
生存与生活,永恒与短暂! Lasting life

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发表于 2003-12-29 23:52:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Everyone has to work and study everytime and everywhere. That is to say, life is hard, we have to work all our lives.

We might have not any time to have a rest due to our duties that we have responsiblities to our parents and family. As a sesult, we often feel tired, or alternatively, we do not want to meet these troubles any more.

How can we avoid them for ever? To be frank, We might not have opportunities to go to a pace where we are quiet and calm.

Time passed soon, we are becoming older and older. What we will do next, what will we face, or what did we leave to others and to the whole world. We always consider these questions.  

For our reputation and our offspring, should we pursuit it or should we just need to enjoy our today's life?

I am thinking about it.
发表于 2003-12-30 00:33:00 | 只看该作者
enjoy our today's life,是的,生命的意义在于享受着每一时每一刻,只要我们活在当下,活在自已的人生,活在自已的时间里。
发表于 2003-12-30 09:34:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-12-30 10:10:00 | 只看该作者
I am really disappointed for what Guawuyu said. It seems so funny, enjoying your today’s life. Of course it depends on everyone’s value system, if you think earning 4000 RMB in a so-called company, marrying a wife and getting a child is a pleasant life for you, exactly, you can go and enjoy it without any rethoughts. Then what you need to do is not how to enrich yourself and promote your strength, but how to save money from your poor salary and how to use the money saved to buy your own room and to support your child’s education. Haha, it is really pleasant life for a man who just wants to live but not enjoy.
But from your articles in this forum, I always thought you are a man who is ambitious and want to own your own company and bring great benefit to the society or for your family. Now I have to say I am regret for my judgment. That phenomenon is just illusory. Here, I apologize for my judgment.
As a girl, I even want to build my own company. I always can feel the shortness of life, so I don’t want to leave nothing to the world. Or we will just be a visitor to this world, if life goes like this, I would rather I am never born to this world.
Maybe the value systems are quiet different between different people. I always feel one should not just live for himself; we should know exactly the responsibility loading on our shoulders. I always can feel the responsibility to bring a happy and rich life to my family and to the society. I don’t just admire the success of the great enterprisers and statesmen; I know if I want and work hard for this, I can be one of them too. I contemn the men who just said this at their mouth and said they could be one of them but never paid their hardwork. Maybe Guawuyu Brother is one of them.
An example for this:

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-30 10:14:02编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-3 01:14:00 | 只看该作者
Please be not disappointed by what I said. I do not really hope that you might misunderstand what I mean.

We have to accept that there are a lot of people who would have the same feelings as I have, since it is just a process of our road. We should not avoid them.

Forutnately, we can feel and consider these points in time. You know, we are humans, we could not ingore the changing our our life. We could not stop thinking about life.
As a result of our considering, we would be improved day by day, won't we?

I just express the troubles or some opinions which eveyone may encounter and think.

Of course, I do not show me my strong. Actually, I am not strong enough. I also dislike changing frequently as majority of us do.

Anyway, I would like to listen to the words from your heart, which are true and beautiful.

If possible, we might have more intercommunication.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-1-3 1:15:40编辑过]
发表于 2004-1-3 10:05:00 | 只看该作者
Yes, what you said is true. Everyone of us will consider and be confused by these thoughts. What I said is according to your articles in the forum, I know you are not a man who want to be common. What you wrote before must because you feel tired and has no courage. Sometimes I feel this too. It is not myself. And aftering thinking about this for a period, I told myself that it is just because you want to avoid your responsibility, you want to run away before the difficulties, but if you really live a life like that, you will feel boring and uncomfortable. Yes, it is me who will never want to stop walking forwards.I can feel you are the same kind people as me, so I wrote a paragraph like above, just wanting to give u courage. We are walkers along the road, we need courage from each other.

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