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发表于 2010-4-21 11:02:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


  Improved production methods allows us to offer you all our products at prices considerably below last year’s.

  You will note from the attached price list that reduction of up to 20% have been achieved.


  You will be interested to hear that we can offer a further supply of the best classical furnitures previously supplied to you at the lowest price.

  With the increase of the prices which becomes conspicuous this year, the next consignment will be much dearer, so we recommend you take prompt advantage of this offer.


  You will see from the details of the new prices enclosed that all our products are now 2% lower than our usual price.

  As our prices are quoted CIF Jilong, you will agree that they are below those of our competitors.


  In order that all of our customers may enjoy the advantage, we are offering a special offer of a 10% discount on all our products to our customers for only a month.

  We suggest that you take advantage of this offer and make a large order.


  We are pleased to make an offer for this commodity subject to prior sale since it is our final stock and is now out of production.

  It will be very marketable. It is of excellent quanlity and this is the lowest price offered to our customers.


  We are pleased to offer you firm 100 sets of our video recorder at US$50,000 CIF Gaoxiong for shipment during December subject to your acceptance reaching us by August 31.


  If your acceptance can be received by the morning of the 20th in response to this inquiry, we will be able to rush your order to Jilong port for loading before the ship leaves for Los Angeles on the 30th.


  We are pleased to offer you this article subject to being unsold because the market here is exciting now and we cannot keep it open too long.

  Therefore please fax your acceptance immediately on receiving this fax order.


  We are pleased to offer this stock at the special price to all of our customers with the hope that we may be able to develop some business.

  The validity of this offer is up to August 31 and we advise you to make an order immediately.


  Thank you for your inquiry of July 20, against which we have faxed our firm offer at the price of A$100,000 CIF Sydney on a draft at sight under irrevocable L/C subject to your reply reaching us by September 20.


  Owing to the frequent fluctuations in the market price, it is impossible for us to keep the prices open for more than two weeks.

  Therefore, they are subject to change without notice and without engagement.

  If you make an order for these goods, please let us have your reply immediately on receiving this fax.


  Owing to a rush of orders, we cannot keep the prices effective for more than a month from the date of this letter and would like to receive your order as soon as possible.

  We hope that this will meet your immediate approval.


  We request you pay special importance to the validity of this offer.

  Your immediate fax reply on receipt of this letter is imperative.

  The reason for this is due to the prompt marking up of the market price now and we will have a prospect of about a 50% increase in a week’s time.

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