
Can do ready aim shoot

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发表于 2007-6-5 15:27:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Monday is English Day 06/05/2007

I can’t open my blog, so write down the blog entry in my word document , then stick them into my blog when it can be used .
Yesterday afternoon, we had the team staff meeting. We have sixteen staff in our team. Also ,in  our team , there are many projects. Our department manager also participant in this meeting. At the beginning of meeting , we speak in Chinese, but when the DM come in, she told us need to talk in English, can’t use the Chinese to communicate with each other. From this meeting, this time , I know lots of people their oral English is very good. When it turn to me to introduce my current task and the good things or the bad things you learn from this. I also have a little nervous. And the words I spoke out were too bad. When I heard Grace told us her tasks ,her oral English very fluently, and the feeling of heard her words very good. Then our DM give her highly praise. she graduated only one year earlier than me. But she can do it very well. But me, don’t know what I should say.
I know if you want more projects to do, want more chances to do other things, want your manger or leader give you a good impression, you must do all the things ready.You must learn skills as many as possible. Now, I only have 25 days to push on. So I must remember this very clearly. Everyday Everytime remind myself, I must change myself by myself.can’t depend on other people.
发表于 2007-6-5 16:18:35 | 只看该作者

what your corporation is?

I think thant use English in usual communion is too difficult for many chinese people 

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