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发表于 2007-6-9 11:28:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


The story is told by Walter Hartright, teacher of art.
 It was the last day of July, 1849, and the heat in London had been terrible all day. I was sitting in my room, trying to read, but I couldn't concentrate on my book. It was too hot and the constant noises from the street disturbed me. So as I had many things to think about, I decided to go for a walk in the cool evening air. 
 My name is Walter Hartright and I'm an art teacher. This was my last night in London. Early the following morning I was due to travel to Cumberland in the north of England. I had been offered a job there -- at a place called Limmeridge House, near the small village of Limmeridge. 
 My future employer was a gentleman callded Mr Frederick Fairlie. He had advertised for an art teacher to teach drawing and sketching to his two nieces. This teacher would live at Limmeridge House with the family. 
 I knew I was very lucky to get this job. Teaching the young ladies would be easy and pleasant, and the pay and working conditions were excellent. But at the same time I had a very strange feeling about the job. I didn't want to take it, but I couldn't explain why. Perhaps even then I knew deep inside that it would change my life for ever. 

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