169 Pay your bills electronically. You can save at least half the time when paying monthly bills and save money on postage. That’s a good deal! 使用电子付帐。这样你在付每月帐单的时候可以节约至少一半时间并且可以省掉邮资。真是一个划算的办法! 170 Worry is a time and energy robber. It’s natural to worry, but you can shorten the time between when you start worrying and when you begin doing something about it. 焦虑是一个时间和精力的强盗。焦虑是人的天性,但是你可以缩短你开始焦虑和你开始做一点实际的事情之间的时间。 171 Turn off the TV. (Yes, really turn it off!) Enjoy favorite programs but turn the television off when you’re just veggin’ in front of the tube. Ask yourself; “Does this program really contribute to my personal or professional goals?” If not, you may want to turn it off, or at least change the channel. 关掉电视(是的,关掉它)享受你喜欢的电视节目但是如果你只是坐在电视屏幕前的时候,问一下你自己“这个节目真的对我的个人或者事业目标有贡献吗?”如果没有,就关掉它或者至少你换一个频道。 172 If you enjoy watching television, tape your favorite shows and watch the videotape at your convenience. Fast- forwarding through commercials will save you about 15 minutes of every hour. 如果你正在看你喜欢的电视,把它录下来然后在你方便的时候再看录像带。快进广告至少会节约你每个小时15分钟的时间。 173 Buy a coffee pot with a timer and get it ready before you go to bed. 为咖啡壶配一个计时器这样你就可以在你上床睡觉之前会先煮好你的咖啡。 174 Plot your route to work and find services, such as dry cleaners, automobile repair, etc. on your way. Stop spending your valuable time trying to save a few pennies. Don’t drive across town to save a few cents on items that you could pick up on the way to work. It’s not worth your time. 在你上班的路上找到那些服务型的店,比如干洗店、汽车维修等等。不要用你那宝贵的时间而只是为了节约几个硬币。不要开车穿城而只是为了省几毛钱,其实你本来可以在你上班的路上去取的。你的时间不止这么点钱。 175 Listen to audiotapes on the way to work. Pick one day every week and learn something. The average person spends 500 hours per year in their car. Why not use some of that time to grow personally or professionally — or to just be entertained. You deserve it! 在上班路上听录音带。用一个星期里面的一天来学点什么。一个人平均一年花500个小时在汽车上。为什么不在上面花点时间来提升个人或者事业呢?-或者只是娱乐一下。这是你应得的。 Bonus! 红利! 176 Give a copy of this book to your spouse, coworkers and friends. The better you become at managing your time, the more time you will have to enjoy each other. 给一本这个书给你的配偶、同事和朋友。你的时间管理的越好,你们就有越多的时间在一起。 资源中心完整中英文PDF版本下载。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-9 12:24:09编辑过] |