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发表于 2010-10-5 16:02:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

  'Good heavens! Lady Clem,' cried Lord Arthur, catching hold of her hand, 'you mustn't do anything of the kind. It is a homoeopathic medicinprada handbagss e, and if you take it without having heartburn, it might do you no end of harm. Wait till you have an attack, and take it then. You will be astonished at the result.'fficeffice" />

     'I should like to take it now,' said Lady Clementina, holding up to the light the little transparent capsule, with its floating bubble of lcoach bagst nk iquid aconitine. 'I am sure it is delicious. The fact is that, though I hate doctors, I love medicines. However, I'll keep it till my next attack.'
     'And when will that be?' asked Lord Arthur eagerly. 'Will it be soon?' 'I hope not for a week. I had a very bad time yesterday morning with it.
chanel bagsi i O But one never knows.' 'You are sure to have one before the end of the month then, Lady Clem?' 'I am afraid so. But how sympathetic you are to-day, Arthur! Really, Sybil has done you a great deal of


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