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发表于 2005-11-4 16:14:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
公司简介: 利腾电子(苏州)有限公司是2OOO年11月注册成立于苏州工业园区的美商独资企业,公司隶属于美国Northrop Grumman集团,亦是Northrop Grumman集团在中国的第一家子公司。 Northrop Grumman集团作为全球高科技及市场的领先者,在2005年度《财富》杂志全球500强企业中排名166位。Northrop Grumman集团网址:www.northgrum.com 利腾电子(苏州)有限公司之Winchester Electronics Division致力于设计、制造及价值附加、组装用于通讯或设备方面的电缆及连接器。Winchester Electronics总部设在美国Wallingford,在墨西哥努各了市和马来西亚的槟州均设有分部,投资于中国的第一家分部于2002年11月在苏州组建,销售额从03年200万美金发展至04年770万美金,目前总人数稳定于170人左右。 我们为每一位员工提供了合适的培训成长机会与广阔的共同发展空间。同时,我们优厚的福利也会员工提供了稳定而人性化的工作与生活的平衡。 *HR assistant(人事助理): Responsibilities: -On-time payroll preparations for remittance and payroll related submissions -Visitors' need for assistance such as travelling visas applications, invitation letter, receptions etc. -Administrative functions such as key-management; leaves records; employees records etc. -Handling employee conflicts and playng advisory role to employees who need helps with regards to their job functions -Constantly organize activities that enhance team-work and strengthen relationship among employees -ISO Related functions. -Any other additional related functional responsibilities. Requirements: -At least 2 years of working experience in HR field -Good communication and coordination skills -Result oriented, good team player -Fluent English both in spoken and written -Good MS office skills. Excel/Word/Power Point -High level of interpersonal skills to work effectively with others, motivate employees. *Accountant(会计) Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for reviewing the accounting entries made by other accountants in daily processes. 2. Apply period end disciplines and routines to produce periodic financial and management accounts. 3. Support the preparation of statutory accounts and comply with fiscal reporting requirements. 4. Support the preparation of internal monthly management report. 5. Responsible for compilation of tax analysis matrix. 6. Responsible for tax filing and reporting of corporate income tax on quarterly basis. Requirements: 1.University diploma, majoring in finance/accounting; 2.5 years relevant working experience; 3. Good command of English; 4. Good team player & positive attitude; 5. Strong sense of responsibility, self-motivation, diligent and intelligent. *Quality Engineer(品质工程师) Responsibilities: 1.Manage quality by implementation of quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement 2.Provide engineering solutions to process issues through root cause analysis and implementation of corrective and/or preventive actions; Communicate the corrective actions to relevant parties and follow up on improvement 3.Gearing towards achieving specific quality standards and maintaining the company quality system in general; 4.Develop your subordinates in capable of carrying out specific duties that help meeting the organizational objectives 5.To ensure our products conform to customer specifications and requirement; 6.Provide quality-related training and/or training recommendation to all subordinates 7.Generate reports that help better understand the product quality achievement and recommend for corrective plan 8.Handling customers complaints and feedback in timely manner; 9.Provide proactive Value-add to everyone; 10.Any other additional responsibilities in related to ISO quality standards; 11.Any other additional related functional responsibilities. Requirements: 1.Age will be no more than 30. 2.College degree or above and majored in electronics. 3.At least 3 years experience in electronics product, especially RF cable assembly, connector assembly 4.Knowledge of ISO9001/ISO14001, and OHSAS18000 will be advantage 5.Familiar with process quality analysis, PFMEA, 6 sigma 6.Strong ability in written/oral English. 7.Familiar with office software, especially for Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint 8.Good communication and strong teamwork spirit 如有意向者,请直接发简历至Recruit#winchesterelectronics.com.cn 欢迎有志之士的加入! 有好心热心的HR同仁帮忙推荐一下啊,谢谢您这么谅解招聘工作的辛苦!
发表于 2005-11-14 11:06:45 | 只看该作者

说实话 我一看那么多的招聘说明我就晕




发表于 2007-3-27 16:19:59 | 只看该作者






发表于 2007-6-12 13:20:52 | 只看该作者

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