
[谈天说地] [转帖]据说是安理会现任成员的大使名单,地址,电话,传真,大家看看是不是真的,

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发表于 2005-10-1 16:45:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Algeria   Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Abdallah Baali   Permanent Mission of Algeria to the United Nations   326 East 48th Street   New York, New York USA 10017   Tel: +1 212 750 1960   Fax: +1 212 759 9538   Email: algeria@un.int      Argentina   Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Cesar Mayoral   Permanent Mission of the Republic of Argentina to the United Nations   One UN Plaza, 25th Floor   New York, New York USA 10017   Tel: +1 212 688 6300   Fax: +1 212 980 8395   Email: argentina@un.int         Benin   Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Joel W. Adechi   Permanent Mission of the Republic of Benin to the United Nations   125 East 38th Street   New York, New York 10016   Telephone: +1 212 684 1339   Fax: +1 212 684 1977   Email: benin@un.int         Brazil   Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg   Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations   747 Third Avenue, 9th Floor   New York, New York 10017   Tel: + 1 212 372 2600   Fax: +1 212 371 5716   Email: delbrasonu@delbrasonu.org         China   Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Wang Guangya   Deputy Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Zhang Yishan   Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations   350 East 35th Street   New York, New York USA 10016   Tel: +1 212 655 6100   Fax: +1 212 418 2998   Email: chinamission_un@mfa.gov.cn      Denmark   Permanent Representative: H.E. Ms. Ellen Margrethe Loj   Permanent Mission of Denmark to the United Nations   One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza   885 Second Avenue, 18th Floor   New York, New York USA 10017   Tel: +1 212 308 7009   Fax: +1 212 308 3384   Email: denmark@un.int         France   Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Jean-Marc de la Sabliere   Deputy Permanent Representative: Mr. Michel Duclos   Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations   One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza   245 East 47th Street, 44th Floor   New York, New York USA 10017   Tel: +1 212 308 5700   Fax: +1 212 207 8765   E-mail: france@un.int; michel.duclos@diplomatie.gouv.fr   Correspondence: French      Greece   Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Adamantios (Dimis) Th. Vassilakis   Permanent Mission of Greece to the United Nations   866 Second Avenue, 13th Floor   New York, New York USA 10017   Tel: +1 212 479 1300   Fax: +1 212 888 4440   Email: mission@greeceun.org      Japan   Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Koichi Haraguchi   Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations   866 United Nations Plza, 2nd Floor   New York, New York USA 10017   Tel: +1 212 223 4300   Fax: +1 212 308 1451   Email: mission@un-japan.org         Philippines   Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Lauro L. Baja Jr.   Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Philippines to the United Nations   556 Fifth Avenue, 5th Floor   New Yok, New York USA 10036   Tel: +1 212 764 1300   Fax: +1 212 840 8602   Email: misunphil@aol.com      Romania   Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Mihnea Ioan Motoc   Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations   573-577 Third Avenue   New York, New York USA 10016   Tel: +1 212 682 3273   Fax: +1 212 682 9746   Email: misiune@romaniaun.org; romania@un.org         Russian Federation   Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Andrey I. Denisov   Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations   136 East 67th Street   New York, New York USA 10021   Tel: +1 212 861 4900, -4901   Fax: +1 212 628 0252, 212 517 7427   Email: rusun@un.int         United Kingdom   Permanent Representative: H.E. Sir Emyr Jones Parry   Deputy Permanent Representative: Mr. Adam Thomson   Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations   One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 885 Second Avenue   New York, NY 10017   Tel: +1 212 745 9200   Fax:+1 212 745 9316   Email: uk@un.int      United Republic of Tanzania   Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Augustine P. Mahiga   Permanent Mission of the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations   201 East 42nd Street, Suite 1700   New York, New York USA 10017   Tel: +1 212 972 9160   Fax: +1 212 682 5232   Email: tzrepny@aol.com      United States of America   Ambassador: To be appointed   Deputy Permanent Representative: Ms. Anne Patterson   Permanent Mission of the United States to the United Nations   799 United Nations Plaza   New York, NY 10017-3505   Tel: +1 212 415 4000   Fax: +1 212 415 4415   Email: usa@un.int   

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