domain projects.

?Authors concise functional and design specifications

?Follows and enforces development processes and standard procedures using agile development approach

?Works as an architect and provides consultant to other members.


Experience & Skills

?BSMS Computer Science with minimum 8 years of relevant software development experience, research experience is a plus

?Strong experience leading an architecture design and technologies selection in project development.


?Strong Ability to work independently

?Excellent analytical and problem solving skills

?Good English verbal and written communication skills.

?Strong experience in Java, C# or C++.

?Being an Expert in one or more of the following areas is considered as MUST

?   Online web2.0 service, such as e-commercial, communities, etc.

?   SOA, ESB, Web Service applications, middleware.

?   Web UI and Swing UI.

?   Model-driven architectures.

?   IT management software domain, familiar with CIM.

?   Distributed processing, grid technologies.

主要是做前瞻性的产品研发,可以这样理解,当第一代产品上市的时候,作为研究所的技术PM,就要带领团队进行二代产品的先期框架的设计! 这个岗位的未来发展放心是首席技术官! 公司的背景很不错,具体的可以加我MSN详谈的!

还有某世界500强的前10强企业招聘赴日的岗位,我个人不喜欢日本,但是没办法,公司交给我做了,就好好做吧, 非派遣,是正式员工编制, 薪水待遇非常丰厚,我都想去了,可惜咱不会日文!又不喜欢日本!嘿嘿

JAVA,.NET C++等主流开发语言使用时间在2年以上,工作经验在3年以上,日语2级以上,如果有3级证书,口语达到2级的也可以! 大专学历需要有程序员证书才能办理签证!

啥也不说了,MSN:hunter_sky2000@hotmail.com 大家注明:家园! 我单独处理!


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-4 11:05:48编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-4 11:06:22 | 只看该作者

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