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发表于 2008-1-10 17:33:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Every one of us has the potential to successfully move through the unique problems that face us. Yet, creating success often involves first identifying the many ways in which we continue to think negatively and the many ways we limit ourselves. The next step becomes replacing ineffective strategies with newer, more empowered self-leadership strategies. Below are five tips to help you weed out negative habits and replace them with positive, supportive behaviors. 我们每个人都有能力成功地度过各自遇到的各不相同的问题。然而,要成功往往需要首先找到那许多我们一直消极思维和限制自我的方式,然后再用新的更有力的自我领导策略来代替这些无效策略。以下是五个帮你铲除消极思维习惯,建立积极行为的方法。

Create Harmony


Instead of prodding, poking, and forcing yourself to make changes, create harmony with the changes you want to make. Envision the life you would like to live and form a rich and rewarding relationship with that life. Build a bridge of loving respect between you and your desire. See your dream as a living, delicate entity needing your kind attention so that it can grow and take shape. All it takes is your heart and motivation to take pride in what you are creating. You have choice to struggle and be angry about creating change in your life, or you could take a breath and make a new agreement within yourself. Decide to create a phenomenal connection between you and your dream. 不要去敦促、催促、强迫自己做出改变,而是和你要做出的改变达成共识。想象出你希望过的生活,然后形成一种与理想生活之间丰富和有回报的关系。在你和你想获得的东西之间建立一个爱戴尊重的”桥梁“。 将你的梦想视作一种有生命的、细致微妙的东西,它需要你的亲切关注才能成长。你要做的一切不过是付出真心,为自己所创造的东西感到自豪。 在做出改变时,你可以选择痛苦挣扎或表示愤怒;或者你可以做一次深呼吸,和自己达成一项新的协定,在你和你的梦想之间创造出一个很好的联系

Acknowledge Your Worth


Motivating yourself by with criticism, negative self-talk, or name-calling decreases your overall level of motivation. Instead of being relentlessly nasty with yourself, create a warm and accepting atmosphere to promote persistent effort and a favorable attitude toward change. Positive self-talk - talking to your self in a confident, reassuring, positive, and friendly way - is the best way to gain energy and motivation. 用批评、消极的自我对话、或辱骂的方式“激励”自己会让你缺乏动力。不要总是跟自己过不去。创造出一个温暖亲和的气氛来促使你能不断努力,乐于接受改变。积极的自我对话--以自信、肯定、积极和友好的方式对话--是获得精力和动力的最好方式。

If you have gotten into the rut of negative self-talk, now is the time to develop a new habit of being fair and compassionate to yourself. You are far more likely to succeed in your goals when you acknowledge your strengths, assets, and ability to persevere. Being your own worst enemy will not automatically vanish one day. Believing in yourself and learning to be your own advocate takes time, persistence, and dedication. Spend at least five minutes each day listing (in writing and in verbal speech) truths about yourself and your abilities. Get out your pad of paper, look yourself in the eye in the mirror, and write or speak motivational statements such as these: 如果你已陷入消极的自我对话中,现在是培养对自己公平和同情的时候了。当你认识到自己的长处、优点和持之以恒的能力时,实现目标的可能性就要大的多。自己是自己最大的敌人,这个问题不会自动解决。相信自己,学会拥护自己,这需要时间、毅力和努力。每天至少花五分钟列出自己和有关自己能力的事实情况(写或口头都行)。拿出你的记事本,看着镜子中的自己,写出或念出类似下面的这些激励的话:

• I don't know exactly what to do, but I can choose to do something.


• If I really put my mind to something, I can do it.


• I have done it before, and I can do it now.


• When something goes wrong, I can handle it.


• I can deal with this.


• Other people have learned how to accomplish this, and I can, too!


Minimize Anxiety


Because learning new habits requires changes in your beliefs and behaviors, it can produce a mild level of anxiety. This anxiety can provide energy for motivation and perseverance. However, if your anxiety escalates, you may find the energy of your stress to be incapacitating. Minimize your levels of stress by being compassionate to yourself. Understand that some stress is normal as you make changes, but you don't have to make it worse by criticizing yourself. Learn to breathe, take time out and assess your situation, and relax before taking your next step. 因为养成新的习惯需要你在信念和行为上做出改变,所以可能会出现轻微的焦虑。 这种焦虑会让你更有动力和毅力。但是,如果过于焦虑的话,你也许会发现这种精神压力会使人无法承担。同情自己可以降低这种压力。要知道在做出改变的时候,出现一些压力是正常的,但是,你没有必要再用批评自己使事情变得更糟。在进行下一步以前,学会放松,抽时间审视自己的处境


 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-12 10:51:09 | 只看该作者

See Your Best Case Scenario


The worst will not always occur. Recognize catastrophe thinking. Here is a wonderful piece of advice I saw on a greeting card from the good people at Hallmark: "If I had to give up one sense, it would be my sense of impending doom." Stop scaring yourself into believing that every negative thing that happens is a horrific disaster. Yes, negative situations can occur, but focus on problem solving and moving forward despite the presence of fear. 最糟糕的情况并不总是会出现,你要意识到自己的”灾难化”思维。以下是我在贺卡上看到的一条极好的建议:“如果非要我去放弃一种感觉的话,我就放弃灾难迫近的感觉。”别再吓唬自己了,不要以为每件消极的事情都会演变为一起恐怖的灾难。总有可能出现消极的情况这没错,但是应把注意力放在解决问题、继续前进而不是恐惧上。

Make a Choice


When you use the words "should" and "try" you make yourself a victim to your own change. Instead, drop the words "should" and "try" and use empowering statements such as: 当你用”应该“和”努力“这样的词时,你就把自己放在了自我改变中的”受害人“的位置上。放弃”应该“和”努力“这样的词,而用和下面这些相类似的词汇:

• choose to . . . 选择

• now have . . . 现在有

• I am able to . . . 我能

• It is my wish and choice to . . . 我希望并选择去

• I am willing to . . . 我愿意

• I am now already . . . 我准备好去

(to be continued)

(感谢网友hly_123分享 英语点津 Annabel 编辑)



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