Mark 兄,又见面了。想不到工作如此繁忙的你,依然 very enthusiastic in exploring and studying. Such powerful spirit must influence your employees well and lead them onto the right way.
I indeed admire you. No matter your employees, your boss and your colleagues should be happy and fortunate due to your contribution. Your are a considerable, responsbile, and understandable people.
Whoever be boss will defintely employ such kind of person like you.
However, personally, I have to say something after reading the essay. You are indeed welcome to discuss these with me. If some points are against you, please forgive my rudeness.
单从文章来说。 随便说啊,没有时间仔细讲究我的文章逻辑了。
1,文笔很好的,引章引典。但缺乏实质性的 logical, 联系看似紧密,却又不紧密(因为信息点太多) I do not want to emphasis on that the simpler is the best way, but the simpler point would be understood better by others. If you divide them into several points by using number, such as 1, 2 3. Personally, I think it would be the better method.
2, Not everyone can understand what you really want to express. The language which you are using, they may not understand. As a result, I do suggest that please use the simple language. (诸葛亮的“出师表” 好啊,经典,但,只适合珍藏)
3, ( 回首过去三十几年来人生的经历,今天,我在担任重庆xx的总经理,所遇到的总部不在投给我们资金造成的困难,我应该如何面对?把今天这个困难和自己从前所面临的困难进行比较、反思,我十分自信,我坚信自己,难关会很快挺过去,我们能走出一条路来!过去的经验告诉自己,我并不是第一次经历困难,与以往的每一次困难比较而言,这一次并不算什么。人生啊,关键的时刻,就看自己是咬咬牙去坚强面对,还是叹口气放弃。)
这段话看出, 你潜在意识认为这个困难是你正在面对,而你希望大家一起帮助你解决。 我怀疑啊,大家是否认识到 这个是共同的 crisis? problems? If you only think it is a problem, but others do not. I think, the serious problems will come up. How could you expect others standing together to solve them?
4, 整篇文章,only 站在 general manager 的角度, not from the employees. So, they may be not intereted too much.
5, 2004年第一季度已经过去,让我们回过头来看看,一季度,我们的业绩表现并理想。当然,这不是要说大家没有努力,一个公司没有完成业绩任务,我们可以把这个责任给归咎市场部,但是当我们进一步分析销售部们没有完成任务原因时,我们发现,销售部门的人员好比划桨的人,工程部门正如船只的建造者,技术部门提供技术保障等,各个部门工作的目标是为了支持销售部们将船划向彼岸,这一切分工看起来多很合理,但是到了实际情况下,是工程部门造出了一条巨大而漂亮的船,但是却没有考虑到海浪的阻力,技术部门提供的技术保障方案非常周密,但是许多方案还只是停留在试验阶段或是还没有付诸行动,用这样的比如来形容公司的运转忙乱,也许太过夸张,但是我们也必须正视各部门自己的弱点,
From my point of view, the problem is due to the whole struture of the management, not just the department and the individual reponsibilities or the personal work ethic . Have you designed the management structure?
Three of them, functional, matrix objective. You can choose one of them, or mix all of them. Personally, matrix would be suitable for you.
6, 整个公开信,就我看就两点: 1, 公司目前正在逐步改变组织结构 (也许正在逐渐树立 enterprise culture) 2, 问题发生了,希望大家觉醒 (也许暗示你们不醒,公司就雇佣能醒的人来代替你)So, we may find another way to approach them.
1, You like to discuss something by using right and wrong, white and black. Personally,I like it. I know you are a man 大丈夫的个性! Your wife must be very happpy because of your characters. You are a resposible people. However, you know, others, especially your employees, may dislike these characters in some aspects. In addition, especially, those peers may be against you. Because a lof of things, particularly in management, are not white and black. We cannot solve them by approaching the straight way.
2, 我懂得你的苦心,但,员工未必懂得。 They may only care about how much they can get from you. They may only care about whether they can get more or not. They were not you. They do not care whether tomorow the whole company can run better or not.
3, 做事情很执著的你,某些方面会比较固执了。做事情坦荡,直率,雷厉风行的你,某些方面会感情太过于强烈。 这个一强烈,就会丧失判断力。god father told us, do not make a judgement when you are involving in the strong emotion. (But, eventually, he feels much alone because he always hide his emotion and nobody understands him. So, balance them.)
I do not know whether you are interested in politics. ALthough the businss and politics are too different things, some skills, espeically, management skills, are the same.
Weclome to discuss something with me.
My God. I just want to save my time. You know it is too complex to type it in Chinese.
Typing English would be the best way to save time. at least for me.
Sorry about that. No wonder no one responses it, although it is such a classical piece.
I hope to write as much as I can in a short time.
I may need to practicse that how to write it more efficiently.
Thank you very much, anyway!
其实,写的还是蛮好的嘛。however, noone evaluates them
no comments?!
tell me your comments, not just arguments.
寡兄:你的核心意思是:想要吸引蜜蜂就要用蜂蜜(不要用白开水),想要钓鱼就要用鱼饵(不要用你爱吃的苹果),想要员工拥护就要用从员工利益角度出发的观点去引导和说服(不要用领导的利益角度)。是吗?你说的好长啊! 不好意思,大学里四级就是连滚带爬的过的,又十多年没碰过了,好不容易才读个半懂的,不知理解是否正确。
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