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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-29 00:01:02 | 只看该作者
Sales & Marketing: 25 Keys To Selling Your Products
written by Michael A. Kamins, Ph.D. read by Grover Gardner
2CS/2.5Hrs $16.95
2CD/2.5Hrs $19.95
Learn the 25 keys to build awareness of new brands and learn the secrets of forceful advertising and marketing strategies: Key 1. The need to understand the complexity of marketing. Key 2. Positioning and why it is important in guiding marketing strategy. Key 3. Why the job of the marketing manager is key to the success of the firm. Key 4. Understanding why knowledge of the marketing environment contributes to a firm's success. Key 5. Managing demand states. Key 6. Why a lack of marketing research means "flying blind." Key 7. A guide for the marketing manager's involvement in the research process. Key 8. The importance of understanding the consumer. Part 1. Key 9. The importance of understanding the consumer. Part 2. Key 10. Why selling to the entire market may not be a good idea. Key 11. How to generate repeat purchases. Key 12. Establishing a brand name is a key strategic advantage. Key 13. The inherent advantage of the pioneer brand. Key 14. How can the follower brand compete? Key 15. Can new products give new life to companies? Key 16. Issues relating to effective product strategy. Key 17. Pricing could be tricky. What should I charge? Key 18. Effective ways to promote your product. Key 19. Advertising as a promotional tool. Key 20. Distribution as an effective component of marketing strategy. Key 21. How to effectively integrate the 4 P's of marketing. Key 22. International marketing as a potential focus of the company. Key 23. Case Study: A marketing success story. Key 24. Case Study: A marketing challenge. Key 25. Future directions of marketing strategies. Sales & Marketing is part of The New York Times Pocket MBA Series, a reference series easily accessible to all businesspersons, from first-level managers to the executive suite. The 12-volume series is written by Ph.D.s who teach in the finest graduate business programs in the country, and edited by business editors from The New York Times. The structure of each volume presents an unparalleled synopsis of crucial principles of specific areas of business expertise.
LL0352CS/2.5Hrs Retail Package$16.95ISBN 1-885408-42-0
LV0352CS/2.5Hrs Library Package$21.95
LL0882CD/2.5Hrs Retail Package$19.95ISBN 1-885408-96-X
LV0882CD/2.5Hrs Library Package$24.95
Michael A. Kamins, Ph.D, is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Marshall School of Business Administration at the University of Southern California. He has published over 30 articles in journals including the Journal of Marketing Research and Journal of Advertising, and has consulted for firms such as AT&T, Canon, Hilton and Sony TriStar.edit Union National Association, Rayovac Corporation, and P.H. Glatfelter Paper.
Grover Gardner has recorded over 450 audiobooks and was named one of Audiofile Magazine's Golden Voices of 1999. He is a member of the Woolly Mammoth Theater Company, Resident Director at Everyman Theater in Baltimore and has received 5 Helen Hayes Award nominations of his work.
AV Guide "Brings important business principles as close as your headphones." AudioFile "You couldn't ask for more in terms of content or organization."
 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-29 00:01:23 | 只看该作者
written by Mohamed Hussein, Ph.D. read by Grover Gardner
2CS/2.5Hrs $16.95
Learn the 25 keys to understand how financial reporting and cash flow become the essential tools to determining success or failure: Key 1. Strategic cost management. Key 2. Understanding costs and cost behavior. Key 3. Costing systems. Key 4. Assigning indirect costs. Key 5. Activity-based costing. Key 6. Just-in-time production system. Key 7. Inventory control. Key 8. Quality as a cost driver. Key 9. Cost-Volume-Profit relationships. Key 10. Customer profitability analysis. Key 11. Relevant costs for managerial decisions. Key 12. Pricing and product mix analysis. Key 13. Budgeting and control. Key 14. Cash management. Key 15. Capital budgeting. Key 16. Control in an age of empowerment. Key 17. Target costing and value engineering. Key 18. Benchmarking and kaizen. Key 19. Managing costs across the entire supply chain. Key 20. Performance measurement and reward systems. Key 21. Time as a competitive factor. Key 22. Total quality management. Key 23. Performance measures in multi-unit organizations. Key 24. Transfer pricing. Key 25. Balanced scoreboard. Tracking & Controlling Costs is part of The New York Times Pocket MBA Series, a reference series easily accessible to all businesspersons, from first-level managers to the executive suite. The 12-volume series is written by Ph.D.s who teach in the finest graduate business programs in the country, and edited by business editors from The New York Times. The structure of each volume presents an unparalleled synopsis of crucial principles of specific areas of business expertise.
LL0362CS/2.5Hrs Retail Package$16.95ISBN 1-885408-43-9
LV0362CS/2.5Hrs Library Package$21.95
Mohamed Hussein, Ph.D.,has taught in the University of Connecticut’s undergraduate, MBA, EMBA and doctoral programs. His research has been published in journals such as Accounting, Organizations and Society, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, and the International Journal of Accounting.
Grover Gardner has recorded over 450 audiobooks and was named one of Audiofile Magazine's Golden Voices of 1999. He is a member of the Woolly Mammoth Theater Company, Resident Director at Everyman Theater in Baltimore and has received 5 Helen Hayes Award nominations of his work.
AV Guide "Brings important business principles as close as your headphones."
 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-29 00:01:41 | 只看该作者
The New York Times Pocket MBA Series: Forecasting Budgets 25 Keys To Successful Planning

by Norman Moore, Ph.D. Narrated By Grover Gardner

2CS/3Hrs $16.95
Learn the 25 keys to the art of the budget in terms of forecasting costs, revenues and profits for short-term and long-term projections: Key 1. Budget blues. Key 2. Preparing the operating budget. Key 3. Preparing the financial budget. Key 4. Use budgets to plan and control. Use pro forma financial statements to measure and monitor value creation. Key 5. The budget must consider cost behavior. Key 6. Managers must be flexible. So must their budgets. Key 7. The budget must consider revenue behavior. Key 8. Profits are good. Liquidity is essential for survival. Key 9. Determining the optimal cash balance. Key 10. Part of planning and budgeting is setting standards. Key 11. Selecting and using the best cost allocation methods. Key 12. Un-sheath the budget ax. Key 13. A firm's future depends, most of all, on the capital expenditure budget. Key 14. What should a capital budget accomplish? Key 15. Risk is as much a part of the capital budget as return. Key 16. The "unsophisticated" rules are more useful than you might think. Key 17. You can't budget without forecasts. Key 18. Time series forecasting: the past as prologue. Key 19. Regression: a straight line to better forecasting. Key 20. Judgmental forecasting techniques: when numbers are not enough. Key 21. Evaluating forecasting models: through the looking glass. Key 22. Financial models: the black boxes of planning. Key 23. Financial modeling: spreadsheets and add-ins. Key 24. Financial modeling: more on spreadsheets and add-ins. Key 25. Profit-making firms can learn from nonprofit organizations. Forecasting Budgets is part of The New York Times Pocket MBA Series, a reference series easily accessible to all businesspersons, from first-level managers to the executive suite. The 12-volume series is written by Ph.D.s who teach in the finest graduate business programs in the country, and edited by business editors from The New York Times. The structure of each volume presents an unparalleled synopsis of crucial principles of specific areas of business expertise.
LL034 Unabridged Cassette ISBN 1-885408-41-2 $16.95
LV034 Library Package Unabridged Cassette $20.95
Norman Moore, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Connecticut, Storrs. He has taught at the graduate, MBA, graduate EMBA and undergraduate levels, and has served as President and CEO of Systronics, Inc., where he oversaw design, development and implementation of accounting/financial information applications for stand-alone and timeshare computer systems.
Grover Gardner has recorded over 450 audiobooks and was named one of Audiofile Magazine's Golden Voices of 1999. He is a member of the Woolly Mammoth Theater Company, Resident Director at Everyman Theater in Baltimore and has received 5 Helen Hayes Award nominations of his work.
发表于 2005-7-29 01:05:47 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-7-29 03:52:07 | 只看该作者
喜欢, 好东西! 等待中
发表于 2005-7-29 09:14:46 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-7-29 09:43:14 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-7-29 10:20:40 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-7-29 11:19:05 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-7-29 11:50:53 | 只看该作者



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