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发表于 2004-3-4 18:50:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



As the pace of life and business continues to accelerate, the opportunities for conflicts multiply. Yet, the ability to work well with others is the single greatest determinant of success in the 21st century. Therefore, learning to disarm and defuse confrontational situations and people is essential. One cannot work effectively with others with clenched fists. Managing conflict effectively requires developing competency in five areas:
1. Understand the critical ingredients for collaborative thinking.
2. Align responsibilities to the needs of others.
3. Build into daily interactions the practices necessary for support.
4. Have conflict resolution skills and negotiation skills to resolve various types of challenges.
5. Begin developing personal tools and systems for dealing with tensions and pressures.
One’s ability to build these competencies hinges on four success factors:
Personal responsibility for one’s own learning and skill development.
Flexibility of style.
Ability to listen and provide feedback on what is heard.
A positive attitude toward change.
Read this handbook carefully and refer to it in the future. Be sure to complete each set of Reflections to immediately put these critical concepts and principles to work in your life.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-3-4 18:51:02编辑过]

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