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发表于 2013-11-22 01:38:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1. Quick draw branches

At a first glance, the only difference to the Branch Target is the new grey segment or ‘Branch Editor’. But don’t be fooled, the Branch Target has a secret up its sleeve. Click on the red and amber segments in the Branch Target and it will instantly add new branches. This is the ultimate time saver when you’re adding lots of branches to your map. Just remember to have SmartLayout switched on so your branches don’t overlap.

2. Master a project in minutes

There has been a lot of talk about the iMindMap and DropTask collaboration, but have you tried exporting a whole map yet?

Making sure you explore your project and pursue every avenue in iMindMap 7′s generative space first as it lets you identify everything that’s needed and avoid missing essential tasks.

Then you can simply export your entire map straight into DropTask to be further managed. Your map will appear as a new Project in DropTask, ready to be managed and completed. Just go to File > Export > DropTask to send it over.

3. Make the most of the Cloud

iMindMap Cloud allows you to store, edit and sync your Mind Maps across all of your devices and share them with other users. In iMindMap 7, we have a new Maps area so you can easily browse your local files (.imx files saved to your computer) and the maps you’ve saved to iMindMap Cloud, in the same place.

You need an iMindMap Freedom subscription to access the Cloud – luckily, with any purchase of iMindMap 7, you will receive a free subscription to iMindMap Freedomfor a limited time – allowing you to experience the iMindMap Cloud on every device.

4. Print your maps your way

Unless you have a particularly keen eye, you may skim across this small but mighty feature. In the latest version, there is a brand new printing option in the Print window, which allows you to print any section of your map. All you need to do is resize and move the box in the printing menu to decide which part of your map to print. So if you’ve created a map covering many topics, you can focus on specific areas at a time.

5. From Presentations to PDFs

If you’ve created a great presentation in iMindMap, it’s easier than ever to share with the world. In version 7, you can export your presentation slides as a PDF – just look under File > Export or click the Export button in the Presentation Builder. The PDF can be shared digitally with colleagues or printed as handouts. This is perfect for teachers and presenters looking to give the audience something to hold onto. You can arrange your slides to be exported in various formats on the page and you can even leave space for your audience to add their own notes.

6. Send Presentation Slides to Powerpoint

With this brand new exporting option, you can export the slides you created in iMindMap to Powerpoint. The slides will appear exactly how you created them in the iMindMap Presentation Builder. So, you can deliver visually stunning presentations in Powerpoint as well; perfect if you have to present on a computer without iMindMap installed. This option can be found under File > Export or by clicking the Export button in the Presentation Builder.

7. Floating Properties Panel

With the brand new Properties Panel iniMindMap 7, you can dock it to the left or right hand side of your screen, but you might have missed the undock feature. This lets the Properties Panel float outside iMindMap or be resized inside your workspace, giving you complete flexibility and more room when you need it. Just look for the arrows in the top right corner.

You can also completely minimise the panel, by clicking the arrow halfway down its edge, and continue to develop your map without any distractions.


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