
[谈天说地] [转帖]上班族下午如何不瞌睡,小睡还是喝咖啡?

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发表于 2009-7-28 21:05:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
     If a 20-minute nap, a cup of joe, and more shuteye at night were in a cage match, who would win for reducing that classic afternoon "dip"? The answer is: (in order of effectiveness)

  1. Nap 小睡

  2. Caffeine 咖啡

  3. Then more nighttime sleep 晚上多睡会儿

   A new study just released proves the power of a nap over a jolt of caffeine and even more sleep at night. It's actually the first such study to look at all three methods for combating the afternoon lull that's commonly experienced-and which is a very normal physiological response to the body cycling through its natural rhythms during the day.

   Just because you feel sleepy at some point in the afternoon doesn't actually mean you're sleep deprived. About eight hours after you wake up, the body's temperature dips a little, triggering that oh-so-annoying drowsiness after lunch and smack dab in the middle of your attempts to focus and get more done in the late afternoon.

  Why am I not surprised the nap wins out? For many reasons:

Naps refresh you at a cellular level that-sorry, Soda-caffeine just can't do.
It's easier to over-sleep than you think. Biologically, the body doesn't necessarily need that extra sleep if you force yourself to sleep more at night. (And getting sufficient sleep doesn't mean your body won't go through the dip regardless; it's a natural, physiological phenomenon tied more to your circadian rhythm than to your previous night's sleep and potential sleep debt.)
   I've long been an advocate for napping. The best kind? A 20-minute snooze within a 30 minute time period (10 extra minutes to get comfortable and into sleep mode). Or try the Nap-a-latteTM, which is the dynamic duo.

   But here's a big caveat: most people would probably choose caffeine over a nap, and ditch the nap entirely. Downing caffeine can be easier, quicker, and socially more acceptable in many ways. Finding a place to nap in the middle of the workday can be a challenge. And studies have also shown that when deciding between a nap and an "attractive wakeful activity," they choose the activity.
  不过我要给你一条最重要的提醒:很多人会选择咖啡因而不是小 睡,他们完全不会打盹。喝杯咖啡可能更容易、更快、而且在很多方面更容易让社会接受。工作的时候找个地方小睡一下可能是个难题。研究还表明当决定是要小睡 还是进行“吸引人的提神活动”的时候,人们会选择活动一下。

  Let's face it, coffeehouses have multiple buzzes going on. People. Internet. Connectivity. Social interaction. Exchanges of ideas. And tasty treats beyond the joes and javas. Naps tend to be solitary and, dare I say, not as sexy.

  But for what it's worth, hail to the nap.
发表于 2009-7-30 09:54:25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-7-29 22:58:53 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-7-29 09:01:42 | 只看该作者
take a nap

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