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发表于 2011-9-10 14:00:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lixmin9999 于 2011-9-10 14:07 编辑

Dear friends, we all have experienced the current recession in North America and Europe. The overall consumption is sliding down while at the same time our business has to face fierce competition from Asia-Pacific region where our competitors got the advantage of a whole lot cheaper labor. Not only that, as far as I know, many of their plants do not spend much in setting up safety and environmental protection, while their employees get extremely meager paycheck but have to work more than 16 hours everyday.
We have always positioned our product as a high-end brand, but under the current situation, many consumers will opt for cheaper products, but we can not really compete in this field - as to my most updated stats, our global sales decreased 23% last month.
  Our opponent is crazy out there, yes, I think it is unfair that they controlled their cost so successfully with the trade-off of sacrificing worker’s basic rights, but we can not do anything about it. Our company has to make a difficult decision now: we have to cut headcounts if we can’t reverse the declining sales within three months.”
Jimmy Winston清清嗓子,对着小麦克风说:
“Ladies and gentlemen, we have been aware of the situation our company is facing; therefore it is the main reason to launch Brand K before Christmas. Upper management pays lots of attention on K Brand launch plan as we can see that Jason has also attended this meeting. Hoping a great marketing plan will help reverse our sales. Now, Marketing Plan Team A will present their proposal.”
Success originates from confidence,
K brand gives you more confidence.
Bill解释道:“Wall Street is a symbol of American prosperity. Almost every man, as long as he has a dream of success will regard it as an honor. Therefore, we have selected three men in our ads, a white, a black and an Asian guy. First of all, three guys from difference origins symbolizing the harmony of multi-ethnic, also, this idea is conveying the message that no matter who you are, where you were born, what you do, as long as you have the dream, you can make it. At this time of economical crisis, we must adhere to our dreams and hold tight the belief. I believe such idea and story will attract more sales; more importantly, it attaches to all men’s higher need in success.”
Jimmy Winston示意Bill归位:“Let me pass along to Mary – let’s see if her team will present a better idea?”
肖茵婷起身对大家一笑,来到银幕前。伴以静音,银幕上出现了灰蒙蒙的城市、人去楼空的办公室、冰雪覆盖空无一人的棒球场。一片肃杀凋零。几秒钟后,随着一声拉丁鼓点,音乐变得欢快起来,上述场景也转换为阳光明媚的街头、紧张忙碌的职场、欢声雷动的运动会。镜头掠过正匆匆前行、埋头工作、驾驶机车或是挥汗击球的男人。最后定焦于一名路人——他停下脚步,对镜头露出雪白的牙齿和灿烂的笑脸。镜头里展示的所有男孩或男子有个共同点:他们都是丢在人堆里就找不到的平凡人,却个个精神饱满健康微笑。最后,一个慵懒磁性的女声响起: “He’s cool.”(他很酷)
“We are all looking forward to the warm spring in the rigid winter. The change of weather setting attracts our audience – winter is here, can spring be far away?”
(这个创意我们想传递两个信息:在严寒阴霾的冬天,我们都期盼春天的到来。使用这组画面令大众在寒冷中感到春天为期不远,他们的目光会被它吸引。) 讲到这里她忍不住咳了几声,顿了顿,问:“When recession strikes, what are public most lacking of(在不景气的现在,大众最缺乏的是什么?)

“Yes, Hope, which is the first message we want to communicate. ”
“If current situation is like the cold and depressing winter in New York, then the spring image brings the public hope. We try to pass a message to the public: winter will end; spring will eventually come, and we still live joyfully – like those happy guys in the ads film. People needs hope, so we satisfy what they need.”
“The second message we want to convey is that Brand K brings confidence to a regular guy by its specialized sterile formula and special aroma: no matter where he’s from, what job he’s doing, how much he earns, handsome or not, as long as he is confidence inside out, he can be radiant, he is cool.”
(第二个信息是, K产品用它独特的除菌配方散发的迷人味道给平凡男人自信:无论他来自哪里,从事什么工作,收入怎样,长相如何,只要他的内心充满阳光和自信,就会活力四**,他可以很帅。)

“I disagree.”Bill果然开始挑刺,“This idea is totally cliché – it reminds me advertisement from 80-90’s. Nothing new, old stuff – the public will ignore it. More, it stirs up antipathy – are we gonna proved them a new old stuff? ”
“There is nothing wrong to link the ads ten years back because it was a time of prosperity. The economy is just like season change, from prosperity to recession, then from recession to promising. What we want to do is to raise people’s hope – telling the message that this is no big deal, we should not get depressed but need to move on with hope. More importantly, Brand K is conveying message of confidence to the regular guys who are the targeted segment of Brand K and confidence is what they need psychologically. Again, this need links back to recession: we need to move on, not only live but also live with quality. People always think that only Tom Cruise or Richard Gear can be cool, but we don’t believe it. Sometimes I do think a regular man can be really cool. Being cool is an attitude – it rooted from confidence deep inside. Hope and confidence are the psychological implication we are communicating. I believe the idea will help us quickly obtain the middle consumer group.”
(让公众联想起10年前没什么不好,因为那是个很有希望的年代。从繁荣到衰退,再由衰退到繁荣,就如季节的变换习以为常。我们应唤起人们的希望,告诉人们这没什么大不了,我们不应沮丧而是要继续潇洒地生活、努力地工作,繁荣总会到来。更重要的,这款产品带给我们的直接受众,一群普通男人直接的心理需求——自信。无论经济再怎么萧条人们也要活下去,不仅如此,还要活的有质量。人们总认为只有汤姆.克鲁斯、李察.基尔可以很酷,其实酷不是明星或帅哥的专利。有时候我看见一个平凡的男人心里也会为之喝彩。 酷是一种态度, 只要专注自信他就会成为发光体。K传递的就是这个心理暗示。我相信这个信息会帮助我们快速获得中间这个更大的消费群体。)
  “Make sense(有道理)。一直侧耳倾听的Jason忍不住插话——他交叉食指频频点头,流露出赞许的目光。
“Wall Street in the past was viewed as an icon of success, but what it is now? It simply is a symbol of failure. Setting Wall Street as the background, the public will not think of hope, but insolvent banks, unemployed elite, which limits our audience among high-end business guy, however, who is the top group that the current unemployment hit most severely.”
(华尔街过去曾是成功的典范,可现在呢?简直就是失败的象征。在这种时刻拿华尔街做背景,大众不会联想起希望,而是联想起破产的银行、失业的精英, 这把我们的受众局限在高端商界,可目前失业最多的就是曾经高调奢侈的华尔街人士。)
“I think proposal from Team B will be more easily accepted by the public by bringing confidence and joy during this difficult time period. Hope to see the ads before X’mas, and furthermore, I hope the message we convey can greatly help the launch of K, to reverse our current situation. ”

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