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发表于 2008-7-6 16:24:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



as per our discussion, you are being seconded to work with our parent company

while in that place, you will report to project manager,


you deputation will be of a period for 24 months commencing from apr12,2007. the exact duration , however, will depend on the sepecific need of the project.

2. salary,

3. process of deputation,

a, we expect you to contribute you best effort towards the success of your deputation. we further expect you to to carry all jobs given to you with the greatest of care and to avoid of everything that could adversely effect the reputation of the company.you are required to observe the local laws. you hereby agree and acknowledge that the company declaims and liability in respect of any of your acts or omissions in a personal capacity.you hereby agree to indeminify the company against  any liablity incurred by it due to any illegal act or omission by you, in your personal capacity.

b. you are return to china immediately after your deputation on intimitation of the date of the termination of your deputation.

c. you will be required to sign the neccessary agreements as required by the company

intoken the agreement of the above ,please sign the copy.

the terms and conditions of the deputation are subject to applicable laws and hence may be altered or modified without notice  in order to faciliate compliance with the same.

the terms and conditions of the deputation are continued to goverened by the terms and conditions of your offer of your employment except to the extent modified herein. you ackowledge that any temporary benefit made available while on deputation maybe withdrawn or altered at the discretion of the company.


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