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发表于 2005-1-29 08:09:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

时间:03-11-29 Mobile Marketing

欢迎各SP探讨 Mobile Advertising 和 Mobile Marketing

以下摘自《Winning and Losing in Mobile Content》 BY W2FORUM

Report Overview

W2F highlights the winning and losing marketing and Distribution strategies for Mobile Content – from Ringtones to Games to Mobile news and Information services. With low barriers to entry, the Mobile Content market has a large number of equally positioned competitors who will be seeking to leverage their assets to create competitive advantage. How do you compete effectively in this market and how will this change over time?

The Mobile Content industry has to move from one obsessed to one becoming increasingly obsessed with effective distribution of the product to the consumer. This means assessing the potential cost savings and revenue opportunities afforded by retail, independent and operator-based distribution.

Mobile Content without effective distribution channels cannot provide a sufficient return on investment.

This report examines the economic feasibility of business critical factors within the Mobile Content industry. W2F demonstrates how the choice of Distribution Channel will make or break a Mobile Content Provider.

It also demonstrates how Operators who take a proactive stance in evolving these channels will stimulate long term ARPU growth, customer loyalty and reduce Churn. Furthermore, it provides a clear business case and sales message for those servicing this industry through technological innovation or the licensing of intellectual property.

This report comprises the key elements required for developing a) a mobile content strategy for providers and operators b) a strategy to sell to mobile content providers or operators c) a business case for those entering the market

===================================================== 专家评论: Graham Brown [1] (United Kingdom) Wireless World Forum W2F Score : 81.3

I am concerned that this report focuses on the role of the Operator as instrumental in supporting and defining marketing efforts. It states "The report’s main recommendation for network operators is to reach beyond the transport provider role and to capture a greater proportion of marketing expenditures by luring potential advertisers with robust wireless marketing platforms and opt-in customer lists of superior quality." Whilst this has been tal... continued (Wed 9th Jul 2003) ===================================================== James Nardulli [21] (United States) GetLiSa W2F Score : 2.2

How many more of these silly "reports" must we as an industry endure? The EXACT same rules of retailing and Consumer Behavior apply now as before. Wireless changes little but hte means of transport. J R Nardulli CEO GetLisa.com (Wed 9th Jul 2003) ======================================= Gerry Winsor [46] (United States) Hewlett Packard (HP) W2F Score : 1.0

Assuming the Mobile Operator has a "robust wireless marketing platform and opt-in customer list" -- then the Operator should use these assets to link-up with an innovative Ad Agency. Expecting a Mobile Operator to dedicate resources to recruiting advertisers isn't exactly a "Mobile Network Operator core competency" .... however, without a robust platform & opt-in list an Ad Agency isn't going to be that interested. (Wed 9th Jul 2003) ====================================== James Nardulli [21] (United States) GetLiSa W2F Score : 2.2

Mssrs. Brown and Winsor are both spot on in theri comments. Network Operators must pay for, operate and maintain their networks. Finding, shaping and disseminating commercial and prmotional information (for instance, an advert) is a far different proposition and requires a skill set and infrastructure that Network Operators don't have and probably don't want. Best, Jim Nardulli (Wed 9th Jul 2003) ============================================= 个人比较倾向 James Nardulli的意见, 你呢?

1)你看好国内的移动广告市场吗? 2)你觉得风险有哪些?(沦入诸如短信SPAM),采取什么措施防范? 3)对于Mobile Marketing,媒介代理应如何介入?运营商未来可能的动作和重点有哪些? 4)目前国内小区广播营运的得与失?

亦或,从广告角度看,真的诚如 James Nardulli所讲: Wireless changes little but hte means of transport. ,呵呵


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