
[公告]国际广告公司招聘 Web/Digital Project Manager

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发表于 2010-4-2 14:55:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

International Communication Agency looking for Web/Digital Project Manager


Job Responsibilities:
-Lead development/implementation of website development projects to ensure they meet clients' business needs and IT systems.
-Work with the Account to understand, manage and communicate client business needs
-Negotiate, define, communicate and manage the scope of the project
-Be responsible for facilitating communications between internal project teams and eBusiness partners/freelancers for website development projects.
-Control quality, time and cost of web development projects.
-Lead performance tracking & analytics and routine maintenance


Job Qualifications:
-3-4 years working experience as a Project Manager managing major software or interactive web development initiatives; international projects experience are preferred
-Bachelor's Degree in business or technical field
-Strong technical and business aptitude
-Experience in using Google Analytics or other web analytics tools; good at performance tracking and provide analysis & recommendations.
-Experience in using and developing CMS (content management system)
-Strong numerical, literate and analytical skills
-Knowledge in Web_Based application development technology/tool (html, xml, JSP, ASP, .net ....) and web user experience preferred.
-Chinese applicant with good commend of English both in oral and written.
-Highly motivated and clearly self-directed


About band Chna


Founded in 2001, band is an international advertising & marketing agency specialized in CRM, digital marketing and channel activities. We provide strategic, creative & project management services for leading international brands in Singapore, China, Hong Kong and Paris. band is passionate about delivering innovative thinking from initial strategy, creative execution to measurement and analysis and providing brand value at every stage of the campaign process. We are specialists in developing communications and marketing strategies for both B2C and B2B environments.


For B2C, we specialize in CRM, direct & database marketing, loyalty marketing, channel marketing & sales promotion and work with clients such as Ping An, Etam, adidas, Friso, RT Mart, InBev, and Chanel. Within the B2B space, we specialize in developing channel marketing strategies, PRM programmes, go-to-market plans and lead generation activities and work with Panduit, Cisco, UPS & MasterCard.


For more information, please visit www.bandchina.com.cn


Please send resumes to jenny@bandchina.com.cn and quote the information source.


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