公司(地点在上海)内部有一市场部职位即将开放,回馈给天涯网友。 公司不大,做科技产品,市场还不错。工作地点在淮海路太平洋附近。 有想去的朋友请发布附件到 是部门GM秘书的私人邮箱。 1,正文用文本简要说明概况、期望薪酬,以及对“市场部需要的素质的简要说明”,几句话就可以。 2,附件包括中英文简历\工作业绩(如编订的产品手册\广告\presentation等等) 该职位对英语要求不算太高,如果是理科背景的人都应当符合。但是,最好是有英文CV和其他材料 Major responsibilities: * Organize industrial exhibitions, seminars and other marketing events. * Liaise with professional media (newspaper, magazines, etc.). * Responsible for market research and analysis. * Marketing materials management (brochures, selling kits, samples, etc.). * Responsibilities of marketing intelligence (leads generation, database management, product & competition survey). Major qualifications: * Good command of written & spoken English. * Capable to work under intense pressures. * Excellent communication skills. * Bachelor Degree is the minimum required education. * At least one year related working experience.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-7 16:43:14编辑过] |