西门子自动化与驱动集团 “Sales 100”培训生项目 西门子自动化与驱动集团(A&D)是自动化和驱动领域世界领先的供应商。 “Sales 100”项目自2005年推出伊始,已经成功举办了3期,吸引了来自全国各地数以百计的优秀毕业生。经过近两年的技术和轮岗培训,这些培训生即将成为具有高职业水准及高技术水准的销售工程师,逐渐成为自动化行业的精英。 招聘职位: “Sales 100”培训生 (工作地点:Location) 职责与要求: |
4. SLC will provide funding for the program up to an amount of 151,807.00RMB per year. This funding will cover the following items:
Cost Element Cost per Year
Travel Costs for training in China 国内差旅费 10,000.00
Accommodation 住宿补贴费 10,000.00
ITO Service (incl. LAN Access) 办公室网络使用费 8,800.00
Telephone (incl. Monthly fixed charge) & Mobile 电话费 6,000.00
Transportation 交通补贴 6,000.00
Office Rental/Square meter 办公室租赁费 14,007.00
Daily Office Stationary 办公文具费 4,000.00
Miscellaneous cost & team activity 公司活动杂费 3,000.00
Application software 电脑软件费 5,000.00
Depreciation for PC/Notebook & DEMO 公司电脑折旧费 10,000.00
Customized Training Course 公司定制培训课程费 50,000.00
SLC Internal billing Allocation 西门子内部资源调动? 5,000.00
Total Costs 151,807.00
C. Repayment Obligation
5. In consideration of the funding provided by SLC, Mr./Ms. XXX undertakes to work for SLC in the position and location defined in the “Leasing Agreement”, for at least three (3) years after the completion of the program。
6. Mr/Ms. agrees to reimburse to SLC 100% of the funding already provided by SLC to Mr/Ms. for the program if Mr./Ms.* fails to accomplish the training due to any reason.
7. If Mr/Ms. terminates his service with SLC, or is dismissed due to his fault by SLC according to the PRC Labor Law, the Service Agreement between SLC and FESCO dated April 10, 2005 (“Service Agreement”) or the SLC Employment Handbook, or the poor performance within three (3) years after his completion of the Program, his repayment obligation shall be the followings:
·Within first(1st) year after completion of the Program, 100% (one hundred) of the funding;
· Within second(2nd) year after completion of the program, 2/3 (two thirds) of the funding.
·Within third(3rd) year after completion of the Program, 1/3(one third) of the funding.
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