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发表于 2006-11-4 15:07:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



Ingersoll-Rand Describes Progress of Global Growth Strategy at Prudential Conference






Mount Snow, Vermont, September 22, 2004--At Prudential Equity Group's "Inside our Best Minds" conference, Herbert L. Henkel, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Ingersoll-Rand Company Limited (NYSE:IR), today detailed the company's efforts to build a diversified business positioned for long-term global growth.






"We have achieved several important goals in recent months in pursuit of our long-term growth strategy," said Henkel. "Today, IR is a highly diversified company that excels as an innovator in growing global markets. While more work remains to be done, we believe our business is solidly on track to continue generating revenue, earnings and cash flow growth, promoting increased shareholder value."






Key activities in 2004 include:

  • Dramatic Growth Globally. Henkel said the company expects to generate annual organic revenue growth of 4 percent to 6 percent and annual bolt-on acquisition revenue growth of 4 percent to 6 percent over the next three to five years. "We expect roughly half of this growth to occur in international markets, such as China, where the company currently operates nine manufacturing facilities that produce products ranging from air compressors and compact construction equipment to climate-control technologies for trucks and buses. ...


Ingersoll-Rand Describes Progress of Global Growth Strategy at Prudential Conference






Mount Snow, Vermont, September 22, 2004--At Prudential Equity Group's "Inside our Best Minds" conference, Herbert L. Henkel, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Ingersoll-Rand Company Limited (NYSE:IR), today detailed the company's efforts to build a diversified business positioned for long-term global growth.






"We have achieved several important goals in recent months in pursuit of our long-term growth strategy," said Henkel. "Today, IR is a highly diversified company that excels as an innovator in growing global markets. While more work remains to be done, we believe our business is solidly on track to continue generating revenue, earnings and cash flow growth, promoting increased shareholder value."






Key activities in 2004 include:

  • Dramatic Growth Globally. Henkel said the company expects to generate annual organic revenue growth of 4 percent to 6 percent and annual bolt-on acquisition revenue growth of 4 percent to 6 percent over the next three to five years. "We expect roughly half of this growth to occur in international markets, such as China, where the company currently operates nine manufacturing facilities that produce products ranging from air compressors and compact construction equipment to climate-control technologies for trucks and buses. ...

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-4 16:41:29编辑过]

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