
标题: [Y系列-纽约时报]Pocket MBA Series 03更新 [打印本页]

作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-7-28 23:41
标题: [Y系列-纽约时报]Pocket MBA Series 03更新

[YaoYao分享国外资料系列-纽约时报]The New York Times Pocket MBA Series 这个资料有人感兴趣否??? 本人很辛苦的从国外收集的.美国英语朗读版本. 经过我重新修正和打包. 文件比较大,有700M多。

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The New York Times Pocket MBA Series 纽约时报袖珍MBA教材有声读物 12个项目。 每个项目包括两张CD,约2.5小时。 Analyzing Financial Statements * Board Of Directors, The Business Financing * Business Planning - Forecasting Budgets Going Global Growing & Managing A Business * Leadership & Vision * Managing Investment Organizing A Company Sales & Marketing * Tracking & Controlling Costs -

资料详情 名称:The New York Times Pocket MBA Series 语言:languge-USA 纯正美式英语 文件:2.5小时*12章 128Kmp3 制作:Rip By Yaoyaocongxp@163.com From: www.zhangcong.name Copyright:The New York Times 本资料来自于互连网,由Yaoyaocong重新整理 版权属于NYT所有,本人仅仅出于爱好分享之

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-7 3:46:49编辑过]

作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-7-28 23:57
标题: [原创]南京某知名合资企业招聘高级销售技巧培训师

Analyzing Financial Statements

by Eric Press, Ph.D., CPA Narrated By Jeff Woodman

2CS/2.5Hrs $16.95
Learn the 25 keys to unlocking the powerful and useful information buried in corporate financial statements, including understanding balance sheets and income statements, defining accrual accounting, and valuing costs of goods sold, inventory and cash flow: Key 1. Accounting is not a four-letter word. Key 2. Financial statements rely on fact, not possibility. Key 3. What's hanging in the balance sheet? Key 4. Take steps to understand the income statement. Key 5. Matching and adjusting-the crux of accrual accounting. Key 6. Who decides what financial statements contain? Key 7. Where cash came from and where it went. Key 8. Monetary matters need not be murky. Follow the cash. Key 9. Keeping owner's claims straight. Key 10. Don't ignore the fine print! Read the footnotes. Key 11. What shapes a firm's financial reporting strategy? Key 12. Financial reports are useful for both running and evaluating the company. Key 13. Financial statements have trouble measuring future opportunities properly. Key 14. You got the basics, so how are financial data used to compare one firm with another? Key 15. Staying alive: analyzing financial data to measure the health and survivability of a firm. Key 16. How great are the costs of financial distress? Key 17. Estimating the cost of using up productive capacity: depreciation. Key 18. Computing costs of goods sold, and valuing inventory. Key 19. What do we have to pay? Accounting for taxes. Key 20. Don't overlook long-term obligations: debt and leases. Key 21. More long-term obligations: pensions and other benefits. Key 22. Untangling the web of inter-corporate investments. Key 23. Is my company global? Should I care? Key 24. What I am buying if I purchase a foreign firm's stock? Key 25. What are other sources of financial information? Analyzing Financial Statements is part of The New York Times Pocket MBA Series, a reference series easily accessible to all businesspersons, from first-level managers to the executive suite. The 12-volume series is written by Ph.D.s who teach in the finest graduate business programs in the country, and edited by business editors from The New York Times. The structure of each volume presents an unparalleled synopsis of crucial principles of specific areas of business expertise.
LL031 Unabridged Cassette ISBN 1-885408-38-2 $16.95
LV031 Library Package Unabridged Cassette $20.95
LL089 Unabridged CD ISBN 1-885408-97-8 $19.95
LV089 Library Package Unabridged CD $24.95
Eric Press, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Accounting at the Fox School of Business and Management at Temple University. A CPA in Washington state, he serves on editorial boards and as a referee at numerous publications, including The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Accounting Horizons and The Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. From 1994 to 1998, Eric served as a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' SEC Regulations Committee.
Jeff Woodman has been named one of the "Fifty Greatest Voices of the Century" by Audiofile Magazine. On stage, he created the title role in Tennessee William's The Notebook of Trigorin and won the S.F. Bay Area Critic's Circle Award for An Ideal Husband. He lives in New York City.

AudioFile "A concise lesson on every aspect of corporate financial reporting. Deftly narrated by a consummate professional."

AV Guide "...brings important business principles as close as your headphones."

作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-7-28 23:57

The Board of Directors: 25 Keys To Corporate Governance
written by Marianne Jennings, J.D. read by Eric Conger
2CS/2.5Hrs $16.95
Learn the 25 keys to the role of the Board of Directors and the important points in helping to guide the Board's policy and strategy: Key 1. The corporation: a beast with unlimited potential and limited liability. Key 2. What is a board of directors and why do you need one? Key 3. The board does a lot more than just collect a fee. Key 4. Who picks the board members and why do they pick them? Key 5. Electing board members is still the shareholder's job. Key 6. Tenure for directors is not a good idea. Key 7. Compensation in theory and practice: do directors deserve what they earn? Key 8. Pink slips for directors. Key 9. Directors' fiduciary duty: it's not their money. Key 10. Mistakes or errors of judgment? Key 11. Carpe diem, but not the opportunity. Key 12. Conflicts, contracts and independent directors. Key 13. On being sued: directors' liability and insurance. Key 14. On being sued personally: directors without insurance. Key 15. Federal laws and criminal sanctions: the SEC and other things that can go bump in the boardroom. Key 16. Inside information: the law on juicy tidbits. Key 17. Who's in charge here? Key 18. Board committees: extra fees or real purpose? Key 19. On the board's responsibility for preventing the books from being cooked. Key 20. Board meetings: art, science and requirements. Key 21. Shareholders versus stakeholders. Key 22. The irate shareholder: annual ruckus. Key 23. Board reform: rebels at the gate. Key 24. Good questions for good board members. Key 25. The best and worst in corporate boards. The Board of Directors is part of The New York Times Pocket MBA Series, a reference series easily accessible to all businesspersons, from first-level managers to the executive suite. The 12-volume series is written by Ph.D.s who teach in the finest graduate business programs in the country, and edited by business editors from The New York Times. The structure of each volume presents an unparalleled synopsis of crucial principles of specific areas of business expertise.
LL0422CS/2.5Hrs Retail Package$16.95ISBN 1-885408-49-8
LV0422CS/2.5Hrs Library Package$21.95
Marianne Jennings, J.D., is a Professor of Legal and Ethical Studies in the College of Business MBA Program at Arizona State University. She is the author of five textbooks and her writing has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, the Chicago Tribune, and Reader's Digest. She has served on four board of directors and has been a commentator on National Public Radio's All Things Considered.
Eric Conger has appeared on television's "Another World" and "Loving," and on stage at over a dozen regional theatres. He has voiced over 4,000 corporate and documentary programs, and narrated over 48 audiobooks. He lives in Weehawken, New Jersey.
AV Guide "Brings important business principles as close as your headphones."

作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-7-28 23:58

The New York Times Pocket MBA Series: Business Financing 25 Keys To Raising Money

by Dileep Rao, Ph.D., and Richard Cardozo, Ph.D. Narrated By Eric Conger

2CS/3Hrs $16.95
Learn the 25 keys to find and secure the funds to start a business and keep it going-including whether to go public, and if so, when: Key 1. Plan ahead. Key 2. Know how much cash you'll need, when you'll need it and how you'll use it. Key 3. Identify the events and forces that could affect the amount and timing of your needs for cash, and how they might do so. Key 4. Where should you look for money? Key 5. Match your needs, returns and risks with financiers' capacity, goals and risk preferences. Key 6. Friends and family: why you should stay in touch, what they can do for you and why they might do it. Key 7. Lenders come in many forms. Find the one that's right for you. Key 8. Explore a broad range of alternatives to understand where to seek financing Key 9. Getting development financing: understand what's available and what each seeks. Key 10. Use the right process to raise financing for your business. What sounds easy may be the most difficult. Key 11. Match investors to the appropriate investment instruments. Key 12. Understand business stages, the cost of each stage, and its impact on dilution. Key 13. Select the right financial instruments to achieve your goals. Key 14. Use convertible instruments, warrants and options to your advantage. Key 15. Achieve the appropriate leverage, or mix between equity and debt, in the capital structure of your firm. Key 16. Carefully compare the various costs of financing. Key 17. To grow, you may have to control via performance. But don't let control concentrate. Key 18. Save your equity to use for working capital and development expenses. Key 19. When raising equity, value your business as fairly and accurately as you can. Key 20. Read the covenants on financing agreements. All clauses obtain flexibility. Key 21. Don't gamble with fluctuating interest rates. Lock them up if they're reasonable and you can make a profit. Key 22. Prove the ability of the business to generate positive income-and cash flow before investment-as promptly as possible. Key 23. Monitor your actual performance against your assumptions. You might need more cash, or need it sooner. Key 24. Keep financiers informed about your progress or problems. Do not wait until the last minute, especially with bad news. Key 25. Your planning for future financing is never done. Business Financing is part of The New York Times Pocket MBA Series, a reference series easily accessible to all businesspersons, from first-level managers to the executive suite. The 12-volume series is written by Ph.D.s who teach in the finest graduate business programs in the country, and edited by business editors from The New York Times. The structure of each volume presents an unparalleled synopsis of crucial principles of specific areas of business expertise.
LL037Unabridged Cassette ISBN 1-885408-44-7 $16.95
LV037 Library Package Unabridged Cassette $20.95
Dileep Rao, Ph.D., is an Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies, Business Planning and Venture Finance and adjunct Professor of Financial Management in the Management Technology Program at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota. He is the author of five reference books on emerging businesses. Richard Cardozo, Ph.D., holds the Carlson Chair in Entrepreneurial Studies and is Professor of Marketing at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota. He has written numerous books and articles on entrepreneurship, new product marketing and industrial marketing.
Eric Conger has appeared on television's "Another World" and "Loving," and on stage at over a dozen regional theatres. He has voiced over 4,000 corporate and documentary programs, and narrated over 48 audiobooks. He lives in Weehawken, New Jersey.

作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-7-28 23:58
标题: [原创]CSSCI 现代管理科学杂志征稿通知
Business Planning: 25 Keys To A Sound Business Plan
written by Edward E. Williams, Ph.D., James R. Thompson, Ph.D., H. Albert Napier, Ph.D. read by Eric Conger
2CS/2.5Hrs $16.95
2CD/2.5Hrs $19.95
Learn the 25 keys to a great business plan, including writing the company's mission, identifying market opportunities, calculating appropriate financial ratios and projecting growth rates, that will help guide your company's expansion and attract necessary financing: Key 1. Every business should have a mission. Key 2. Every business needs to define what the business does and identify a market opportunity. Key 3. The entrepreneur must identify the external factors that may have an impact on the business. Key 4. Business success depends on analyzing the nature and contemplating the future of the business. Key 5. The business idea determines the key factors that result in business success. Key 6. The major strengths of the business should be identified in detail. Key 7. The major weaknesses of the business should be identified in detail. Key 8. A complete business plan should be prepared. Key 9. The business plan should be specific and well written. Key 10. Financial statements are the heart of the business plan. Key 11. A strategic plan should be developed to determine what products or services the business is going to offer. Key 12. An operating plan should be prepared to determine how to run the business effectively. Key 13. The first year of operations is an important time for a new enterprise. Key 14. Growth strategies may be affected by the goals and objectives of the business. Key 15. There is no law that requires a business to grow. Key 16. Simple growth calculations are easy to make and should be a focal point for the entrepreneur. Key 17. Growth calculations may be expanded to include return on investment (ROI) analysis. Key 18. Long-term growth may depend on the ability to get long-term financing. Key 19. Operating leverage is a key element in determining the riskiness of a business. Key 20. Deciding when and how the business reaches the break-even point is critical to its success. Key 21. Trade credit is often overlooked as a key source of short-term financing. Key 22. Bank financing may be available to certain businesses. Key 23. Factoring may be an important source of funds available to a new business. Key 24. Selling common stock to outsiders may be a big mistake. Key 25. Venture capital is not available for most entrepreneurs, but it can be attractive for the few that qualify. Business Planning is part of The New York Times Pocket MBA Series, a reference series easily accessible to all businesspersons, from first-level managers to the executive suite. The 12-volume series is written by Ph.D.s who teach in the finest graduate business programs in the country, and edited by business editors from The New York Times. The structure of each volume presents an unparalleled synopsis of crucial principles of specific areas of business expertise.
LL0322CS/2.5Hrs Retail Package$16.95ISBN 1-885408-39-0
LV0322CS/2.5Hrs Library Package$21.95
LL0902CD/2.5Hrs Retail Package$19.95ISBN 1-885408-98-6
LV0902CD/2.5Hrs Library Package$24.95
Edward E. Williams, Ph.D., is the Henry Gardiner Symonds Professor and Director of the Entrepreneurship Program at the Jones Graduate School of Administration at Rice University. He is the author of over 40 articles and 6 books on business and economics. James R. Thompson, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Statistics at the Brown School of Engineering at Rice University. He is the author of 11 books and has published over 80 articles. H. Albert Napier, Ph.D., is a professor of Management and Psychology at the Jones Graduate School of Management at Rice University. He is the author of more than 40 books on software applications.
Eric Conger Eric Conger has appeared on television's "Another World" and "Loving," and on stage at over a dozen regional theatres. He has voiced over 4,000 corporate and documentary programs, and narrated over 48 audiobooks. He lives in Weehawken, New Jersey.
AV Guide "Brings important business principles as close as your headphones." AudioFile "You couldn't ask for more in terms of content or organization."

作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-7-28 23:58
by Jeffrey H. Bergstrand, Ph.D. read by Jeff Woodman
2CS/2.5Hrs $16.95
Wonderful Learn the 25 keys to doing business on an international scale, including foreign exchange risks and import/export duties. Going Global is part of The New York Times Pocket MBA Series, a reference series easily accessible to all businesspersons, from first-level managers to the executive suite. The 12-volume series is written by Ph.D.s who teach in the finest graduate business programs in the country, and edited by business editors from The New York Times. The structure of each volume presents an unparalleled synopsis of crucial principles of specific areas of business expertise.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-29 0:07:32编辑过]

作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-7-28 23:59

Growing & Managing A Business: 25 Keys To Building Your Company
written by Kathleen R. Allen, Ph.D. read by Eric Conger
2CS/2.5Hrs $16.95
2CD/2.5Hrs $19.95
Learn the 25 keys in managing the growth of a business, including identifying the company's competitive advantage, implementing a total-quality strategy, hiring a professional management team and creating a visionary growth-oriented corporate culture: Key 1. Prepare yourself and your company for growth. Key 2. Be aware of the factors that affect your company's ability to grow. Key 3. To grow, your company needs a vision. Key 4. Put systems and controls in place to manage growth effectively. Key 5. Develop a strong, professional management team. Key 6. Find your competitive advantage and sustain it. Key 7. Choose the right growth strategy for your business. Key 8. Consolidation and network strategies can be a winning combination. Key 9. Franchising can be an effective way to grow. Key 10. Develop a growth-oriented company culture. Key 11. Strategic alliances can help you grow more rapidly. Key 12. Develop a sound technology strategy as part of your competitive advantage. Key 13. Create a flexible organization that adapts quickly to change. Key 14. Make the customer a part of every aspect of your business. Key 15. Hire employees who fit the culture of the company. Key 16. Use an advisory board to guide your growth. Key 17. Recognize when a growth strategy is in trouble. Key 18. It takes money to grow. Key 19. A global orientation should be part of your overall growth strategy. Key 20. Get onto the Internet to find new customers and retain old ones. Key 21. Think total quality in every area of your business. Key 22. To go public or not to go public: it's not an easy question to answer. Key 23. Find an angel to give the company a jump-start on growth. Key 24. Make your company a learning organization. Key 25. Follow a different model for hypergrowth. Growing & Managing A Business is part of The New York Times Pocket MBA Series, a reference series easily accessible to all businesspersons, from first-level managers to the executive suite. The 12-volume series is written by Ph.D.s who teach in the finest graduate business programs in the country, and edited by business editors from The New York Times. The structure of each volume presents an unparalleled synopsis of crucial principles of specific areas of business expertise.
LL0332CS/2.5Hrs Retail Package$16.95ISBN 1-885408-40-4
LV0332CS/2.5Hrs Library Package$21.95
LL0912CD/2.5Hrs Retail Package$19.95ISBN 1-885408-99-4
LV0912CD/2.5Hrs Library Package$24.95
Kathleen R. Allen, Ph.D., is a Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Marshall School of Business of the University of Southern California. She has written two widely adopted books on entrepreneurship and is a frequent contributor to Inc. magazine, The New York Times, and the Los Angeles Business Journal. Dr. Allen is the co-founder and Executive Vice President/CFO of Gentech Corporation, a technology-based manufacturing company.ications Programs for the Management Institute of The School of Business at the University of Wisconsin. He conducts in-house training and development programs for such clients at 3M Corporation, Credit Union National Association, Rayovac Corporation, and P.H. Glatfelter Paper.
Eric Conger Eric Conger has appeared on television's "Another World" and "Loving," and on stage at over a dozen regional theatres. He has voiced over 4,000 corporate and documentary programs, and narrated over 48 audiobooks. He lives in Weehawken, New Jersey.
AV Guide "Brings important business principles as close as your headphones." AudioFile "You couldn't ask for more in terms of content or organization."

作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-7-28 23:59
标题: [原创]被工作、感情压的喘不过气

Leadership & Vision
by Ramon J. Aldag, Ph.D. and Buck Joseph, Ed.D. read by Jeff Woodman
2CS/2.5Hrs $16.95
3CD/2.5Hrs $19.95
Wonderful Learn the 25 keys to supervising and motivating management staff to realize your company vision, to ensure HR departments fulfill their crucial role in recruitment and employee retention and satisfaction. Leadership & Vision is part of The New York Times Pocket MBA Series, a reference series easily accessible to all businesspersons, from first-level managers to the executive suite. The 12-volume series is written by Ph.D.s who teach in the finest graduate business programs in the country, and edited by business editors from The New York Times. The structure of each volume presents an unparalleled synopsis of crucial principles of specific areas of business expertise.
LL0412CS/2.5Hrs Retail Package $16.95ISBN 1-885408-48-X
LV0412CS/2.5Hrs Library Package $21.95
LL1353CD/2.5Hrs Retail Package $19.95ISBN 1-59316-043-7
LV1353CD/2.5Hrs Library Package $25.95
Ramon J. Aldag, Ph.D., is the Pyle Bascom Professor of Business Leadership, Chair of the Department of Management and Human Resources, and Co-Director of the Center for the study of Organizational Performance in the Graduate School of Business at the University of Wisconsin. A past president of the National Academy of Management, he is the co-author of five books. Buck Joseph, Ed.D., is Associate Professor of Management and Director of Business Communications Programs for the Management Institute of The School of Business at the University of Wisconsin. He conducts in-house training and development programs for such clients at 3M Corporation, Credit Union National Association, Rayovac Corporation, and P.H. Glatfelter Paper.
Jeff Woodman has been named one of the "Fifty Greatest Voices of the Century" by Audiofile Magazine. On stage, he created the title role in Tennessee William’s The Notebook of Trigorin and won the S.F. Bay Area Critic’s Circle Award for An Ideal Husband. He lives in New York City.

AudioFile "As a catalog or list of leadership suggestions, this is a well-done program that surveys state-of-the-art research in clear, concise language. You couldn't ask for more in terms of content or organization." AudioFile "You couldn’t ask for more in terms of content or organization."

作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-7-29 00:00

Managing Investment
written by Robert Taggart, Ph.D. read by Grover Gardner
2CS/2.5Hrs $16.95
Learn the 25 keys to selecting and managing outside investment, through mergers, acquisitions and project-specific financing, as well as R&D internal investment, for long-term growth and expansion: Key 1. Sound strategy + Timely investment = Shareholder value. Key 2. Cash flow counts. Key 3. A dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow. Key 4. Follow the net present value rule. Key 5. N.P.V. = Incremental Shareholder Wealth. Key 6. See your risk as your shareholders see it. Key 7. Know your cost of capital. Key 8. The cost of capital is project-specific. Key 9. Estimate incremental cash flow effects. Key 10. Don’t forget additional investment in working capital, plant and equipment. Key 11. Don’t forget terminal value (but don’t overestimate it, either). Key 12. Include project tax consequences. Key 13. Inflation: be consistent between cash flows and discount rates. Key 14. Overseas investment: incorporating exchange rates. Key 15. Watch out for project options. Key 16. Know how and when to make replacement investments. Key 17. Understand the value of R&D. Key 18. Know where positive N.P.V.s come from. Key 19. Watch out for biased forecasts. Key 20. Perform sensitivity analysis. Key 21. Continue to monitor projects after approval. Key 22. Arrange financing with an eye toward future investment opportunities. Key 23. Be alert for project-specific financing opportunities. Key 24. Mergers: understand incremental benefits. Key 25. Mergers for stock: know how much you are paying. "Managing Investment" is part of The New York Times Pocket MBA Series, a reference series easily accessible to all businesspersons, from first-level managers to the executive suite. The 12-volume series is written by Ph.D.s who teach in the finest graduate business programs in the country, and edited by business editors from The New York Times. The structure of each volume presents an unparalleled synopsis of crucial principles of specific areas of business expertise.
LL0402CS/2.5Hrs Retail Package$16.95ISBN 1-885408-47-1
LV0402CS/2.5Hrs Library Package$21.95
Robert Taggart, Ph.D., is a Professor of Finance at the Wallace E. Carroll School of Management at Boston College. He has served as President of the Financial Management Association and is currently the Corporate Finance Editor of the Journal of Economics and Business. Dr. Taggart is also the author of Quantitative Analysis for Investment Management as well as numerous articles in finance and economics journals.
Grover Gardner has recorded over 450 audiobooks and was named one of Audiofile Magazine's Golden Voices of 1999. He is a member of the Woolly Mammoth Theater Company, Resident Director at Everyman Theater in Baltimore and has received 5 Helen Hayes Award nominations of his work.
AV Guide "Brings important business principles as close as your headphones."

作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-7-29 00:00
by S. Jay Sklar, J.D., Joseph N. Bongiovanni, J.D. read by Jeff Woodman
2CS/2.5Hrs $16.95
Wonderful Learn the 25 keys to sole proprietorship, partnership, subchapter S and family ownership. Organizing A Company is part of The New York Times Pocket MBA Series, a reference series easily accessible to all businesspersons, from first-level managers to the executive suite. The 12-volume series is written by Ph.D.s who teach in the finest graduate business programs in the country, and edited by business editors from The New York Times. The structure of each volume presents an unparalleled synopsis of crucial principles of specific areas of business expertise.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-29 0:08:22编辑过]

作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-7-29 00:01
Sales & Marketing: 25 Keys To Selling Your Products
written by Michael A. Kamins, Ph.D. read by Grover Gardner
2CS/2.5Hrs $16.95
2CD/2.5Hrs $19.95
Learn the 25 keys to build awareness of new brands and learn the secrets of forceful advertising and marketing strategies: Key 1. The need to understand the complexity of marketing. Key 2. Positioning and why it is important in guiding marketing strategy. Key 3. Why the job of the marketing manager is key to the success of the firm. Key 4. Understanding why knowledge of the marketing environment contributes to a firm's success. Key 5. Managing demand states. Key 6. Why a lack of marketing research means "flying blind." Key 7. A guide for the marketing manager's involvement in the research process. Key 8. The importance of understanding the consumer. Part 1. Key 9. The importance of understanding the consumer. Part 2. Key 10. Why selling to the entire market may not be a good idea. Key 11. How to generate repeat purchases. Key 12. Establishing a brand name is a key strategic advantage. Key 13. The inherent advantage of the pioneer brand. Key 14. How can the follower brand compete? Key 15. Can new products give new life to companies? Key 16. Issues relating to effective product strategy. Key 17. Pricing could be tricky. What should I charge? Key 18. Effective ways to promote your product. Key 19. Advertising as a promotional tool. Key 20. Distribution as an effective component of marketing strategy. Key 21. How to effectively integrate the 4 P's of marketing. Key 22. International marketing as a potential focus of the company. Key 23. Case Study: A marketing success story. Key 24. Case Study: A marketing challenge. Key 25. Future directions of marketing strategies. Sales & Marketing is part of The New York Times Pocket MBA Series, a reference series easily accessible to all businesspersons, from first-level managers to the executive suite. The 12-volume series is written by Ph.D.s who teach in the finest graduate business programs in the country, and edited by business editors from The New York Times. The structure of each volume presents an unparalleled synopsis of crucial principles of specific areas of business expertise.
LL0352CS/2.5Hrs Retail Package$16.95ISBN 1-885408-42-0
LV0352CS/2.5Hrs Library Package$21.95
LL0882CD/2.5Hrs Retail Package$19.95ISBN 1-885408-96-X
LV0882CD/2.5Hrs Library Package$24.95
Michael A. Kamins, Ph.D, is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Marshall School of Business Administration at the University of Southern California. He has published over 30 articles in journals including the Journal of Marketing Research and Journal of Advertising, and has consulted for firms such as AT&T, Canon, Hilton and Sony TriStar.edit Union National Association, Rayovac Corporation, and P.H. Glatfelter Paper.
Grover Gardner has recorded over 450 audiobooks and was named one of Audiofile Magazine's Golden Voices of 1999. He is a member of the Woolly Mammoth Theater Company, Resident Director at Everyman Theater in Baltimore and has received 5 Helen Hayes Award nominations of his work.
AV Guide "Brings important business principles as close as your headphones." AudioFile "You couldn't ask for more in terms of content or organization."

作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-7-29 00:01
written by Mohamed Hussein, Ph.D. read by Grover Gardner
2CS/2.5Hrs $16.95
Learn the 25 keys to understand how financial reporting and cash flow become the essential tools to determining success or failure: Key 1. Strategic cost management. Key 2. Understanding costs and cost behavior. Key 3. Costing systems. Key 4. Assigning indirect costs. Key 5. Activity-based costing. Key 6. Just-in-time production system. Key 7. Inventory control. Key 8. Quality as a cost driver. Key 9. Cost-Volume-Profit relationships. Key 10. Customer profitability analysis. Key 11. Relevant costs for managerial decisions. Key 12. Pricing and product mix analysis. Key 13. Budgeting and control. Key 14. Cash management. Key 15. Capital budgeting. Key 16. Control in an age of empowerment. Key 17. Target costing and value engineering. Key 18. Benchmarking and kaizen. Key 19. Managing costs across the entire supply chain. Key 20. Performance measurement and reward systems. Key 21. Time as a competitive factor. Key 22. Total quality management. Key 23. Performance measures in multi-unit organizations. Key 24. Transfer pricing. Key 25. Balanced scoreboard. Tracking & Controlling Costs is part of The New York Times Pocket MBA Series, a reference series easily accessible to all businesspersons, from first-level managers to the executive suite. The 12-volume series is written by Ph.D.s who teach in the finest graduate business programs in the country, and edited by business editors from The New York Times. The structure of each volume presents an unparalleled synopsis of crucial principles of specific areas of business expertise.
LL0362CS/2.5Hrs Retail Package$16.95ISBN 1-885408-43-9
LV0362CS/2.5Hrs Library Package$21.95
Mohamed Hussein, Ph.D.,has taught in the University of Connecticut’s undergraduate, MBA, EMBA and doctoral programs. His research has been published in journals such as Accounting, Organizations and Society, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, and the International Journal of Accounting.
Grover Gardner has recorded over 450 audiobooks and was named one of Audiofile Magazine's Golden Voices of 1999. He is a member of the Woolly Mammoth Theater Company, Resident Director at Everyman Theater in Baltimore and has received 5 Helen Hayes Award nominations of his work.
AV Guide "Brings important business principles as close as your headphones."

作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-7-29 00:01
The New York Times Pocket MBA Series: Forecasting Budgets 25 Keys To Successful Planning

by Norman Moore, Ph.D. Narrated By Grover Gardner

2CS/3Hrs $16.95
Learn the 25 keys to the art of the budget in terms of forecasting costs, revenues and profits for short-term and long-term projections: Key 1. Budget blues. Key 2. Preparing the operating budget. Key 3. Preparing the financial budget. Key 4. Use budgets to plan and control. Use pro forma financial statements to measure and monitor value creation. Key 5. The budget must consider cost behavior. Key 6. Managers must be flexible. So must their budgets. Key 7. The budget must consider revenue behavior. Key 8. Profits are good. Liquidity is essential for survival. Key 9. Determining the optimal cash balance. Key 10. Part of planning and budgeting is setting standards. Key 11. Selecting and using the best cost allocation methods. Key 12. Un-sheath the budget ax. Key 13. A firm's future depends, most of all, on the capital expenditure budget. Key 14. What should a capital budget accomplish? Key 15. Risk is as much a part of the capital budget as return. Key 16. The "unsophisticated" rules are more useful than you might think. Key 17. You can't budget without forecasts. Key 18. Time series forecasting: the past as prologue. Key 19. Regression: a straight line to better forecasting. Key 20. Judgmental forecasting techniques: when numbers are not enough. Key 21. Evaluating forecasting models: through the looking glass. Key 22. Financial models: the black boxes of planning. Key 23. Financial modeling: spreadsheets and add-ins. Key 24. Financial modeling: more on spreadsheets and add-ins. Key 25. Profit-making firms can learn from nonprofit organizations. Forecasting Budgets is part of The New York Times Pocket MBA Series, a reference series easily accessible to all businesspersons, from first-level managers to the executive suite. The 12-volume series is written by Ph.D.s who teach in the finest graduate business programs in the country, and edited by business editors from The New York Times. The structure of each volume presents an unparalleled synopsis of crucial principles of specific areas of business expertise.
LL034 Unabridged Cassette ISBN 1-885408-41-2 $16.95
LV034 Library Package Unabridged Cassette $20.95
Norman Moore, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Connecticut, Storrs. He has taught at the graduate, MBA, graduate EMBA and undergraduate levels, and has served as President and CEO of Systronics, Inc., where he oversaw design, development and implementation of accounting/financial information applications for stand-alone and timeshare computer systems.
Grover Gardner has recorded over 450 audiobooks and was named one of Audiofile Magazine's Golden Voices of 1999. He is a member of the Woolly Mammoth Theater Company, Resident Director at Everyman Theater in Baltimore and has received 5 Helen Hayes Award nominations of his work.

作者: cairick    时间: 2005-7-29 01:05


作者: wolf8384    时间: 2005-7-29 03:52
喜欢, 好东西! 等待中
作者: zeroboy    时间: 2005-7-29 09:14
标题: [公告]求:科研院所战略和管理方面的报告
作者: dlsheng    时间: 2005-7-29 09:43
作者: waypine    时间: 2005-7-29 10:20
标题: 我想要,怎么和你联系
作者: bellzhan    时间: 2005-7-29 11:19


作者: helloman    时间: 2005-7-29 11:50


作者: lofer    时间: 2005-7-29 12:05

作者: ICEJIGUOWEI    时间: 2005-7-29 13:45


作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-7-29 15:17


作者: sdmovie    时间: 2005-7-29 22:04
作者: xixixi    时间: 2005-7-30 01:23
wonderful, thanks a lot.
作者: 看海的鱼    时间: 2005-7-30 15:43
标题: [转帖]世界是个班,美国是班长,中国是团支书(太经典了)


作者: sdmovie    时间: 2005-7-30 18:30
标题: [转帖]由兔子的笑话联想到的哲理



作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-7-30 20:11
作者: chinavn    时间: 2005-7-31 12:24
作者: sdmovie    时间: 2005-7-31 12:34


作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-8-2 00:41
标题: [原创]栖息谷·河北俱乐部群组正式开通
作者: ares_yang    时间: 2005-8-2 10:42
作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-8-3 14:40
作者: sdmovie    时间: 2005-8-3 20:23
作者: yearoo    时间: 2005-8-3 21:25
Thank you very much, it's wonderful audio books!
作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-8-3 23:12
标题: [原创]民企上市后的情况
作者: feelnight    时间: 2005-8-4 12:40

非常好 楼主可否作成bt发布出来


作者: soli    时间: 2005-8-5 09:57
作者: dullpen    时间: 2005-8-5 10:16
作者: yaoyaocong    时间: 2005-8-7 03:47
标题: 20050807-200508010 点击下载


作者: among1981    时间: 2005-8-7 20:43
好资料,非常非常感谢! 但由于我来这晚了点,只下载了后面的2和3,错过了1!请问楼主或哪位家人能否方便把1发到信箱中,再次感谢!among1981@126.com
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-7 20:45:04编辑过]

作者: shysun    时间: 2005-8-8 10:21

我只下了3,哪为家人能给我传一下1-2,谢谢: shysun7@gmail.com Msn:shysun8848@hotmail.com

作者: dullpen    时间: 2005-8-8 13:10



作者: iamsea    时间: 2005-8-9 16:43
thanks a lot
作者: eRen    时间: 2005-8-10 10:55


作者: KENLINZB    时间: 2005-8-11 11:19


作者: KENLINZB    时间: 2005-8-11 11:20



作者: roundtrip    时间: 2005-8-12 11:32




作者: bpto    时间: 2005-9-6 00:50


作者: bzm100    时间: 2013-2-14 15:30
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