其实昨天晚上才选定的题目啦,经济学课程的论文。完整的题目如下: Question 2: “Chinese leaders have realised that their economic growth will only be sustainable in the long run if they can switch to consumption-driven, rather than export-oriented (or investment-driven) growth, which will require a change in economic policy.” Consider the disadvantages of an export-oriented (or investment-driven) growth policy and explain what changes China should make to its exchange rate regime in order to pursue a consumption driven policy and why.
- Overview of China’s growth patterns and GDP
- Discuss the reasons why China’s growth pattern is unsustainable and why there has been a shift in economic policy
- Outline the potential dangers to the Chinese Economy of an over reliance on export and investment.
- A discussion of Exchange Rate issues with respect to both export/investment led policies and domestic consumption policies.
各位前辈有所指教的话也算帮我brainstorming一下了。 |