
标题: 透视人力资源管理系统(HRMS)[原创] [打印本页]

作者: zhaoleslie    时间: 2003-7-7 22:47
标题: 透视人力资源管理系统(HRMS)[原创]
申明: 本文中文部分部分原创,英文全部由zhaoleslie翻译,版权所有。谢谢。
The core of the market competition is scrabbling for the talent. In order to absorb excellent talents again and again, at the same calm down all the employees. Modern human management techniques would be necessary. Now advanced HRMS is more and more attractive.
With the competition becoming more impetuous, human now is the key factor of one company’s strategy goal realization. The biggest problem of the human resource managers and supervisors is how to keep employees’ passion ,increase their sense of responsibility, and reduce the job-hopping rate. The root of the enterprise management is human management. And the manage principle should be “equal, justice and reasonable”. This principle’s carrying out doesn’t only depend on the rules and  policies, but also though building perspective and harmonized and easy-look-up and full-scale HRMS. Then we can manage all the information which related with the employees, build up a series of manage system.
The function the human resource management
Nearly years, foreign HRMS developed very quickly. Many new software were invented, and they all have their own characters. All the characters can be divided into five species according to their functions:
  1.薪资和福利计算程序。 这类程序通常可用于管理企业薪资和福利计算的全过程,其中包括企业的薪资和福利政策设定、自动计算个人所得税、自动计算社会保险等代扣代缴项目。通常,这些程序还可以根据公司的政策设置并计算由于年假、事假、病假、婚假、丧假等带薪假期以及迟到、早退、旷工等形成的对薪资和福利的扣减,能够设定企业的成本中心并按成本中心将薪资和总账连接起来,直接生成总账凭证,还能存储完整的历史信息供查询和生成报表;这类系统也可处理部分简单的人事信息。  
1.Salary and welfare calculation program: this kind of program usually can be used thought out the process of calculation salary and welfare. It can automatically calculate the personal income tax and society insurance pay amount. It also can enact the salary and welfare policy, and according to the options (such as year holiday, private affair leave, be late, absent from work and so on ).  Through the cost center it can auto combine with the salary and welfare with total account,  then output the account warranty and report form and save the whole log information which could be inquired anytime.
  2.培训管理系统。 如何能留住人才一直是困扰企业主管的难题。诺基亚中国学院曾做过一次调查分析,其结果是培训机会仅列在个人事业发展空间之后,在保持人才留用的诸多因素中位居第二。由此可见培训对于留住人才的重要性。同时,培训也是改进企业服务、产品质量、工作效率的有效途径之一。培训管理系统一般通过培训需求调查、预算控制、结果评估和反馈以及培训结果记载等手段,实现培训管理的科学化,并且和人力资源信息有机地联系起来,为企业人力资源的配备和员工的升迁提供科学的依据。  
2. Training system: How to keep the talent person is always the fucking things to the supervisors. Nokia business college’s investigation showed that training opportunity is the second most important factors to keep a talent. At the same time training is also a efficient way to increasing service product and working’s quality. Training manage system related scientific training management to the human resource information through requirement investment and budget controlling and conclusion analyzing and recording. They can be the basis of the employees’ promotion.
  3.考勤管理程序。 为了有效地记载员工的出勤情况,很多企业购置了打卡机、考勤机等设备。考勤管理程序一般都与这些设备相接,根据事先编排的班次信息,过滤掉错误数据,生成较为清晰的员工出勤报告,并可转入薪资和福利程序中,使考勤数据与薪资计算直接挂钩。其生成的文档还可作为历史信息保存,用于分析、统计和查询。  
Attendance management program: in order to gain the employees’ attendance information which is available or useful. The program usually combine with the record instrument, which can accord with the number of the turns information, split the wrong the data then output the correct attendance report. These data will be transformed into salary and welfare program system. All the conclusion will be saved as a log, which can be looked up and calculated or inquired.

  4.人力资源管理系统。 人力资源管理系统从科学的人力资源管理角度出发,从企业的人力资源规划开始,一般包括招聘、岗位描述、培训、技能、绩效评估、个人信息、薪资和福利、各种假期、到离职等与员工个人相关的信息,并以一种相容的、一致的、共享的、易访问和检取的方式储存到集中的数据库中,从而将企业内员工的信息统一地管理起来。其灵活的报表生成功能和分析功能使得人力资源管理人员可以从繁琐的日常工作中解脱出来,将精力放到更富有挑战性和创造性的人力资源分析、规划、员工激励和战略等工作中去。
4.HRMS: HRMS is based on scientific human resource management and planning. It contains all kinds of personal information such as invite applications for a job , jobs descriptions ,training , skills , performance estimate, private information, salary, holidays, working time and so on identically and shared or easily found. It can manage them smoothly without the miscellaneous daily works. Then we can put our precious energy into resource analysis and planning and employee inspiration.

  5.eHR.      eHR实际上是一种基于Internet/Intranet的人力资源管理系统。为了将人力资源管理人员从繁重琐碎的日常事务性工作中解脱出来,eHR强调员工的自助服务,如果员工的个人信息发生了变化,他本人就可以去更新自己的信息,经过一定的批准程序即可生效。同样,对于培训、假期申请、报销等日常的行政事务也可作类似处理。这样不仅减轻了人力资源管理人员用于数据采集、确认和更新的工作量,也较好地保证了数据的质量和数据更新的速度。而且由于Internet不受时间和地理位置的限制,即使经理远在国外,他也可以及时地处理其员工的各种申请,不会因为人不在公司而影响工作。同时,公司的各种政策、制度、通知和培训资料也可通过这种渠道来发布,有效地改善了公司内部沟通途径。eHR对公司的硬件环境、员工的素质和公司的管理水平都提出了较高的要求;这是eHR在现阶段发展的一个最主要的制约因素。  
E-HR is one kind of  HRMS , which base on the internet. It stress that the people can do most of the things by themselves. They can refresh their self-information through the system permission, so that the HR-employee can have time to do other more important work. Just as the same, training and holiday application and write off are also through this route. This kind of work mode made data refresh rate and quality increased and is not limited by sections or time. The manager can treat all the circumstances anywhere and anytime (such as all kinds of applications). And the company’s policy, note, training data can easily be transformed to every employee. All this can improve the internal communication and management level, but it also require high level hardware and employee and good-management to support. They are the restrict factor  to the developing company.

Furthermore, there are other kind of  special assigned system, which can be used to manage and plan the welfare.

  The advantage of carrying out HRMS
now, many company realize the necessity of using HRMS and begin to develop and purchase the HRMS software. Even though some company can not gain a clear understanding from HRMS. They thought HRMS is just input the information to the computer, and output them though the excel or word. But in fact there are too many differences.
1.Integrated information source
First, we can do self-reflection that how was the human resource information of the company saved and looked up now. we may use the foxbase or excel to calculate the salary , and use other word files or excel file to do print the information of annuity and contract .All these disperse sources made lots of difficulties during the collection and settling. And this also made “one thing different at different place” appeared commonly.
2. easily using database
Before use HRMS, the data statistics is manual works. Now it was delivered to computer and the system. Once the manager gain the purview, he or she can easily log on the HRMS and consult the information. So than general manager can use leisure time to explore the system, and absorb something from them to improve the company. And this kind of perspective can also avoid the potential risk in the company’s daily management.
In favor of embodiment the equality principle in order to keep the talents.
Most of the company have the circumstances of losing talents. But few of them can really deal with it. Losing talents is a very complex problem. It contains salary factor, working environment, equal, training opportunity and so on. Now many people use leisure time to study and gain the skill certificate, but they seldom can get promotion opportunity. Because the company do not have the records, but now the company can have the records with the HRMS. At the time of selection supervisors, we can search the HRMS to find that whether there are appropriate information. This can tell the employees that our company are equitable, and our company is focus on the people’s efforts not on truckling to someone. It may do good to keep and inspire the talents. It’s not just a word but action. It need policy and system to support, HRMS is a very good tool.
4. Improve the manage level
Using the HRMS is not only for increasing the labor rate, but also for supplying decision support. You can see that the managers can get accurate and all-around  information about the company after the HRMS was founded. For example, before you change the compensation system, you need investment. You can use the HRMS to do this analysis report. It can help general manager’s decision making rationalization.
The process of implement the HRMS is also a course of review company’s configuration. Such as station setup and manage process and salary system and so on.  You can change the old fashion though the HRMS software. The developed company maybe more suitable to HRMS.  The developed company will expose a lot of human resource management problems, which  need more working to adjust  and suit the HRMS.  The implement process is a opportunity of reforming and self-question and improving manage standard.
There is still one thing should be concerned. The information is perspective or safe is conflict. But the HRMS DO have consummate safe design. So every information is under control. And every user can explore the information what he could explore. The system will give the user a very secret user purview. So it doesn’t matter. On the contrary, after using the HRMS, the information will be well-keeping.
Above all, HRMS is the tideway.
作者: zhaoleslie    时间: 2003-7-8 12:55
作者: 愚者    时间: 2003-8-23 17:04
作者: ballackchina    时间: 2007-12-17 16:53


作者: jinrongjie    时间: 2008-6-12 14:47

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