
[原创]PROCUREMENT MANAGER (Heavy Steel Castings)

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发表于 2005-10-14 15:52:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

A US-headquartered company, is a leading steel foundry specializing in heavy castings used in construction, mining, power, pump and valve, scrap metal recycling and capital goods industries. In addition to its own production, the company imports heavy castings from its preferred supply partners to supply to its clients.

The company has an impressive track record of delivering high quality products throughout the North American market.

To start up and manage the operations of its new China Procurement Office, our client is looking for a high caliber professional from Steel Castings or related sectors for the following functional leadership position:

Position: Procurement Manager (Heavy Steel Castings)

Location: Major Cosmopolitan City, China

Annual Package: USD$ 40-60K


Leadership of Purchasing/Procurement function including Supplier Identification, Qualification, Due Diligence, Commercial Negotiations, Budgeting, Logistics, Staff Training, Market Intelligence, Reporting, and Customer Support.


Candidates should be Engineering Degree/Diploma holders from premier institutes. An MBA would be preferred.

Candidates must be experienced procurement professionals with knowledge of and supplier contacts in China. They must have a minimum of 7-10 years of relevant experience and must be fluent in both English and Mandarin. Prior working experience in China, preferably with a JV or MNC, is preferred.

Exposure to managing the procurement function with manufacturers of Construction/Mining Equipment or Large Pumps/Valves or Heavy Capital Goods/Power Generation Equipment will be preferred.

Proven leadership and man-management skills; analytical and planning abilities; strong business focus; solution-oriented approach; excellent communication and presentation skills; a positive, “can do” attitude; high degree of reliability and ethical standards; and high energy level and resourcefulness will be essential for success in these roles.

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