分享是一種成就 - sharing is an accomplishment
成功不在於你贏過多少人,而是你幫過多少人. Success is not defined by the number of people you beat, but by the number you helped with.
真正大師不是擁有最多學生的人,而是協助最多人成為大師的人。 Great master is not defined by the number of students, but by the number of masters you helped to become.
真正領袖不是擁有最多追隨者的人,而是協助最多人成為領袖的人 True leader is not the one with the most followers, but the one who developed the most leaders .
這一生不在於『你超越多少人』,而是你協助多少人不斷超越自己 This life is not based on how many we surpassed, but how many we helped to surpass themselves.
未來成功的新典範:不在你(妳)贏過多少人, 分享是一種成就 Future definition of success: share and help others to succeed.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-12 10:05:08编辑过] |