91 Want to abbreviate meetings? Have a stand-up session. Get rid of the chairs and put some podiums in the room. You are assured that everyone will stay awake and will want to get to the point quickly. 想要缩短会议?那就站着开会。把会议室里的椅子都全部撤掉并且放一些矮平台。可以保证每个人都能保持清醒并且向尽快离开。 92 Use a spiral bound notebook to capture all meeting notes. This eliminates wasting time searching for what happened at the previous meeting. 用螺旋装订的笔记本来记录所有的会议要点。这将减少你寻找以前开会记录的时间。 93 Furnish extra pens/paper to avoid waiting for people who go back to their offices to retrieve supplies. 准备一些额外的纸和笔以避免等别人会办公室去拿这些东西。 94 Never speak while you are writing on the flip chart. Wait until you face the audience so you do not have to repeat what you are saying. 在你往白板上写东西的时候不要说话。直到你转过身面对大家的时候再说,省得你还要再重复一遍。 95 Use the flip chart to maintain the meeting’s direction and to record who’s responsible for action items. 用白板来保持会议的方向并记录下每个行动对应的负责人。 96 Reward participants for telling the truth. If “messengers” are “shot down” for telling the truth, no “truthful messengers” will attend the next meeting. 用说实话来奖励与会者。如果因为说真话而被打击的话,那么虚假的信息将开始参加下次的会议。 97 Before leaving the meeting, don’t assume anything! You really think everyone knows what they are supposed to do next? Recap so everyone knows who’s responsible for next steps, when action should take place and how results will be communicated. 在结束会议之前,不要假设任何事情!你真的认为每个人都知道他们接下来要做什么了吗?重复每个人所负责的下一步行动,以及需要完成的事情及明确结果。 98 End the meeting on time or END EARLY! The minute you go past your stated time, stress levels rise and attention levels fall. Everyone enjoys the pleasant surprise of getting out early. 按时或提前结束会议!超过了你预期的时间后,压力水平开始增大并且注意力下降。每个人都盼望着可以早点结束。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-20 8:18:28编辑过] |