
The Use and Symbolism of Candles in Buddhism

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发表于 2011-8-16 09:35:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The Use andSymbolism of Candles in Buddhism
Prices vary tremendously throughout Europe,but north face outlet restassured, you'll always find somewhere to eat that's within your budget.Franceis known for its good food and its high prices, but that's mostly true if youare choosing from the Michelin guide by the number of stars the establishmenthas. Away from the big cities, you'll find small restaurants with good pricesand some excellent local cuisine. Good deals are usually the "plat dujour" (daily special) and the "prix fix¨¦e" that can range froma three to a six course meal. For a complete list ask for the"carte", or the "carte du jour" for what's special today.If you are having a full course meal, a cheese board may come with the meal.Ask for "a little of each, please" "Un peu de chacun, s'il vousplait".On the day before Lent, large groups of people gather with theirbeautifully decorated candles and march with them on elaborate and beautifulparades. The rich, luxuriously sculpted decorations on these beautiful works ofart portray willpower, unity, and the beliefs of that community. The candleparade procession contains the broadest cross section of the community all intheir finest clothes. In Ubon Ratchathani this also includes many groups oflocal Isaan performers, musicians and dancers who accompany the candles as theymake their way through the city. There is also a popular north face jackets beauty contest toselect Miss Candle (who is regarded as the most beautiful lady of thatcommunity).Throughout the country, there are celebrations of the Candle Festival.Whatever the weather in Thailand the people have fun and expressing their faithon July 8, the beginning of Buddhist lent.GQ

发表于 2011-8-16 11:14:06 | 只看该作者
so difficult!!~~

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